Dibujos en Unicode: Twemoji

Twemoji es un proyecto de Twitter con licencia libre CC-BY 4.0 que ofrece imágenes SVG de los emojis definidos en Unicode. El proyecto se encuentra alojado en un repositorio de GitHub.

Esta página es una recopilación de esas imágenes, para su consulta y descarga individual.

¡Atención! En algunos casos el código que asocia Twemoji a un dibujo no coincide con la secuencia Unicode correcta.

En Windows, Firefox muestra las imágenes de Twemoji (aunque no de la última versión de Twemoji, sino del proyecto twemoji-colr) cuando Windows no incluye los dibujos en la fuente Segoe.

Para entender esta página se recomienda leer las lecciones:

Esta página es la décima de un grupo de páginas que muestran diferentes símbolos Unicode agrupados por temas:

Información contenida en las fichas

Las fichas siguientes muestran los dibujos creados por el proyecto Twemoji con licencia libre CC-BY 4.0. Para cada carácter se muestra:

Suplemento controles y Latin-1

Se muestran aquí 2 caracteres Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+0080 hasta el carácter U+00FF. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.



Hex: ©
Dec: ©

copyright sign



Hex: ®
Dec: ®

registered sign


Se muestran aquí 2 caracteres Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+2000 hasta el carácter U+206F. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.


Hex: ‼
Dec: ‼

double exclamation mark


Hex: ⁉
Dec: ⁉

exclamation question mark

Símbolos con letras

Se muestran aquí 2 caracteres Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+2100 hasta el carácter U+214F. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.


Hex: ™
Dec: ™

trade mark sign


Hex: ℹ
Dec: ℹ

information source


Se muestran aquí 8 caracteres Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+2190 hasta el carácter U+21FF. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.


Hex: ↔
Dec: ↔

left right arrow


Hex: ↕
Dec: ↕

up down arrow


Hex: ↖
Dec: ↖

north west arrow


Hex: ↗
Dec: ↗

north east arrow


Hex: ↘
Dec: ↘

south east arrow


Hex: ↙
Dec: ↙

south west arrow


Hex: ↩
Dec: ↩

leftwards arrow with hook


Hex: ↪
Dec: ↪

rightwards arrow with hook

Símbolos técnicos misceláneos

Se muestran aquí 18 caracteres Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+2300 hasta el carácter U+23FE. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.


Hex: ⌚
Dec: ⌚



Hex: ⌛
Dec: ⌛



Hex: ⌨
Dec: ⌨



Hex: ⏏
Dec: ⏏

eject symbol


Hex: ⏩
Dec: ⏩

black right-pointing double triangle


Hex: ⏪
Dec: ⏪

black left-pointing double triangle


Hex: ⏫
Dec: ⏫

black up-pointing double triangle


Hex: ⏬
Dec: ⏬

black down-pointing double triangle


Hex: ⏭
Dec: ⏭

black right-pointing double triangle with vertical bar


Hex: ⏮
Dec: ⏮

black left-pointing double triangle with vertical bar


Hex: ⏯
Dec: ⏯

black right-pointing triangle with double vertical bar


Hex: ⏰
Dec: ⏰

alarm clock


Hex: ⏱
Dec: ⏱



Hex: ⏲
Dec: ⏲

timer clock


Hex: ⏳
Dec: ⏳

hourglass with flowing sand


Hex: ⏸
Dec: ⏸

double vertical bar


Hex: ⏹
Dec: ⏹

black square for stop


Hex: ⏺
Dec: ⏺

black circle for record

Símbolos alfanuméricos con círculo alrededor

Se muestra aquí 1 carácter Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+2460 hasta el carácter U+24FF. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.


Hex: Ⓜ
Dec: Ⓜ

circled latin capital letter m

Formas geométricas

Se muestran aquí 8 caracteres Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+25A0 hasta el carácter U+25FF. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.


Hex: ▪
Dec: ▪

black small square


Hex: ▫
Dec: ▫

white small square


Hex: ▶
Dec: ▶

black right-pointing triangle


Hex: ◀
Dec: ◀

black left-pointing triangle


Hex: ◻
Dec: ◻

white medium square


Hex: ◼
Dec: ◼

black medium square


Hex: ◽
Dec: ◽

white medium small square


Hex: ◾
Dec: ◾

black medium small square

Símbolos misceláneos

Se muestran aquí 83 caracteres Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+2600 hasta el carácter U+26FF. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.


Hex: ☀
Dec: ☀

black sun with rays


Hex: ☁
Dec: ☁



Hex: ☂
Dec: ☂



Hex: ☃
Dec: ☃



Hex: ☄
Dec: ☄



Hex: ☎
Dec: ☎

black telephone


Hex: ☑
Dec: ☑

ballot box with check


Hex: ☔
Dec: ☔

umbrella with rain drops


Hex: ☕
Dec: ☕

hot beverage


Hex: ☘
Dec: ☘



Hex: ☝
Dec: ☝

white up pointing index


Hex: ☠
Dec: ☠

skull and crossbones


Hex: ☢
Dec: ☢

radioactive sign


Hex: ☣
Dec: ☣

biohazard sign


Hex: ☦
Dec: ☦

orthodox cross


Hex: ☪
Dec: ☪

star and crescent


Hex: ☮
Dec: ☮

peace symbol


Hex: ☯
Dec: ☯

yin yang


Hex: ☸
Dec: ☸

wheel of dharma


Hex: ☹
Dec: ☹

white frowning face


Hex: ☺
Dec: ☺

white smiling face


Hex: ♀
Dec: ♀

female sign


Hex: ♂
Dec: ♂

male sign


Hex: ♈
Dec: ♈



Hex: ♉
Dec: ♉



Hex: ♊
Dec: ♊



Hex: ♋
Dec: ♋



Hex: ♌
Dec: ♌



Hex: ♍
Dec: ♍



Hex: ♎
Dec: ♎



Hex: ♏
Dec: ♏



Hex: ♐
Dec: ♐



Hex: ♑
Dec: ♑



Hex: ♒
Dec: ♒



Hex: ♓
Dec: ♓



Hex: ♟
Dec: ♟

black chess pawn


Hex: ♠
Dec: ♠

black spade suit


Hex: ♣
Dec: ♣

black club suit


Hex: ♥
Dec: ♥

black heart suit


Hex: ♦
Dec: ♦

black diamond suit


Hex: ♨
Dec: ♨

hot springs


Hex: ♻
Dec: ♻

black universal recycling symbol


Hex: ♾
Dec: ♾

permanent paper sign


Hex: ♿
Dec: ♿

wheelchair symbol


Hex: ⚒
Dec: ⚒

hammer and pick


Hex: ⚓
Dec: ⚓



Hex: ⚔
Dec: ⚔

crossed swords


Hex: ⚕
Dec: ⚕

staff of aesculapius


Hex: ⚖
Dec: ⚖



Hex: ⚗
Dec: ⚗



Hex: ⚙
Dec: ⚙



Hex: ⚛
Dec: ⚛

atom symbol


Hex: ⚜
Dec: ⚜



Hex: ⚠
Dec: ⚠

warning sign


Hex: ⚡
Dec: ⚡

high voltage sign


Hex: ⚧
Dec: ⚧

male with stroke and male and female sign


Hex: ⚪
Dec: ⚪

medium white circle


Hex: ⚫
Dec: ⚫

medium black circle


Hex: ⚰
Dec: ⚰



Hex: ⚱
Dec: ⚱

funeral urn


Hex: ⚽
Dec: ⚽

soccer ball


Hex: ⚾
Dec: ⚾



Hex: ⛄
Dec: ⛄

snowman without snow


Hex: ⛅
Dec: ⛅

sun behind cloud


Hex: ⛈
Dec: ⛈

thunder cloud and rain


Hex: ⛎
Dec: ⛎



Hex: ⛏
Dec: ⛏



Hex: ⛑
Dec: ⛑

helmet with white cross


Hex: ⛓
Dec: ⛓



Hex: ⛔
Dec: ⛔

no entry


Hex: ⛩
Dec: ⛩

shinto shrine


Hex: ⛪
Dec: ⛪



Hex: ⛰
Dec: ⛰



Hex: ⛱
Dec: ⛱

umbrella on ground


Hex: ⛲
Dec: ⛲



Hex: ⛳
Dec: ⛳

flag in hole


Hex: ⛴
Dec: ⛴



Hex: ⛵
Dec: ⛵



Hex: ⛷
Dec: ⛷



Hex: ⛸
Dec: ⛸

ice skate


Hex: ⛹
Dec: ⛹

person with ball


Hex: ⛺
Dec: ⛺



Hex: ⛽
Dec: ⛽

fuel pump


Se muestran aquí 33 caracteres Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+2700 hasta el carácter U+27BF. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.


Hex: ✂
Dec: ✂

black scissors


Hex: ✅
Dec: ✅

white heavy check mark


Hex: ✈
Dec: ✈



Hex: ✉
Dec: ✉



Hex: ✊
Dec: ✊

raised fist


Hex: ✋
Dec: ✋

raised hand


Hex: ✌
Dec: ✌

victory hand


Hex: ✍
Dec: ✍

writing hand


Hex: ✏
Dec: ✏



Hex: ✒
Dec: ✒

black nib


Hex: ✔
Dec: ✔

heavy check mark


Hex: ✖
Dec: ✖

heavy multiplication x


Hex: ✝
Dec: ✝

latin cross


Hex: ✡
Dec: ✡

star of david


Hex: ✨
Dec: ✨



Hex: ✳
Dec: ✳

eight spoked asterisk


Hex: ✴
Dec: ✴

eight pointed black star


Hex: ❄
Dec: ❄



Hex: ❇
Dec: ❇



Hex: ❌
Dec: ❌

cross mark


Hex: ❎
Dec: ❎

negative squared cross mark


Hex: ❓
Dec: ❓

black question mark ornament


Hex: ❔
Dec: ❔

white question mark ornament


Hex: ❕
Dec: ❕

white exclamation mark ornament


Hex: ❗
Dec: ❗

heavy exclamation mark symbol


Hex: ❣
Dec: ❣

heavy heart exclamation mark ornament


Hex: ❤
Dec: ❤

heavy black heart


Hex: ➕
Dec: ➕

heavy plus sign


Hex: ➖
Dec: ➖

heavy minus sign


Hex: ➗
Dec: ➗

heavy division sign


Hex: ➡
Dec: ➡

black rightwards arrow


Hex: ➰
Dec: ➰

curly loop


Hex: ➿
Dec: ➿

double curly loop

Flechas suplementarias B

Se muestran aquí 2 caracteres Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+2900 hasta el carácter U+297F. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.


Hex: ⤴
Dec: ⤴

arrow pointing rightwards then curving upwards


Hex: ⤵
Dec: ⤵

arrow pointing rightwards then curving downwards

Símbolos y flechas misceláneos

Se muestran aquí 7 caracteres Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+2B00 hasta el carácter U+2BFF. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.


Hex: ⬅
Dec: ⬅

leftwards black arrow


Hex: ⬆
Dec: ⬆

upwards black arrow


Hex: ⬇
Dec: ⬇

downwards black arrow


Hex: ⬛
Dec: ⬛

black large square


Hex: ⬜
Dec: ⬜

white large square


Hex: ⭐
Dec: ⭐

white medium star


Hex: ⭕
Dec: ⭕

heavy large circle

Símbolos y puntuación CJK

Se muestran aquí 2 caracteres Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+3000 hasta el carácter U+303F. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.


Hex: 〰
Dec: 〰

wavy dash


Hex: 〽
Dec: 〽

part alternation mark

Símbolos CJK con círculo alrededor

Se muestran aquí 2 caracteres Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+3200 hasta el carácter U+32FF. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.


