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Comunidad: Comunidad Valenciana
Convocatoria: Junio de 1997
Modalidad: LOGSE - Todas
Ejercicio: 1er Ejercicio B
Asignatura: Inglés
Obligatoriedad: Obligatoria
Duración: 60 minutos
Baremo: Reading comprehension: 2 points (1 point each); True/False: 1 point (0.5 each); Find synonym: 1 point (0.5 each); Multiple choice: 2 points (0.5 each); Composition. 4 points.

Part A. Reading comprehension

Read the following text:


Today all Americans are familiar with the three R's of garbage collecting - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Glass bottles go in one bin, newspapers in another and plastic cartons in yet a third. Even the homeless are participating by going around the cities with huge plastic bags in search of recyclable aluminium cans and glass bottles.

America is, in fact, in the middle of the recycling era that began in 1987, the year a boat named Mobro 4000 wandered for thousands of miles trying to find a site to throw its cargo of Long Island garbage. That memorable episode convinced many Americans that there was no more room for garbage in landfills and that recycling was the only way to save money and our dangerously polluted environment. State and city laws went into effect shortly after this, obliging to recycle. The Federal Government passed laws, requiring public agencies, newspaper and other companies to buy recycled materials. Even school programs began including weekly garbage-dividing sessions.

But now, almost ten years after the Mobro 4000 incident, recycling is being reevaluated. Is recycling really an efficient and cost-effective way to handle a nation's garbage? John Tierney, the author of "Recycling is garbage," affirms that recycling programs offer mainly benefits to a few groups - politicians, public relations consultants, environmental organizations - while wasting money that should be invested in other genuine social and environmental problems. For him, recycling is a waste of time and money. Should we then continue throwing the garbage in a landfill?

Garbage = basura

I. Answer these question using your own words:

  1. How are the wanderers (vagabundos) helping in the selection of garbage?
  2. What happened in 1987?

II. Are the following statements True (T) or False (F)?

  1. Children education is part of the recycling programs in the U. S.
  2. Nobody agrees with recycling in America today.

III. Find a word or phrase in the text which, in context, is similar in meaning to...

  1. Site to throw great amounts of garbage
  2. Economically positive

IV. Choose a, b, c or d in each question below. Only one choice is correct.

  1. Politicians, public relations consultants, and environmental organizations, according to John Tierney...
    1. get comissions from recycling companies.
    2. are benefited by recycling laws.
    3. waste time and money in recycling materials.
    4. do not agree with recycling.
  2. The Mobro 4000 was the name of...
    1. a ship.
    2. a recycling program.
    3. a car.
    4. a group of homeless.
  3. Collecting garbage in U.S. means...
    1. writing three R's on the dustbin.
    2. distributing the materials in the different bags for recycling.
    3. giving the homeless a job.
    4. recycling aluminium cans.
  4. In 1997,...
    1. the government has finally convinced Americans that recycling is the only way to save the environment.
    2. the Federal Government and many states have imposed new laws for the protection of the environment.
    3. the selection of garbage has been included as an activity in schools.
    4. an evaluation of recycling is being made.

Part B. Composition (100-150 words approximately)

Choose one of the following two topics:

  1. Garbage and pollution.What can be done with garbage? How can we protect the environment?
  2. The habit of selecting the garbage. Do you select the different garbage materials? Do you think this should be learnt at school?

Última modificación de esta página: 3 de junio de 2003