Hex: ㊗
Dec: ㊗

circled ideograph congratulation


Hex: ㊙
Dec: ㊙

circled ideograph secret

Fichas de Mahjong

Se muestra aquí 1 carácter Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+1F000 hasta el carácter U+1F02B. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.



Hex: 🀄
Dec: 🀄

mahjong tile red dragon


Se muestra aquí 1 carácter Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+1F0A0 hasta el carácter U+1F0F5. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.



Hex: 🃏
Dec: 🃏

playing card black joker

Suplemento alfanuméricos con círculo alrededor

Se muestran aquí 41 caracteres Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+1F100 hasta el carácter U+1F1FF. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.



Hex: 🅰
Dec: 🅰

negative squared latin capital letter a



Hex: 🅱
Dec: 🅱

negative squared latin capital letter b



Hex: 🅾
Dec: 🅾

negative squared latin capital letter o



Hex: 🅿
Dec: 🅿

negative squared latin capital letter p



Hex: 🆎
Dec: 🆎

negative squared ab



Hex: 🆑
Dec: 🆑

squared cl



Hex: 🆒
Dec: 🆒

squared cool



Hex: 🆓
Dec: 🆓

squared free



Hex: 🆔
Dec: 🆔

squared id



Hex: 🆕
Dec: 🆕

squared new



Hex: 🆖
Dec: 🆖

squared ng



Hex: 🆗
Dec: 🆗

squared ok



Hex: 🆘
Dec: 🆘

squared sos



Hex: 🆙
Dec: 🆙

squared up with exclamation mark



Hex: 🆚
Dec: 🆚

squared vs



Hex: 🇦
Dec: 🇦

regional indicator symbol letter a

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇧
Dec: 🇧

regional indicator symbol letter b

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇨
Dec: 🇨

regional indicator symbol letter c

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇩
Dec: 🇩

regional indicator symbol letter d

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇪
Dec: 🇪

regional indicator symbol letter e

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇫
Dec: 🇫

regional indicator symbol letter f

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇬
Dec: 🇬

regional indicator symbol letter g

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇭
Dec: 🇭

regional indicator symbol letter h

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇮
Dec: 🇮

regional indicator symbol letter i

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇯
Dec: 🇯

regional indicator symbol letter j

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇰
Dec: 🇰

regional indicator symbol letter k

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇱
Dec: 🇱

regional indicator symbol letter l

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇲
Dec: 🇲

regional indicator symbol letter m

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇳
Dec: 🇳

regional indicator symbol letter n

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇴
Dec: 🇴

regional indicator symbol letter o

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇵
Dec: 🇵

regional indicator symbol letter p

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇶
Dec: 🇶

regional indicator symbol letter q

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇷
Dec: 🇷

regional indicator symbol letter r

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇸
Dec: 🇸

regional indicator symbol letter s

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇹
Dec: 🇹

regional indicator symbol letter t

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇺
Dec: 🇺

regional indicator symbol letter u

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇻
Dec: 🇻

regional indicator symbol letter v

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇼
Dec: 🇼

regional indicator symbol letter w

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇽
Dec: 🇽

regional indicator symbol letter x

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇾
Dec: 🇾

regional indicator symbol letter y

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇿
Dec: 🇿

regional indicator symbol letter z

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

Suplemento ideográfico con círculo alrededor

Se muestran aquí 15 caracteres Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+1F200 hasta el carácter U+1F2FF. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.



Hex: 🈁
Dec: 🈁

squared katakana koko



Hex: 🈂
Dec: 🈂

squared katakana sa



Hex: 🈚
Dec: 🈚

squared cjk unified ideograph-7121



Hex: 🈯
Dec: 🈯

squared cjk unified ideograph-6307



Hex: 🈲
Dec: 🈲

squared cjk unified ideograph-7981



Hex: 🈳
Dec: 🈳

squared cjk unified ideograph-7a7a



Hex: 🈴
Dec: 🈴

squared cjk unified ideograph-5408



Hex: 🈵
Dec: 🈵

squared cjk unified ideograph-6e80



Hex: 🈶
Dec: 🈶

squared cjk unified ideograph-6709



Hex: 🈷
Dec: 🈷

squared cjk unified ideograph-6708



Hex: 🈸
Dec: 🈸

squared cjk unified ideograph-7533



Hex: 🈹
Dec: 🈹

squared cjk unified ideograph-5272



Hex: 🈺
Dec: 🈺

squared cjk unified ideograph-55b6



Hex: 🉐
Dec: 🉐

circled ideograph advantage



Hex: 🉑
Dec: 🉑

circled ideograph accept

Formas geométricas extendidas

Se muestran aquí 13 caracteres Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+1F780 hasta el carácter U+1F7F0. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.



Hex: 🟠
Dec: 🟠

large orange circle



Hex: 🟡
Dec: 🟡

large yellow circle



Hex: 🟢
Dec: 🟢

large green circle



Hex: 🟣
Dec: 🟣

large purple circle



Hex: 🟤
Dec: 🟤

large brown circle



Hex: 🟥
Dec: 🟥

large red square



Hex: 🟦
Dec: 🟦

large blue square



Hex: 🟧
Dec: 🟧

large orange square



Hex: 🟨
Dec: 🟨

large yellow square



Hex: 🟩
Dec: 🟩

large green square



Hex: 🟪
Dec: 🟪

large purple square



Hex: 🟫
Dec: 🟫

large brown square



Hex: 🟰
Dec: 🟰

heavy equals sign

No disponible en Windows 10

Símbolos y pictogramas misceláneos

Se muestran aquí 637 caracteres Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+1F300 hasta el carácter U+1F5FF. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.



Hex: 🌀
Dec: 🌀




Hex: 🌁
Dec: 🌁




Hex: 🌂
Dec: 🌂

closed umbrella



Hex: 🌃
Dec: 🌃

night with stars



Hex: 🌄
Dec: 🌄

sunrise over mountains



Hex: 🌅
Dec: 🌅




Hex: 🌆
Dec: 🌆

cityscape at dusk



Hex: 🌇
Dec: 🌇

sunset over buildings



Hex: 🌈
Dec: 🌈




Hex: 🌉
Dec: 🌉

bridge at night



Hex: 🌊
Dec: 🌊

water wave



Hex: 🌋
Dec: 🌋




Hex: 🌌
Dec: 🌌

milky way



Hex: 🌍
Dec: 🌍

earth globe europe-africa



Hex: 🌎
Dec: 🌎

earth globe americas



Hex: 🌏
Dec: 🌏

earth globe asia-australia



Hex: 🌐
Dec: 🌐

globe with meridians



Hex: 🌑
Dec: 🌑

new moon symbol



Hex: 🌒
Dec: 🌒

waxing crescent moon symbol



Hex: 🌓
Dec: 🌓

first quarter moon symbol



Hex: 🌔
Dec: 🌔

waxing gibbous moon symbol



Hex: 🌕
Dec: 🌕

full moon symbol



Hex: 🌖
Dec: 🌖

waning gibbous moon symbol



Hex: 🌗
Dec: 🌗

last quarter moon symbol



Hex: 🌘
Dec: 🌘

waning crescent moon symbol



Hex: 🌙
Dec: 🌙

crescent moon



Hex: 🌚
Dec: 🌚

new moon with face



Hex: 🌛
Dec: 🌛

first quarter moon with face



Hex: 🌜
Dec: 🌜

last quarter moon with face



Hex: 🌝
Dec: 🌝

full moon with face



Hex: 🌞
Dec: 🌞

sun with face



Hex: 🌟
Dec: 🌟

glowing star



Hex: 🌠
Dec: 🌠

shooting star



Hex: 🌡
Dec: 🌡




Hex: 🌤
Dec: 🌤

white sun with small cloud



Hex: 🌥
Dec: 🌥

white sun behind cloud



Hex: 🌦
Dec: 🌦

white sun behind cloud with rain



Hex: 🌧
Dec: 🌧

cloud with rain



Hex: 🌨
Dec: 🌨

cloud with snow



Hex: 🌩
Dec: 🌩

cloud with lightning



Hex: 🌪
Dec: 🌪

cloud with tornado



Hex: 🌫
Dec: 🌫




Hex: 🌬
Dec: 🌬

wind blowing face



Hex: 🌭
Dec: 🌭

hot dog



Hex: 🌮
Dec: 🌮




Hex: 🌯
Dec: 🌯




Hex: 🌰
Dec: 🌰




Hex: 🌱
Dec: 🌱




Hex: 🌲
Dec: 🌲

evergreen tree



Hex: 🌳
Dec: 🌳

deciduous tree



Hex: 🌴
Dec: 🌴

palm tree



Hex: 🌵
Dec: 🌵




Hex: 🌶
Dec: 🌶

hot pepper



Hex: 🌷
Dec: 🌷




Hex: 🌸
Dec: 🌸

cherry blossom



Hex: 🌹
Dec: 🌹




Hex: 🌺
Dec: 🌺




Hex: 🌻
Dec: 🌻




Hex: 🌼
Dec: 🌼




Hex: 🌽
Dec: 🌽

ear of maize



Hex: 🌾
Dec: 🌾

ear of rice



Hex: 🌿
Dec: 🌿




Hex: 🍀
Dec: 🍀

four leaf clover



Hex: 🍁
Dec: 🍁

maple leaf



Hex: 🍂
Dec: 🍂

fallen leaf



Hex: 🍃
Dec: 🍃

leaf fluttering in wind



Hex: 🍄
Dec: 🍄




Hex: 🍅
Dec: 🍅




Hex: 🍆
Dec: 🍆




Hex: 🍇
Dec: 🍇




Hex: 🍈
Dec: 🍈




Hex: 🍉
Dec: 🍉




Hex: 🍊
Dec: 🍊




Hex: 🍋
Dec: 🍋




Hex: 🍌
Dec: 🍌




Hex: 🍍
Dec: 🍍




Hex: 🍎
Dec: 🍎

red apple



Hex: 🍏
Dec: 🍏

green apple



Hex: 🍐
Dec: 🍐




Hex: 🍑
Dec: 🍑




Hex: 🍒
Dec: 🍒




Hex: 🍓
Dec: 🍓




Hex: 🍔
Dec: 🍔




Hex: 🍕
Dec: 🍕

slice of pizza



Hex: 🍖
Dec: 🍖

meat on bone



Hex: 🍗
Dec: 🍗

poultry leg



Hex: 🍘
Dec: 🍘

rice cracker



Hex: 🍙
Dec: 🍙

rice ball



Hex: 🍚
Dec: 🍚

cooked rice



Hex: 🍛
Dec: 🍛

curry and rice



Hex: 🍜
Dec: 🍜

steaming bowl



Hex: 🍝
Dec: 🍝




Hex: 🍞
Dec: 🍞




Hex: 🍟
Dec: 🍟

french fries



Hex: 🍠
Dec: 🍠

roasted sweet potato



Hex: 🍡
Dec: 🍡




Hex: 🍢
Dec: 🍢




Hex: 🍣
Dec: 🍣




Hex: 🍤
Dec: 🍤

fried shrimp



Hex: 🍥
Dec: 🍥

fish cake with swirl design



Hex: 🍦
Dec: 🍦

soft ice cream



Hex: 🍧
Dec: 🍧

shaved ice



Hex: 🍨
Dec: 🍨

ice cream



Hex: 🍩
Dec: 🍩




Hex: 🍪
Dec: 🍪




Hex: 🍫
Dec: 🍫

chocolate bar



Hex: 🍬
Dec: 🍬




Hex: 🍭
Dec: 🍭




Hex: 🍮
Dec: 🍮




Hex: 🍯
Dec: 🍯

honey pot



Hex: 🍰
Dec: 🍰




Hex: 🍱
Dec: 🍱

bento box



Hex: 🍲
Dec: 🍲

pot of food



Hex: 🍳
Dec: 🍳




Hex: 🍴
Dec: 🍴

fork and knife



Hex: 🍵
Dec: 🍵

teacup without handle



Hex: 🍶
Dec: 🍶

sake bottle and cup



Hex: 🍷
Dec: 🍷

wine glass



Hex: 🍸
Dec: 🍸

cocktail glass



Hex: 🍹
Dec: 🍹

tropical drink



Hex: 🍺
Dec: 🍺

beer mug



Hex: 🍻
Dec: 🍻

clinking beer mugs



Hex: 🍼
Dec: 🍼

baby bottle



Hex: 🍽
Dec: 🍽

fork and knife with plate



Hex: 🍾
Dec: 🍾

bottle with popping cork



Hex: 🍿
Dec: 🍿




Hex: 🎀
Dec: 🎀




Hex: 🎁
Dec: 🎁

wrapped present



Hex: 🎂
Dec: 🎂

birthday cake



Hex: 🎃
Dec: 🎃




Hex: 🎄
Dec: 🎄

christmas tree



Hex: 🎅
Dec: 🎅

father christmas



Hex: 🎆
Dec: 🎆




Hex: 🎇
Dec: 🎇

firework sparkler



Hex: 🎈
Dec: 🎈




Hex: 🎉
Dec: 🎉

party popper



Hex: 🎊
Dec: 🎊

confetti ball



Hex: 🎋
Dec: 🎋

tanabata tree



Hex: 🎌
Dec: 🎌

crossed flags



Hex: 🎍
Dec: 🎍

pine decoration



Hex: 🎎
Dec: 🎎

japanese dolls



Hex: 🎏
Dec: 🎏

carp streamer



Hex: 🎐
Dec: 🎐

wind chime



Hex: 🎑
Dec: 🎑

moon viewing ceremony



Hex: 🎒
Dec: 🎒

school satchel



Hex: 🎓
Dec: 🎓

graduation cap



Hex: 🎖
Dec: 🎖

military medal



Hex: 🎗
Dec: 🎗

reminder ribbon



Hex: 🎙
Dec: 🎙

studio microphone



Hex: 🎚
Dec: 🎚

level slider



Hex: 🎛
Dec: 🎛

control knobs



Hex: 🎞
Dec: 🎞

film frames



Hex: 🎟
Dec: 🎟

admission tickets



Hex: 🎠
Dec: 🎠

carousel horse



Hex: 🎡
Dec: 🎡

ferris wheel



Hex: 🎢
Dec: 🎢

roller coaster



Hex: 🎣
Dec: 🎣

fishing pole and fish



Hex: 🎤
Dec: 🎤




Hex: 🎥
Dec: 🎥

movie camera



Hex: 🎦
Dec: 🎦




Hex: 🎧
Dec: 🎧




Hex: 🎨
Dec: 🎨

artist palette



Hex: 🎩
Dec: 🎩

top hat



Hex: 🎪
Dec: 🎪

circus tent



Hex: 🎫
Dec: 🎫




Hex: 🎬
Dec: 🎬

clapper board



Hex: 🎭
Dec: 🎭

performing arts



Hex: 🎮
Dec: 🎮

video game



Hex: 🎯
Dec: 🎯

direct hit



Hex: 🎰
Dec: 🎰

slot machine



Hex: 🎱
Dec: 🎱




Hex: 🎲
Dec: 🎲

game die



Hex: 🎳
Dec: 🎳




Hex: 🎴
Dec: 🎴

flower playing cards



Hex: 🎵
Dec: 🎵

musical note



Hex: 🎶
Dec: 🎶

multiple musical notes



Hex: 🎷
Dec: 🎷




Hex: 🎸
Dec: 🎸




Hex: 🎹
Dec: 🎹

musical keyboard



Hex: 🎺
Dec: 🎺




Hex: 🎻
Dec: 🎻




Hex: 🎼
Dec: 🎼

musical score



Hex: 🎽
Dec: 🎽

running shirt with sash



Hex: 🎾
Dec: 🎾

tennis racquet and ball



Hex: 🎿
Dec: 🎿

ski and ski boot



Hex: 🏀
Dec: 🏀

basketball and hoop



Hex: 🏁
Dec: 🏁

chequered flag



Hex: 🏂
Dec: 🏂




Hex: 🏃
Dec: 🏃




Hex: 🏄
Dec: 🏄




Hex: 🏅
Dec: 🏅

sports medal



Hex: 🏆
Dec: 🏆




Hex: 🏇
Dec: 🏇

horse racing



Hex: 🏈
Dec: 🏈

american football



Hex: 🏉
Dec: 🏉

rugby football



Hex: 🏊
Dec: 🏊




Hex: 🏋
Dec: 🏋

weight lifter



Hex: 🏌
Dec: 🏌




Hex: 🏍
Dec: 🏍

racing motorcycle



Hex: 🏎
Dec: 🏎

racing car



Hex: 🏏
Dec: 🏏

cricket bat and ball



Hex: 🏐
Dec: 🏐




Hex: 🏑
Dec: 🏑

field hockey stick and ball



Hex: 🏒
Dec: 🏒

ice hockey stick and puck



Hex: 🏓
Dec: 🏓

table tennis paddle and ball



Hex: 🏔
Dec: 🏔

snow capped mountain



Hex: 🏕
Dec: 🏕




Hex: 🏖
Dec: 🏖

beach with umbrella



Hex: 🏗
Dec: 🏗

building construction



Hex: 🏘
Dec: 🏘

house buildings



Hex: 🏙
Dec: 🏙




Hex: 🏚
Dec: 🏚

derelict house building



Hex: 🏛
Dec: 🏛

classical building



Hex: 🏜
Dec: 🏜




Hex: 🏝
Dec: 🏝

desert island



Hex: 🏞
Dec: 🏞

national park



Hex: 🏟
Dec: 🏟




Hex: 🏠
Dec: 🏠

house building



Hex: 🏡
Dec: 🏡

house with garden



Hex: 🏢
Dec: 🏢

office building



Hex: 🏣
Dec: 🏣

japanese post office



Hex: 🏤
Dec: 🏤

european post office



Hex: 🏥
Dec: 🏥




Hex: 🏦
Dec: 🏦




Hex: 🏧
Dec: 🏧

automated teller machine



Hex: 🏨
Dec: 🏨




Hex: 🏩
Dec: 🏩

love hotel



Hex: 🏪
Dec: 🏪

convenience store



Hex: 🏫
Dec: 🏫




Hex: 🏬
Dec: 🏬

department store



Hex: 🏭
Dec: 🏭




Hex: 🏮
Dec: 🏮

izakaya lantern



Hex: 🏯
Dec: 🏯

japanese castle



Hex: 🏰
Dec: 🏰

european castle



Hex: 🏳
Dec: 🏳

waving white flag



Hex: 🏴
Dec: 🏴

waving black flag



Hex: 🏵
Dec: 🏵




Hex: 🏷
Dec: 🏷




Hex: 🏸
Dec: 🏸

badminton racquet and shuttlecock



Hex: 🏹
Dec: 🏹

bow and arrow



Hex: 🏺
Dec: 🏺




Hex: 🏻
Dec: 🏻

emoji modifier fitzpatrick type-1-2



Hex: 🏼
Dec: 🏼

emoji modifier fitzpatrick type-3



Hex: 🏽
Dec: 🏽

emoji modifier fitzpatrick type-4



Hex: 🏾
Dec: 🏾

emoji modifier fitzpatrick type-5



Hex: 🏿
Dec: 🏿

emoji modifier fitzpatrick type-6



Hex: 🐀
Dec: 🐀




Hex: 🐁
Dec: 🐁




Hex: 🐂
Dec: 🐂




Hex: 🐃
Dec: 🐃

water buffalo



Hex: 🐄
Dec: 🐄




Hex: 🐅
Dec: 🐅




Hex: 🐆
Dec: 🐆




Hex: 🐇
Dec: 🐇




Hex: 🐈
Dec: 🐈




Hex: 🐉
Dec: 🐉




Hex: 🐊
Dec: 🐊




Hex: 🐋
Dec: 🐋




Hex: 🐌
Dec: 🐌




Hex: 🐍
Dec: 🐍




Hex: 🐎
Dec: 🐎




Hex: 🐏
Dec: 🐏




Hex: 🐐
Dec: 🐐




Hex: 🐑
Dec: 🐑




Hex: 🐒
Dec: 🐒




Hex: 🐓
Dec: 🐓




Hex: 🐔
Dec: 🐔




Hex: 🐕
Dec: 🐕




Hex: 🐖
Dec: 🐖




Hex: 🐗
Dec: 🐗




Hex: 🐘
Dec: 🐘




Hex: 🐙
Dec: 🐙




Hex: 🐚
Dec: 🐚

spiral shell



Hex: 🐛
Dec: 🐛




Hex: 🐜
Dec: 🐜




Hex: 🐝
Dec: 🐝




Hex: 🐞
Dec: 🐞

lady beetle



Hex: 🐟
Dec: 🐟




Hex: 🐠
Dec: 🐠

tropical fish



Hex: 🐡
Dec: 🐡




Hex: 🐢
Dec: 🐢




Hex: 🐣
Dec: 🐣

hatching chick



Hex: 🐤
Dec: 🐤

baby chick



Hex: 🐥
Dec: 🐥

front-facing baby chick



Hex: 🐦
Dec: 🐦




Hex: 🐧
Dec: 🐧




Hex: 🐨
Dec: 🐨




Hex: 🐩
Dec: 🐩




Hex: 🐪
Dec: 🐪

dromedary camel



Hex: 🐫
Dec: 🐫

bactrian camel



Hex: 🐬
Dec: 🐬




Hex: 🐭
Dec: 🐭

mouse face



Hex: 🐮
Dec: 🐮

cow face



Hex: 🐯
Dec: 🐯

tiger face



Hex: 🐰
Dec: 🐰

rabbit face



Hex: 🐱
Dec: 🐱

cat face



Hex: 🐲
Dec: 🐲

dragon face



Hex: 🐳
Dec: 🐳

spouting whale



Hex: 🐴
Dec: 🐴

horse face



Hex: 🐵
Dec: 🐵

monkey face



Hex: 🐶
Dec: 🐶

dog face



Hex: 🐷
Dec: 🐷

pig face



Hex: 🐸
Dec: 🐸

frog face



Hex: 🐹
Dec: 🐹

hamster face



Hex: 🐺
Dec: 🐺

wolf face



Hex: 🐻
Dec: 🐻

bear face



Hex: 🐼
Dec: 🐼

panda face



Hex: 🐽
Dec: 🐽

pig nose



Hex: 🐾
Dec: 🐾

paw prints



Hex: 🐿
Dec: 🐿




Hex: 👀
Dec: 👀




Hex: 👁
Dec: 👁




Hex: 👂
Dec: 👂




Hex: 👃
Dec: 👃




Hex: 👄
Dec: 👄




Hex: 👅
Dec: 👅




Hex: 👆
Dec: 👆

white up pointing backhand index



Hex: 👇
Dec: 👇

white down pointing backhand index



Hex: 👈
Dec: 👈

white left pointing backhand index



Hex: 👉
Dec: 👉

white right pointing backhand index



Hex: 👊
Dec: 👊

fisted hand sign



Hex: 👋
Dec: 👋

waving hand sign



Hex: 👌
Dec: 👌

ok hand sign



Hex: 👍
Dec: 👍

thumbs up sign



Hex: 👎
Dec: 👎

thumbs down sign



Hex: 👏
Dec: 👏

clapping hands sign



Hex: 👐
Dec: 👐

open hands sign



Hex: 👑
Dec: 👑




Hex: 👒
Dec: 👒

womans hat



Hex: 👓
Dec: 👓




Hex: 👔
Dec: 👔




Hex: 👕
Dec: 👕




Hex: 👖
Dec: 👖




Hex: 👗
Dec: 👗




Hex: 👘
Dec: 👘




Hex: 👙
Dec: 👙




Hex: 👚
Dec: 👚

womans clothes



Hex: 👛
Dec: 👛




Hex: 👜
Dec: 👜




Hex: 👝
Dec: 👝




Hex: 👞
Dec: 👞

mans shoe



Hex: 👟
Dec: 👟

athletic shoe



Hex: 👠
Dec: 👠

high-heeled shoe



Hex: 👡
Dec: 👡

womans sandal



Hex: 👢
Dec: 👢

womans boots



Hex: 👣
Dec: 👣




Hex: 👤
Dec: 👤

bust in silhouette



Hex: 👥
Dec: 👥

busts in silhouette



Hex: 👦
Dec: 👦




Hex: 👧
Dec: 👧




Hex: 👨
Dec: 👨




Hex: 👩
Dec: 👩




Hex: 👪
Dec: 👪




Hex: 👫
Dec: 👫

man and woman holding hands



Hex: 👬
Dec: 👬

two men holding hands



Hex: 👭
Dec: 👭

two women holding hands



Hex: 👮
Dec: 👮

police officer



Hex: 👯
Dec: 👯

woman with bunny ears



Hex: 👰
Dec: 👰

bride with veil



Hex: 👱
Dec: 👱

person with blond hair



Hex: 👲
Dec: 👲

man with gua pi mao



Hex: 👳
Dec: 👳

man with turban



Hex: 👴
Dec: 👴

older man



Hex: 👵
Dec: 👵

older woman



Hex: 👶
Dec: 👶




Hex: 👷
Dec: 👷

construction worker



Hex: 👸
Dec: 👸




Hex: 👹
Dec: 👹

japanese ogre



Hex: 👺
Dec: 👺

japanese goblin



Hex: 👻
Dec: 👻




Hex: 👼
Dec: 👼

baby angel



Hex: 👽
Dec: 👽

extraterrestrial alien



Hex: 👾
Dec: 👾

alien monster



Hex: 👿
Dec: 👿




Hex: 💀
Dec: 💀




Hex: 💁
Dec: 💁

information desk person



Hex: 💂
Dec: 💂




Hex: 💃
Dec: 💃




Hex: 💄
Dec: 💄




Hex: 💅
Dec: 💅

nail polish



Hex: 💆
Dec: 💆

face massage



Hex: 💇
Dec: 💇




Hex: 💈
Dec: 💈

barber pole



Hex: 💉
Dec: 💉




Hex: 💊
Dec: 💊




Hex: 💋
Dec: 💋

kiss mark



Hex: 💌
Dec: 💌

love letter



Hex: 💍
Dec: 💍




Hex: 💎
Dec: 💎

gem stone



Hex: 💏
Dec: 💏




Hex: 💐
Dec: 💐




Hex: 💑
Dec: 💑

couple with heart



Hex: 💒
Dec: 💒




Hex: 💓
Dec: 💓

beating heart



Hex: 💔
Dec: 💔

broken heart



Hex: 💕
Dec: 💕

two hearts



Hex: 💖
Dec: 💖

sparkling heart



Hex: 💗
Dec: 💗

growing heart



Hex: 💘
Dec: 💘

heart with arrow



Hex: 💙
Dec: 💙

blue heart



Hex: 💚
Dec: 💚

green heart



Hex: 💛
Dec: 💛

yellow heart



Hex: 💜
Dec: 💜

purple heart



Hex: 💝
Dec: 💝

heart with ribbon



Hex: 💞
Dec: 💞

revolving hearts



Hex: 💟
Dec: 💟

heart decoration



Hex: 💠
Dec: 💠

diamond shape with a dot inside



Hex: 💡
Dec: 💡

electric light bulb



Hex: 💢
Dec: 💢

anger symbol



Hex: 💣
Dec: 💣




Hex: 💤
Dec: 💤

sleeping symbol



Hex: 💥
Dec: 💥

collision symbol



Hex: 💦
Dec: 💦

splashing sweat symbol



Hex: 💧
Dec: 💧




Hex: 💨
Dec: 💨

dash symbol



Hex: 💩
Dec: 💩

pile of poo



Hex: 💪
Dec: 💪

flexed biceps



Hex: 💫
Dec: 💫

dizzy symbol



Hex: 💬
Dec: 💬

speech balloon



Hex: 💭
Dec: 💭

thought balloon



Hex: 💮
Dec: 💮

white flower



Hex: 💯
Dec: 💯

hundred points symbol



Hex: 💰
Dec: 💰

money bag



Hex: 💱
Dec: 💱

currency exchange



Hex: 💲
Dec: 💲

heavy dollar sign



Hex: 💳
Dec: 💳

credit card



Hex: 💴
Dec: 💴

banknote with yen sign



Hex: 💵
Dec: 💵

banknote with dollar sign



Hex: 💶
Dec: 💶

banknote with euro sign



Hex: 💷
Dec: 💷

banknote with pound sign



Hex: 💸
Dec: 💸

money with wings



Hex: 💹
Dec: 💹

chart with upwards trend and yen sign



Hex: 💺
Dec: 💺




Hex: 💻
Dec: 💻

personal computer



Hex: 💼
Dec: 💼




Hex: 💽
Dec: 💽




Hex: 💾
Dec: 💾

floppy disk



Hex: 💿
Dec: 💿

optical disc



Hex: 📀
Dec: 📀




Hex: 📁
Dec: 📁

file folder



Hex: 📂
Dec: 📂

open file folder



Hex: 📃
Dec: 📃

page with curl



Hex: 📄
Dec: 📄

page facing up



Hex: 📅
Dec: 📅




Hex: 📆
Dec: 📆

tear-off calendar



Hex: 📇
Dec: 📇

card index



Hex: 📈
Dec: 📈

chart with upwards trend



Hex: 📉
Dec: 📉

chart with downwards trend



Hex: 📊
Dec: 📊

bar chart



Hex: 📋
Dec: 📋




Hex: 📌
Dec: 📌




Hex: 📍
Dec: 📍

round pushpin



Hex: 📎
Dec: 📎




Hex: 📏
Dec: 📏

straight ruler



Hex: 📐
Dec: 📐

triangular ruler



Hex: 📑
Dec: 📑

bookmark tabs



Hex: 📒
Dec: 📒




Hex: 📓
Dec: 📓




Hex: 📔
Dec: 📔

notebook with decorative cover



Hex: 📕
Dec: 📕

closed book



Hex: 📖
Dec: 📖

open book



Hex: 📗
Dec: 📗

green book



Hex: 📘
Dec: 📘

blue book



Hex: 📙
Dec: 📙

orange book



Hex: 📚
Dec: 📚




Hex: 📛
Dec: 📛

name badge



Hex: 📜
Dec: 📜




Hex: 📝
Dec: 📝




Hex: 📞
Dec: 📞

telephone receiver



Hex: 📟
Dec: 📟




Hex: 📠
Dec: 📠

fax machine



Hex: 📡
Dec: 📡

satellite antenna



Hex: 📢
Dec: 📢

public address loudspeaker



Hex: 📣
Dec: 📣

cheering megaphone



Hex: 📤
Dec: 📤

outbox tray



Hex: 📥
Dec: 📥

inbox tray



Hex: 📦
Dec: 📦




Hex: 📧
Dec: 📧

e-mail symbol



Hex: 📨
Dec: 📨

incoming envelope



Hex: 📩
Dec: 📩

envelope with downwards arrow above



Hex: 📪
Dec: 📪

closed mailbox with lowered flag



Hex: 📫
Dec: 📫

closed mailbox with raised flag



Hex: 📬
Dec: 📬

open mailbox with raised flag



Hex: 📭
Dec: 📭

open mailbox with lowered flag



Hex: 📮
Dec: 📮




Hex: 📯
Dec: 📯

postal horn



Hex: 📰
Dec: 📰




Hex: 📱
Dec: 📱

mobile phone



Hex: 📲
Dec: 📲

mobile phone with rightwards arrow at left



Hex: 📳
Dec: 📳

vibration mode



Hex: 📴
Dec: 📴

mobile phone off



Hex: 📵
Dec: 📵

no mobile phones



Hex: 📶
Dec: 📶

antenna with bars



Hex: 📷
Dec: 📷




Hex: 📸
Dec: 📸

camera with flash



Hex: 📹
Dec: 📹

video camera



Hex: 📺
Dec: 📺




Hex: 📻
Dec: 📻




Hex: 📼
Dec: 📼




Hex: 📽
Dec: 📽

film projector



Hex: 📿
Dec: 📿

prayer beads



Hex: 🔀
Dec: 🔀

twisted rightwards arrows



Hex: 🔁
Dec: 🔁

clockwise rightwards and leftwards open circle arrows



Hex: 🔂
Dec: 🔂

clockwise rightwards and leftwards open circle arrows with circled one overlay



Hex: 🔃
Dec: 🔃

clockwise downwards and upwards open circle arrows



Hex: 🔄
Dec: 🔄

anticlockwise downwards and upwards open circle arrows



Hex: 🔅
Dec: 🔅

low brightness symbol



Hex: 🔆
Dec: 🔆

high brightness symbol



Hex: 🔇
Dec: 🔇

speaker with cancellation stroke



Hex: 🔈
Dec: 🔈




Hex: 🔉
Dec: 🔉

speaker with one sound wave



Hex: 🔊
Dec: 🔊

speaker with three sound waves



Hex: 🔋
Dec: 🔋




Hex: 🔌
Dec: 🔌

electric plug



Hex: 🔍
Dec: 🔍

left-pointing magnifying glass



Hex: 🔎
Dec: 🔎

right-pointing magnifying glass



Hex: 🔏
Dec: 🔏

lock with ink pen



Hex: 🔐
Dec: 🔐

closed lock with key



Hex: 🔑
Dec: 🔑




Hex: 🔒
Dec: 🔒




Hex: 🔓
Dec: 🔓

open lock



Hex: 🔔
Dec: 🔔




Hex: 🔕
Dec: 🔕

bell with cancellation stroke



Hex: 🔖
Dec: 🔖




Hex: 🔗
Dec: 🔗

link symbol



Hex: 🔘
Dec: 🔘

radio button



Hex: 🔙
Dec: 🔙

back with leftwards arrow above



Hex: 🔚
Dec: 🔚

end with leftwards arrow above



Hex: 🔛
Dec: 🔛

on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above



Hex: 🔜
Dec: 🔜

soon with rightwards arrow above



Hex: 🔝
Dec: 🔝

top with upwards arrow above



Hex: 🔞
Dec: 🔞

no one under eighteen symbol



Hex: 🔟
Dec: 🔟

keycap ten



Hex: 🔠
Dec: 🔠

input symbol for latin capital letters



Hex: 🔡
Dec: 🔡

input symbol for latin small letters



Hex: 🔢
Dec: 🔢

input symbol for numbers



Hex: 🔣
Dec: 🔣

input symbol for symbols



Hex: 🔤
Dec: 🔤

input symbol for latin letters



Hex: 🔥
Dec: 🔥




Hex: 🔦
Dec: 🔦

electric torch



Hex: 🔧
Dec: 🔧




Hex: 🔨
Dec: 🔨




Hex: 🔩
Dec: 🔩

nut and bolt



Hex: 🔪
Dec: 🔪




Hex: 🔫
Dec: 🔫




Hex: 🔬
Dec: 🔬




Hex: 🔭
Dec: 🔭




Hex: 🔮
Dec: 🔮

crystal ball



Hex: 🔯
Dec: 🔯

six pointed star with middle dot



Hex: 🔰
Dec: 🔰

japanese symbol for beginner



Hex: 🔱
Dec: 🔱

trident emblem



Hex: 🔲
Dec: 🔲

black square button



Hex: 🔳
Dec: 🔳

white square button



Hex: 🔴
Dec: 🔴

large red circle



Hex: 🔵
Dec: 🔵

large blue circle



Hex: 🔶
Dec: 🔶

large orange diamond



Hex: 🔷
Dec: 🔷

large blue diamond



Hex: 🔸
Dec: 🔸

small orange diamond



Hex: 🔹
Dec: 🔹

small blue diamond



Hex: 🔺
Dec: 🔺

up-pointing red triangle



Hex: 🔻
Dec: 🔻

down-pointing red triangle



Hex: 🔼
Dec: 🔼

up-pointing small red triangle



Hex: 🔽
Dec: 🔽

down-pointing small red triangle



Hex: 🕉
Dec: 🕉

om symbol



Hex: 🕊
Dec: 🕊

dove of peace



Hex: 🕋
Dec: 🕋




Hex: 🕌
Dec: 🕌




Hex: 🕍
Dec: 🕍




Hex: 🕎
Dec: 🕎

menorah with nine branches



Hex: 🕐
Dec: 🕐

clock face one oclock



Hex: 🕑
Dec: 🕑

clock face two oclock



Hex: 🕒
Dec: 🕒

clock face three oclock



Hex: 🕓
Dec: 🕓

clock face four oclock



Hex: 🕔
Dec: 🕔

clock face five oclock



Hex: 🕕
Dec: 🕕

clock face six oclock



Hex: 🕖
Dec: 🕖

clock face seven oclock



Hex: 🕗
Dec: 🕗

clock face eight oclock



Hex: 🕘
Dec: 🕘

clock face nine oclock



Hex: 🕙
Dec: 🕙

clock face ten oclock



Hex: 🕚
Dec: 🕚

clock face eleven oclock



Hex: 🕛
Dec: 🕛

clock face twelve oclock



Hex: 🕜
Dec: 🕜

clock face one-thirty



Hex: 🕝
Dec: 🕝

clock face two-thirty



Hex: 🕞
Dec: 🕞

clock face three-thirty



Hex: 🕟
Dec: 🕟

clock face four-thirty



Hex: 🕠
Dec: 🕠

clock face five-thirty



Hex: 🕡
Dec: 🕡

clock face six-thirty



Hex: 🕢
Dec: 🕢

clock face seven-thirty



Hex: 🕣
Dec: 🕣

clock face eight-thirty



Hex: 🕤
Dec: 🕤

clock face nine-thirty



Hex: 🕥
Dec: 🕥

clock face ten-thirty



Hex: 🕦
Dec: 🕦

clock face eleven-thirty



Hex: 🕧
Dec: 🕧

clock face twelve-thirty



Hex: 🕯
Dec: 🕯




Hex: 🕰
Dec: 🕰

mantelpiece clock



Hex: 🕳
Dec: 🕳




Hex: 🕴
Dec: 🕴

man in business suit levitating



Hex: 🕵
Dec: 🕵

sleuth or spy



Hex: 🕶
Dec: 🕶

dark sunglasses



Hex: 🕷
Dec: 🕷




Hex: 🕸
Dec: 🕸

spider web



Hex: 🕹
Dec: 🕹




Hex: 🕺
Dec: 🕺

man dancing



Hex: 🖇
Dec: 🖇

linked paperclips



Hex: 🖊
Dec: 🖊

lower left ballpoint pen



Hex: 🖋
Dec: 🖋

lower left fountain pen



Hex: 🖌
Dec: 🖌

lower left paintbrush



Hex: 🖍
Dec: 🖍

lower left crayon



Hex: 🖐
Dec: 🖐

raised hand with fingers splayed



Hex: 🖕
Dec: 🖕

reversed hand with middle finger extended



Hex: 🖖
Dec: 🖖

raised hand with part between middle and ring fingers



Hex: 🖤
Dec: 🖤

black heart



Hex: 🖥
Dec: 🖥

desktop computer



Hex: 🖨
Dec: 🖨




Hex: 🖱
Dec: 🖱

three button mouse



Hex: 🖲
Dec: 🖲




Hex: 🖼
Dec: 🖼

frame with picture



Hex: 🗂
Dec: 🗂

card index dividers



Hex: 🗃
Dec: 🗃

card file box



Hex: 🗄
Dec: 🗄

file cabinet



Hex: 🗑
Dec: 🗑




Hex: 🗒
Dec: 🗒

spiral note pad



Hex: 🗓
Dec: 🗓

spiral calendar pad



Hex: 🗜
Dec: 🗜




Hex: 🗝
Dec: 🗝

old key



Hex: 🗞
Dec: 🗞

rolled-up newspaper



Hex: 🗡
Dec: 🗡

dagger knife



Hex: 🗣
Dec: 🗣

speaking head in silhouette



Hex: 🗨
Dec: 🗨

left speech bubble



Hex: 🗯
Dec: 🗯

right anger bubble



Hex: 🗳
Dec: 🗳

ballot box with ballot



Hex: 🗺
Dec: 🗺

world map



Hex: 🗻
Dec: 🗻

mount fuji



Hex: 🗼
Dec: 🗼

tokyo tower



Hex: 🗽
Dec: 🗽

statue of liberty



Hex: 🗾
Dec: 🗾

silhouette of japan



Hex: 🗿
Dec: 🗿



Se muestran aquí 80 caracteres Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+1F600 hasta el carácter U+1F64F. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.



Hex: 😀
Dec: 😀

grinning face



Hex: 😁
Dec: 😁

grinning face with smiling eyes



Hex: 😂
Dec: 😂

face with tears of joy



Hex: 😃
Dec: 😃

smiling face with open mouth



Hex: 😄
Dec: 😄

smiling face with open mouth and smiling eyes



Hex: 😅
Dec: 😅

smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat



Hex: 😆
Dec: 😆

smiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyes



Hex: 😇
Dec: 😇

smiling face with halo



Hex: 😈
Dec: 😈

smiling face with horns



Hex: 😉
Dec: 😉

winking face



Hex: 😊
Dec: 😊

smiling face with smiling eyes



Hex: 😋
Dec: 😋

face savouring delicious food



Hex: 😌
Dec: 😌

relieved face



Hex: 😍
Dec: 😍

smiling face with heart-shaped eyes



Hex: 😎
Dec: 😎

smiling face with sunglasses



Hex: 😏
Dec: 😏

smirking face



Hex: 😐
Dec: 😐

neutral face



Hex: 😑
Dec: 😑

expressionless face



Hex: 😒
Dec: 😒

unamused face



Hex: 😓
Dec: 😓

face with cold sweat



Hex: 😔
Dec: 😔

pensive face



Hex: 😕
Dec: 😕

confused face



Hex: 😖
Dec: 😖

confounded face



Hex: 😗
Dec: 😗

kissing face



Hex: 😘
Dec: 😘

face throwing a kiss



Hex: 😙
Dec: 😙

kissing face with smiling eyes



Hex: 😚
Dec: 😚

kissing face with closed eyes



Hex: 😛
Dec: 😛

face with stuck-out tongue



Hex: 😜
Dec: 😜

face with stuck-out tongue and winking eye



Hex: 😝
Dec: 😝

face with stuck-out tongue and tightly-closed eyes



Hex: 😞
Dec: 😞

disappointed face



Hex: 😟
Dec: 😟

worried face



Hex: 😠
Dec: 😠

angry face



Hex: 😡
Dec: 😡

pouting face



Hex: 😢
Dec: 😢

crying face



Hex: 😣
Dec: 😣

persevering face



Hex: 😤
Dec: 😤

face with look of triumph



Hex: 😥
Dec: 😥

disappointed but relieved face



Hex: 😦
Dec: 😦

frowning face with open mouth



Hex: 😧
Dec: 😧

anguished face



Hex: 😨
Dec: 😨

fearful face



Hex: 😩
Dec: 😩

weary face



Hex: 😪
Dec: 😪

sleepy face



Hex: 😫
Dec: 😫

tired face



Hex: 😬
Dec: 😬

grimacing face



Hex: 😭
Dec: 😭

loudly crying face



Hex: 😮
Dec: 😮

face with open mouth



Hex: 😯
Dec: 😯

hushed face



Hex: 😰
Dec: 😰

face with open mouth and cold sweat



Hex: 😱
Dec: 😱

face screaming in fear



Hex: 😲
Dec: 😲

astonished face



Hex: 😳
Dec: 😳

flushed face



Hex: 😴
Dec: 😴

sleeping face



Hex: 😵
Dec: 😵

dizzy face



Hex: 😶
Dec: 😶

face without mouth



Hex: 😷
Dec: 😷

face with medical mask



Hex: 😸
Dec: 😸

grinning cat face with smiling eyes



Hex: 😹
Dec: 😹

cat face with tears of joy



Hex: 😺
Dec: 😺

smiling cat face with open mouth



Hex: 😻
Dec: 😻

smiling cat face with heart-shaped eyes



Hex: 😼
Dec: 😼

cat face with wry smile



Hex: 😽
Dec: 😽

kissing cat face with closed eyes



Hex: 😾
Dec: 😾

pouting cat face



Hex: 😿
Dec: 😿

crying cat face



Hex: 🙀
Dec: 🙀

weary cat face



Hex: 🙁
Dec: 🙁

slightly frowning face



Hex: 🙂
Dec: 🙂

slightly smiling face



Hex: 🙃
Dec: 🙃

upside-down face



Hex: 🙄
Dec: 🙄

face with rolling eyes



Hex: 🙅
Dec: 🙅

face with no good gesture



Hex: 🙆
Dec: 🙆

face with ok gesture



Hex: 🙇
Dec: 🙇

person bowing deeply



Hex: 🙈
Dec: 🙈

see-no-evil monkey



Hex: 🙉
Dec: 🙉

hear-no-evil monkey



Hex: 🙊
Dec: 🙊

speak-no-evil monkey



Hex: 🙋
Dec: 🙋

happy person raising one hand



Hex: 🙌
Dec: 🙌

person raising both hands in celebration



Hex: 🙍
Dec: 🙍

person frowning



Hex: 🙎
Dec: 🙎

person with pouting face



Hex: 🙏
Dec: 🙏

person with folded hands

Símbolos de transporte y mapas

Se muestran aquí 104 caracteres Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+1F680 hasta el carácter U+1F6FF. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.



Hex: 🚀
Dec: 🚀




Hex: 🚁
Dec: 🚁




Hex: 🚂
Dec: 🚂

steam locomotive



Hex: 🚃
Dec: 🚃

railway car



Hex: 🚄
Dec: 🚄

high-speed train



Hex: 🚅
Dec: 🚅

high-speed train with bullet nose



Hex: 🚆
Dec: 🚆




Hex: 🚇
Dec: 🚇




Hex: 🚈
Dec: 🚈

light rail



Hex: 🚉
Dec: 🚉




Hex: 🚊
Dec: 🚊




Hex: 🚋
Dec: 🚋

tram car



Hex: 🚌
Dec: 🚌




Hex: 🚍
Dec: 🚍

oncoming bus



Hex: 🚎
Dec: 🚎




Hex: 🚏
Dec: 🚏

bus stop



Hex: 🚐
Dec: 🚐




Hex: 🚑
Dec: 🚑




Hex: 🚒
Dec: 🚒

fire engine



Hex: 🚓
Dec: 🚓

police car



Hex: 🚔
Dec: 🚔

oncoming police car



Hex: 🚕
Dec: 🚕




Hex: 🚖
Dec: 🚖

oncoming taxi



Hex: 🚗
Dec: 🚗




Hex: 🚘
Dec: 🚘

oncoming automobile



Hex: 🚙
Dec: 🚙

recreational vehicle



Hex: 🚚
Dec: 🚚

delivery truck



Hex: 🚛
Dec: 🚛

articulated lorry



Hex: 🚜
Dec: 🚜




Hex: 🚝
Dec: 🚝




Hex: 🚞
Dec: 🚞

mountain railway



Hex: 🚟
Dec: 🚟

suspension railway



Hex: 🚠
Dec: 🚠

mountain cableway



Hex: 🚡
Dec: 🚡

aerial tramway



Hex: 🚢
Dec: 🚢




Hex: 🚣
Dec: 🚣




Hex: 🚤
Dec: 🚤




Hex: 🚥
Dec: 🚥

horizontal traffic light



Hex: 🚦
Dec: 🚦

vertical traffic light



Hex: 🚧
Dec: 🚧

construction sign



Hex: 🚨
Dec: 🚨

police cars revolving light



Hex: 🚩
Dec: 🚩

triangular flag on post



Hex: 🚪
Dec: 🚪




Hex: 🚫
Dec: 🚫

no entry sign



Hex: 🚬
Dec: 🚬

smoking symbol



Hex: 🚭
Dec: 🚭

no smoking symbol



Hex: 🚮
Dec: 🚮

put litter in its place symbol



Hex: 🚯
Dec: 🚯

do not litter symbol



Hex: 🚰
Dec: 🚰

potable water symbol



Hex: 🚱
Dec: 🚱

non-potable water symbol



Hex: 🚲
Dec: 🚲




Hex: 🚳
Dec: 🚳

no bicycles



Hex: 🚴
Dec: 🚴




Hex: 🚵
Dec: 🚵

mountain bicyclist



Hex: 🚶
Dec: 🚶




Hex: 🚷
Dec: 🚷

no pedestrians



Hex: 🚸
Dec: 🚸

children crossing



Hex: 🚹
Dec: 🚹

mens symbol



Hex: 🚺
Dec: 🚺

womens symbol



Hex: 🚻
Dec: 🚻




Hex: 🚼
Dec: 🚼

baby symbol



Hex: 🚽
Dec: 🚽




Hex: 🚾
Dec: 🚾

water closet



Hex: 🚿
Dec: 🚿




Hex: 🛀
Dec: 🛀




Hex: 🛁
Dec: 🛁




Hex: 🛂
Dec: 🛂

passport control



Hex: 🛃
Dec: 🛃




Hex: 🛄
Dec: 🛄

baggage claim



Hex: 🛅
Dec: 🛅

left luggage



Hex: 🛋
Dec: 🛋

couch and lamp



Hex: 🛌
Dec: 🛌

sleeping accommodation



Hex: 🛍
Dec: 🛍

shopping bags



Hex: 🛎
Dec: 🛎

bellhop bell



Hex: 🛏
Dec: 🛏




Hex: 🛐
Dec: 🛐

place of worship



Hex: 🛑
Dec: 🛑

octagonal sign



Hex: 🛒
Dec: 🛒

shopping trolley



Hex: 🛕
Dec: 🛕

hindu temple



Hex: 🛖
Dec: 🛖


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🛗
Dec: 🛗


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🛝
Dec: 🛝

playground slide

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🛞
Dec: 🛞


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🛟
Dec: 🛟

ring buoy

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🛠
Dec: 🛠

hammer and wrench



Hex: 🛡
Dec: 🛡




Hex: 🛢
Dec: 🛢

oil drum



Hex: 🛣
Dec: 🛣




Hex: 🛤
Dec: 🛤

railway track



Hex: 🛥
Dec: 🛥

motor boat



Hex: 🛩
Dec: 🛩

small airplane



Hex: 🛫
Dec: 🛫

airplane departure



Hex: 🛬
Dec: 🛬

airplane arriving



Hex: 🛰
Dec: 🛰




Hex: 🛳
Dec: 🛳

passenger ship



Hex: 🛴
Dec: 🛴




Hex: 🛵
Dec: 🛵

motor scooter



Hex: 🛶
Dec: 🛶




Hex: 🛷
Dec: 🛷




Hex: 🛸
Dec: 🛸

flying saucer



Hex: 🛹
Dec: 🛹




Hex: 🛺
Dec: 🛺

auto rickshaw



Hex: 🛻
Dec: 🛻

pickup truck

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🛼
Dec: 🛼

roller skate

No disponible en Windows 10

Símbolos y pictogramas misceláneos suplementarios

Se muestran aquí 242 caracteres Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+1F900 hasta el carácter U+1F9FF. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.



Hex: 🤌
Dec: 🤌

pinched fingers

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🤍
Dec: 🤍

white heart



Hex: 🤎
Dec: 🤎

brown heart



Hex: 🤏
Dec: 🤏

pinching hand



Hex: 🤐
Dec: 🤐

zipper-mouth face



Hex: 🤑
Dec: 🤑

money-mouth face



Hex: 🤒
Dec: 🤒

face with thermometer



Hex: 🤓
Dec: 🤓

nerd face



Hex: 🤔
Dec: 🤔

thinking face



Hex: 🤕
Dec: 🤕

face with head-bandage



Hex: 🤖
Dec: 🤖

robot face



Hex: 🤗
Dec: 🤗

hugging face



Hex: 🤘
Dec: 🤘

sign of the horns



Hex: 🤙
Dec: 🤙

call me hand



Hex: 🤚
Dec: 🤚

raised back of hand



Hex: 🤛
Dec: 🤛

left-facing fist



Hex: 🤜
Dec: 🤜

right-facing fist



Hex: 🤝
Dec: 🤝




Hex: 🤞
Dec: 🤞

hand with index and middle fingers crossed



Hex: 🤟
Dec: 🤟

i love you hand sign



Hex: 🤠
Dec: 🤠

face with cowboy hat



Hex: 🤡
Dec: 🤡

clown face



Hex: 🤢
Dec: 🤢

nauseated face



Hex: 🤣
Dec: 🤣

rolling on the floor laughing



Hex: 🤤
Dec: 🤤

drooling face



Hex: 🤥
Dec: 🤥

lying face



Hex: 🤦
Dec: 🤦

face palm



Hex: 🤧
Dec: 🤧

sneezing face



Hex: 🤨
Dec: 🤨

face with one eyebrow raised



Hex: 🤩
Dec: 🤩

grinning face with star eyes



Hex: 🤪
Dec: 🤪

grinning face with one large and one small eye



Hex: 🤫
Dec: 🤫

face with finger covering closed lips



Hex: 🤬
Dec: 🤬

serious face with symbols covering mouth



Hex: 🤭
Dec: 🤭

smiling face with smiling eyes and hand covering mouth



Hex: 🤮
Dec: 🤮

face with open mouth vomiting



Hex: 🤯
Dec: 🤯

shocked face with exploding head



Hex: 🤰
Dec: 🤰

pregnant woman



Hex: 🤱
Dec: 🤱




Hex: 🤲
Dec: 🤲

palms up together



Hex: 🤳
Dec: 🤳




Hex: 🤴
Dec: 🤴




Hex: 🤵
Dec: 🤵

man in tuxedo



Hex: 🤶
Dec: 🤶

mother christmas



Hex: 🤷
Dec: 🤷




Hex: 🤸
Dec: 🤸

person doing cartwheel



Hex: 🤹
Dec: 🤹




Hex: 🤺
Dec: 🤺




Hex: 🤼
Dec: 🤼




Hex: 🤽
Dec: 🤽

water polo



Hex: 🤾
Dec: 🤾




Hex: 🤿
Dec: 🤿

diving mask



Hex: 🥀
Dec: 🥀

wilted flower



Hex: 🥁
Dec: 🥁

drum with drumsticks



Hex: 🥂
Dec: 🥂

clinking glasses



Hex: 🥃
Dec: 🥃

tumbler glass



Hex: 🥄
Dec: 🥄




Hex: 🥅
Dec: 🥅

goal net



Hex: 🥇
Dec: 🥇

first place medal



Hex: 🥈
Dec: 🥈

second place medal



Hex: 🥉
Dec: 🥉

third place medal



Hex: 🥊
Dec: 🥊

boxing glove



Hex: 🥋
Dec: 🥋

martial arts uniform



Hex: 🥌
Dec: 🥌

curling stone



Hex: 🥍
Dec: 🥍

lacrosse stick and ball



Hex: 🥎
Dec: 🥎




Hex: 🥏
Dec: 🥏

flying disc



Hex: 🥐
Dec: 🥐




Hex: 🥑
Dec: 🥑




Hex: 🥒
Dec: 🥒




Hex: 🥓
Dec: 🥓




Hex: 🥔
Dec: 🥔




Hex: 🥕
Dec: 🥕




Hex: 🥖
Dec: 🥖

baguette bread



Hex: 🥗
Dec: 🥗

green salad



Hex: 🥘
Dec: 🥘

shallow pan of food



Hex: 🥙
Dec: 🥙

stuffed flatbread



Hex: 🥚
Dec: 🥚




Hex: 🥛
Dec: 🥛

glass of milk



Hex: 🥜
Dec: 🥜




Hex: 🥝
Dec: 🥝




Hex: 🥞
Dec: 🥞




Hex: 🥟
Dec: 🥟




Hex: 🥠
Dec: 🥠

fortune cookie



Hex: 🥡
Dec: 🥡

takeout box



Hex: 🥢
Dec: 🥢




Hex: 🥣
Dec: 🥣

bowl with spoon



Hex: 🥤
Dec: 🥤

cup with straw



Hex: 🥥
Dec: 🥥




Hex: 🥦
Dec: 🥦




Hex: 🥧
Dec: 🥧




Hex: 🥨
Dec: 🥨




Hex: 🥩
Dec: 🥩

cut of meat



Hex: 🥪
Dec: 🥪




Hex: 🥫
Dec: 🥫

canned food



Hex: 🥬
Dec: 🥬

leafy green



Hex: 🥭
Dec: 🥭




Hex: 🥮
Dec: 🥮

moon cake



Hex: 🥯
Dec: 🥯




Hex: 🥰
Dec: 🥰

smiling face with smiling eyes and three hearts



Hex: 🥱
Dec: 🥱

yawning face



Hex: 🥲
Dec: 🥲

smiling face with tear

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🥳
Dec: 🥳

face with party horn and party hat



Hex: 🥴
Dec: 🥴

face with uneven eyes and wavy mouth



Hex: 🥵
Dec: 🥵

overheated face



Hex: 🥶
Dec: 🥶

freezing face



Hex: 🥷
Dec: 🥷


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🥸
Dec: 🥸

disguised face

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🥹
Dec: 🥹

face holding back tears

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🥺
Dec: 🥺

face with pleading eyes



Hex: 🥻
Dec: 🥻




Hex: 🥼
Dec: 🥼

lab coat



Hex: 🥽
Dec: 🥽




Hex: 🥾
Dec: 🥾

hiking boot



Hex: 🥿
Dec: 🥿

flat shoe



Hex: 🦀
Dec: 🦀




Hex: 🦁
Dec: 🦁

lion face



Hex: 🦂
Dec: 🦂




Hex: 🦃
Dec: 🦃




Hex: 🦄
Dec: 🦄

unicorn face



Hex: 🦅
Dec: 🦅




Hex: 🦆
Dec: 🦆




Hex: 🦇
Dec: 🦇




Hex: 🦈
Dec: 🦈




Hex: 🦉
Dec: 🦉




Hex: 🦊
Dec: 🦊

fox face



Hex: 🦋
Dec: 🦋




Hex: 🦌
Dec: 🦌




Hex: 🦍
Dec: 🦍




Hex: 🦎
Dec: 🦎




Hex: 🦏
Dec: 🦏




Hex: 🦐
Dec: 🦐




Hex: 🦑
Dec: 🦑




Hex: 🦒
Dec: 🦒

giraffe face



Hex: 🦓
Dec: 🦓

zebra face



Hex: 🦔
Dec: 🦔




Hex: 🦕
Dec: 🦕




Hex: 🦖
Dec: 🦖




Hex: 🦗
Dec: 🦗




Hex: 🦘
Dec: 🦘




Hex: 🦙
Dec: 🦙




Hex: 🦚
Dec: 🦚




Hex: 🦛
Dec: 🦛




Hex: 🦜
Dec: 🦜




Hex: 🦝
Dec: 🦝




Hex: 🦞
Dec: 🦞




Hex: 🦟
Dec: 🦟




Hex: 🦠
Dec: 🦠




Hex: 🦡
Dec: 🦡




Hex: 🦢
Dec: 🦢




Hex: 🦣
Dec: 🦣


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🦤
Dec: 🦤


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🦥
Dec: 🦥




Hex: 🦦
Dec: 🦦




Hex: 🦧
Dec: 🦧




Hex: 🦨
Dec: 🦨




Hex: 🦩
Dec: 🦩




Hex: 🦪
Dec: 🦪




Hex: 🦫
Dec: 🦫


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🦬
Dec: 🦬


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🦭
Dec: 🦭


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🦮
Dec: 🦮

guide dog



Hex: 🦯
Dec: 🦯

probing cane



Hex: 🦰
Dec: 🦰

emoji component red hair



Hex: 🦱
Dec: 🦱

emoji component curly hair



Hex: 🦲
Dec: 🦲

emoji component bald



Hex: 🦳
Dec: 🦳

emoji component white hair



Hex: 🦴
Dec: 🦴




Hex: 🦵
Dec: 🦵




Hex: 🦶
Dec: 🦶




Hex: 🦷
Dec: 🦷




Hex: 🦸
Dec: 🦸




Hex: 🦹
Dec: 🦹




Hex: 🦺
Dec: 🦺

safety vest



Hex: 🦻
Dec: 🦻

ear with hearing aid



Hex: 🦼
Dec: 🦼

motorized wheelchair



Hex: 🦽
Dec: 🦽

manual wheelchair



Hex: 🦾
Dec: 🦾

mechanical arm



Hex: 🦿
Dec: 🦿

mechanical leg



Hex: 🧀
Dec: 🧀

cheese wedge



Hex: 🧁
Dec: 🧁




Hex: 🧂
Dec: 🧂

salt shaker



Hex: 🧃
Dec: 🧃

beverage box



Hex: 🧄
Dec: 🧄




Hex: 🧅
Dec: 🧅




Hex: 🧆
Dec: 🧆




Hex: 🧇
Dec: 🧇




Hex: 🧈
Dec: 🧈




Hex: 🧉
Dec: 🧉

mate drink



Hex: 🧊
Dec: 🧊

ice cube



Hex: 🧋
Dec: 🧋

bubble tea

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🧌
Dec: 🧌


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🧍
Dec: 🧍

standing person



Hex: 🧎
Dec: 🧎

kneeling person



Hex: 🧏
Dec: 🧏

deaf person



Hex: 🧐
Dec: 🧐

face with monocle



Hex: 🧑
Dec: 🧑




Hex: 🧒
Dec: 🧒




Hex: 🧓
Dec: 🧓

older adult



Hex: 🧔
Dec: 🧔

bearded person



Hex: 🧕
Dec: 🧕

person with headscarf



Hex: 🧖
Dec: 🧖

person in steamy room



Hex: 🧗
Dec: 🧗

person climbing



Hex: 🧘
Dec: 🧘

person in lotus position



Hex: 🧙
Dec: 🧙




Hex: 🧚
Dec: 🧚




Hex: 🧛
Dec: 🧛




Hex: 🧜
Dec: 🧜




Hex: 🧝
Dec: 🧝




Hex: 🧞
Dec: 🧞




Hex: 🧟
Dec: 🧟




Hex: 🧠
Dec: 🧠




Hex: 🧡
Dec: 🧡

orange heart



Hex: 🧢
Dec: 🧢

billed cap



Hex: 🧣
Dec: 🧣




Hex: 🧤
Dec: 🧤




Hex: 🧥
Dec: 🧥




Hex: 🧦
Dec: 🧦




Hex: 🧧
Dec: 🧧

red gift envelope



Hex: 🧨
Dec: 🧨




Hex: 🧩
Dec: 🧩

jigsaw puzzle piece



Hex: 🧪
Dec: 🧪

test tube



Hex: 🧫
Dec: 🧫

petri dish



Hex: 🧬
Dec: 🧬

dna double helix



Hex: 🧭
Dec: 🧭




Hex: 🧮
Dec: 🧮




Hex: 🧯
Dec: 🧯

fire extinguisher



Hex: 🧰
Dec: 🧰




Hex: 🧱
Dec: 🧱




Hex: 🧲
Dec: 🧲




Hex: 🧳
Dec: 🧳




Hex: 🧴
Dec: 🧴

lotion bottle



Hex: 🧵
Dec: 🧵

spool of thread



Hex: 🧶
Dec: 🧶

ball of yarn



Hex: 🧷
Dec: 🧷

safety pin



Hex: 🧸
Dec: 🧸

teddy bear



Hex: 🧹
Dec: 🧹




Hex: 🧺
Dec: 🧺




Hex: 🧻
Dec: 🧻

roll of paper



Hex: 🧼
Dec: 🧼

bar of soap



Hex: 🧽
Dec: 🧽




Hex: 🧾
Dec: 🧾




Hex: 🧿
Dec: 🧿

nazar amulet

Símbolos y pictogramas extendidos A

Se muestran aquí 88 caracteres Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+1FA70 hasta el carácter U+1FAFF. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.



Hex: 🩰
Dec: 🩰

ballet shoes



Hex: 🩱
Dec: 🩱

one-piece swimsuit



Hex: 🩲
Dec: 🩲




Hex: 🩳
Dec: 🩳




Hex: 🩴
Dec: 🩴

thong sandal

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🩸
Dec: 🩸

drop of blood



Hex: 🩹
Dec: 🩹

adhesive bandage



Hex: 🩺
Dec: 🩺




Hex: 🩻
Dec: 🩻


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🩼
Dec: 🩼


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪀
Dec: 🪀




Hex: 🪁
Dec: 🪁




Hex: 🪂
Dec: 🪂




Hex: 🪃
Dec: 🪃


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪄
Dec: 🪄

magic wand

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪅
Dec: 🪅


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪆
Dec: 🪆

nesting dolls

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪐
Dec: 🪐

ringed planet



Hex: 🪑
Dec: 🪑




Hex: 🪒
Dec: 🪒




Hex: 🪓
Dec: 🪓




Hex: 🪔
Dec: 🪔

diya lamp



Hex: 🪕
Dec: 🪕




Hex: 🪖
Dec: 🪖

military helmet

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪗
Dec: 🪗


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪘
Dec: 🪘

long drum

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪙
Dec: 🪙


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪚
Dec: 🪚

carpentry saw

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪛
Dec: 🪛


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪜
Dec: 🪜


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪝
Dec: 🪝


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪞
Dec: 🪞


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪟
Dec: 🪟


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪠
Dec: 🪠


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪡
Dec: 🪡

sewing needle

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪢
Dec: 🪢


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪣
Dec: 🪣


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪤
Dec: 🪤

mouse trap

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪥
Dec: 🪥


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪦
Dec: 🪦


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪧
Dec: 🪧


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪨
Dec: 🪨


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪩
Dec: 🪩

mirror ball



Hex: 🪪
Dec: 🪪

identification card



Hex: 🪫
Dec: 🪫

low battery



Hex: 🪬
Dec: 🪬




Hex: 🪰
Dec: 🪰


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪱
Dec: 🪱


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪲
Dec: 🪲


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪳
Dec: 🪳


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪴
Dec: 🪴

potted plant

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪵
Dec: 🪵


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪶
Dec: 🪶


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪷
Dec: 🪷


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪸
Dec: 🪸


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪹
Dec: 🪹

empty nest

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🪺
Dec: 🪺

nest with eggs

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫀
Dec: 🫀

anatomical heart

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫁
Dec: 🫁


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫂
Dec: 🫂

people hugging

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫃
Dec: 🫃

pregnant man

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫄
Dec: 🫄

pregnant person

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫅
Dec: 🫅

person with crown

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫐
Dec: 🫐


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫑
Dec: 🫑

bell pepper

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫒
Dec: 🫒


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫓
Dec: 🫓


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫔
Dec: 🫔


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫕
Dec: 🫕


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫖
Dec: 🫖


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫗
Dec: 🫗

pouring liquid

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫘
Dec: 🫘


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫙
Dec: 🫙


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫠
Dec: 🫠

melting face

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫡
Dec: 🫡

saluting face

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫢
Dec: 🫢

face with open eyes and hand over mouth

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫣
Dec: 🫣

face with peeking eye

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫤
Dec: 🫤

face with diagonal mouth

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫥
Dec: 🫥

dotted line face

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫦
Dec: 🫦

biting lip

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫧
Dec: 🫧


No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫰
Dec: 🫰

hand with index finger and thumb crossed

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫱
Dec: 🫱

rightwards hand

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫲
Dec: 🫲

leftwards hand

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫳
Dec: 🫳

palm down hand

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫴
Dec: 🫴

palm up hand

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫵
Dec: 🫵

index pointing at the viewer

No disponible en Windows 10



Hex: 🫶
Dec: 🫶

heart hands

No disponible en Windows 10


Se muestran aquí 35 caracteres Unicode del grupo que se extiende desde el carácter U+1F100 hasta el carácter U+1F1FF. Puede descargar la tabla de códigos de caracteres Unicode 15.1 en formato PDF.



Hex: 🇦
Dec: 🇦

regional indicator symbol letter a

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇧
Dec: 🇧

regional indicator symbol letter b

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇨
Dec: 🇨

regional indicator symbol letter c

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇩
Dec: 🇩

regional indicator symbol letter d

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇪
Dec: 🇪

regional indicator symbol letter e

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇫
Dec: 🇫

regional indicator symbol letter f

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇬
Dec: 🇬

regional indicator symbol letter g

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇭
Dec: 🇭

regional indicator symbol letter h

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇮
Dec: 🇮

regional indicator symbol letter i

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇯
Dec: 🇯

regional indicator symbol letter j

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇰
Dec: 🇰

regional indicator symbol letter k

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇱
Dec: 🇱

regional indicator symbol letter l

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇲
Dec: 🇲

regional indicator symbol letter m

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇳
Dec: 🇳

regional indicator symbol letter n

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇴
Dec: 🇴

regional indicator symbol letter o

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇵
Dec: 🇵

regional indicator symbol letter p

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇶
Dec: 🇶

regional indicator symbol letter q

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇷
Dec: 🇷

regional indicator symbol letter r

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇸
Dec: 🇸

regional indicator symbol letter s

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇹
Dec: 🇹

regional indicator symbol letter t

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇺
Dec: 🇺

regional indicator symbol letter u

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇻
Dec: 🇻

regional indicator symbol letter v

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇼
Dec: 🇼

regional indicator symbol letter w

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇽
Dec: 🇽

regional indicator symbol letter x

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇾
Dec: 🇾

regional indicator symbol letter y

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇿
Dec: 🇿

regional indicator symbol letter z

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🏻
Dec: 🏻

emoji modifier fitzpatrick type-1-2



Hex: 🏼
Dec: 🏼

emoji modifier fitzpatrick type-3



Hex: 🏽
Dec: 🏽

emoji modifier fitzpatrick type-4



Hex: 🏾
Dec: 🏾

emoji modifier fitzpatrick type-5



Hex: 🏿
Dec: 🏿

emoji modifier fitzpatrick type-6



Hex: 🦰
Dec: 🦰

emoji component red hair



Hex: 🦱
Dec: 🦱

emoji component curly hair



Hex: 🦲
Dec: 🦲

emoji component bald



Hex: 🦳
Dec: 🦳

emoji component white hair

Caracteres enmarcados (teclas), modo texto

En este apartado se muestran las secuencias Unicode ZWJ que corresponden a teclas de un teclado de ordenador, en modo texto. Estas secuencias se forman con dos caracteres, combinando algunos caracteres con el componente de borde de tecla, como se comenta en el apartado Caracteres enmarcados (teclas), modo texto, de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+23 U+20E3


Hex: #⃣
Dec: #⃣

keycap: #

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+2A U+20E3


Hex: *⃣
Dec: *⃣

keycap: *

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+30 U+20E3


Hex: 0⃣
Dec: 0⃣

keycap: 0

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+31 U+20E3


Hex: 1⃣
Dec: 1⃣

keycap: 1

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+32 U+20E3


Hex: 2⃣
Dec: 2⃣

keycap: 2

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+33 U+20E3


Hex: 3⃣
Dec: 3⃣

keycap: 3

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+34 U+20E3


Hex: 4⃣
Dec: 4⃣

keycap: 4

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+35 U+20E3


Hex: 5⃣
Dec: 5⃣

keycap: 5

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+36 U+20E3


Hex: 6⃣
Dec: 6⃣

keycap: 6

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+37 U+20E3


Hex: 7⃣
Dec: 7⃣

keycap: 7

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+38 U+20E3


Hex: 8⃣
Dec: 8⃣

keycap: 8

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+39 U+20E3


Hex: 9⃣
Dec: 9⃣

keycap: 9

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

Otras secuencias

En este apartado se muestran las secuencias Unicode ZWJ que no corresponden a ninguna de las agrupaciones comentadas en esta página o en el las otras páginas dedicadas a secuencias Unicode. Estas secuencias se forman combinando varios caracteres, como se comenta en el apartado Otras secuencias, de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

13 U+1F408 U+200D U+2B1B


Hex: 🐈‍⬛
Dec: 🐈‍⬛

black cat

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F415 U+200D U+1F9BA


Hex: 🐕‍🦺
Dec: 🐕‍🦺

service dog

13 U+1F43B U+200D U+2744 U+FE0F


Hex: 🐻‍❄️
Dec: 🐻‍❄️

polar bear

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F441 U+200D U+1F5E8


Hex: 👁‍🗨
Dec: 👁‍🗨

eye in speech bubble

13.1 U+1F62E U+200D U+1F4A8


Hex: 😮‍💨
Dec: 😮‍💨

face exhaling

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F635 U+200D U+1F4AB


Hex: 😵‍💫
Dec: 😵‍💫

face with spiral eyes

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F636 U+200D U+1F32B U+FE0F


Hex: 😶‍🌫️
Dec: 😶‍🌫️

face in clouds

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F525


Hex: ❤️‍🔥
Dec: ❤️‍🔥

heart on fire

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1FA79


Hex: ❤️‍🩹
Dec: ❤️‍🩹

mending heart

No disponible en Windows 10

Banderas (subdivisiones regionales)

En este apartado se muestran las secuencias Unicode que corresponden a banderas regionales. Estas secuencias se comentan en el apartado Banderas (subdivisiones regionales) de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F3F4 U+E0067 U+E0062 U+E0065 U+E006E U+E0067 U+E007F


Hex: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Dec: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

flag: England

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F3F4 U+E0067 U+E0062 U+E0073 U+E0063 U+E0074 U+E007F


Hex: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Dec: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

flag: Scotland

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F3F4 U+E0067 U+E0062 U+E0077 U+E006C U+E0073 U+E007F


Hex: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
Dec: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

flag: Wales

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

Otras banderas

En este apartado se muestran las secuencias Unicode que corresponden a banderas que no pertenecen a ninguna de las otras categorías. Estas secuencias se comentan en el apartado Otras de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F3F3 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F308


Hex: 🏳️‍🌈
Dec: 🏳️‍🌈

rainbow flag

13 U+1F3F3 U+FE0F U+200D U+26A7 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏳️‍⚧️
Dec: 🏳️‍⚧️

transgender flag

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F3F4 U+200D U+2620 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏴‍☠️
Dec: 🏴‍☠️

pirate flag

Banderas nacionales

En este apartado se muestran las secuencias Unicode que corresponden a banderas nacionales. Estas secuencias se comentan en el apartado Banderas de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F1E6 U+1F1E8


Hex: 🇦🇨
Dec: 🇦🇨

flag: Ascension Island

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E6 U+1F1E9


Hex: 🇦🇩
Dec: 🇦🇩

flag: Andorra

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E6 U+1F1EA


Hex: 🇦🇪
Dec: 🇦🇪

flag: United Arab Emirates

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E6 U+1F1EB


Hex: 🇦🇫
Dec: 🇦🇫

flag: Afghanistan

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E6 U+1F1EC


Hex: 🇦🇬
Dec: 🇦🇬

flag: Antigua & Barbuda

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E6 U+1F1EE


Hex: 🇦🇮
Dec: 🇦🇮

flag: Anguilla

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E6 U+1F1F1


Hex: 🇦🇱
Dec: 🇦🇱

flag: Albania

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E6 U+1F1F2


Hex: 🇦🇲
Dec: 🇦🇲

flag: Armenia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E6 U+1F1F4


Hex: 🇦🇴
Dec: 🇦🇴

flag: Angola

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E6 U+1F1F6


Hex: 🇦🇶
Dec: 🇦🇶

flag: Antarctica

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E6 U+1F1F7


Hex: 🇦🇷
Dec: 🇦🇷

flag: Argentina

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E6 U+1F1F8


Hex: 🇦🇸
Dec: 🇦🇸

flag: American Samoa

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E6 U+1F1F9


Hex: 🇦🇹
Dec: 🇦🇹

flag: Austria

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E6 U+1F1FA


Hex: 🇦🇺
Dec: 🇦🇺

flag: Australia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E6 U+1F1FC


Hex: 🇦🇼
Dec: 🇦🇼

flag: Aruba

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E6 U+1F1FD


Hex: 🇦🇽
Dec: 🇦🇽

flag: Åland Islands

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E6 U+1F1FF


Hex: 🇦🇿
Dec: 🇦🇿

flag: Azerbaijan

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E7 U+1F1E6


Hex: 🇧🇦
Dec: 🇧🇦

flag: Bosnia & Herzegovina

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E7 U+1F1E7


Hex: 🇧🇧
Dec: 🇧🇧

flag: Barbados

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E7 U+1F1E9


Hex: 🇧🇩
Dec: 🇧🇩

flag: Bangladesh

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E7 U+1F1EA


Hex: 🇧🇪
Dec: 🇧🇪

flag: Belgium

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E7 U+1F1EB


Hex: 🇧🇫
Dec: 🇧🇫

flag: Burkina Faso

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E7 U+1F1EC


Hex: 🇧🇬
Dec: 🇧🇬

flag: Bulgaria

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E7 U+1F1ED


Hex: 🇧🇭
Dec: 🇧🇭

flag: Bahrain

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E7 U+1F1EE


Hex: 🇧🇮
Dec: 🇧🇮

flag: Burundi

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E7 U+1F1EF


Hex: 🇧🇯
Dec: 🇧🇯

flag: Benin

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E7 U+1F1F1


Hex: 🇧🇱
Dec: 🇧🇱

flag: St. Barthélemy

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E7 U+1F1F2


Hex: 🇧🇲
Dec: 🇧🇲

flag: Bermuda

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E7 U+1F1F3


Hex: 🇧🇳
Dec: 🇧🇳

flag: Brunei

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E7 U+1F1F4


Hex: 🇧🇴
Dec: 🇧🇴

flag: Bolivia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E7 U+1F1F6


Hex: 🇧🇶
Dec: 🇧🇶

flag: Caribbean Netherlands

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E7 U+1F1F7


Hex: 🇧🇷
Dec: 🇧🇷

flag: Brazil

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E7 U+1F1F8


Hex: 🇧🇸
Dec: 🇧🇸

flag: Bahamas

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E7 U+1F1F9


Hex: 🇧🇹
Dec: 🇧🇹

flag: Bhutan

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E7 U+1F1FB


Hex: 🇧🇻
Dec: 🇧🇻

flag: Bouvet Island

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E7 U+1F1FC


Hex: 🇧🇼
Dec: 🇧🇼

flag: Botswana

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E7 U+1F1FE


Hex: 🇧🇾
Dec: 🇧🇾

flag: Belarus

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E7 U+1F1FF


Hex: 🇧🇿
Dec: 🇧🇿

flag: Belize

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E8 U+1F1E6


Hex: 🇨🇦
Dec: 🇨🇦

flag: Canada

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E8 U+1F1E8


Hex: 🇨🇨
Dec: 🇨🇨

flag: Cocos (Keeling) Islands

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E8 U+1F1E9


Hex: 🇨🇩
Dec: 🇨🇩

flag: Congo - Kinshasa

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E8 U+1F1EB


Hex: 🇨🇫
Dec: 🇨🇫

flag: Central African Republic

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E8 U+1F1EC


Hex: 🇨🇬
Dec: 🇨🇬

flag: Congo - Brazzaville

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E8 U+1F1ED


Hex: 🇨🇭
Dec: 🇨🇭

flag: Switzerland

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E8 U+1F1EE


Hex: 🇨🇮
Dec: 🇨🇮

flag: Côte d’Ivoire

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E8 U+1F1F0


Hex: 🇨🇰
Dec: 🇨🇰

flag: Cook Islands

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E8 U+1F1F1


Hex: 🇨🇱
Dec: 🇨🇱

flag: Chile

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E8 U+1F1F2


Hex: 🇨🇲
Dec: 🇨🇲

flag: Cameroon

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E8 U+1F1F3


Hex: 🇨🇳
Dec: 🇨🇳

flag: China

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E8 U+1F1F4


Hex: 🇨🇴
Dec: 🇨🇴

flag: Colombia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E8 U+1F1F5


Hex: 🇨🇵
Dec: 🇨🇵

flag: Clipperton Island

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E8 U+1F1F7


Hex: 🇨🇷
Dec: 🇨🇷

flag: Costa Rica

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E8 U+1F1FA


Hex: 🇨🇺
Dec: 🇨🇺

flag: Cuba

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E8 U+1F1FB


Hex: 🇨🇻
Dec: 🇨🇻

flag: Cape Verde

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E8 U+1F1FC


Hex: 🇨🇼
Dec: 🇨🇼

flag: Curaçao

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E8 U+1F1FD


Hex: 🇨🇽
Dec: 🇨🇽

flag: Christmas Island

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E8 U+1F1FE


Hex: 🇨🇾
Dec: 🇨🇾

flag: Cyprus

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E8 U+1F1FF


Hex: 🇨🇿
Dec: 🇨🇿

flag: Czechia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E9 U+1F1EA


Hex: 🇩🇪
Dec: 🇩🇪

flag: Germany

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E9 U+1F1EC


Hex: 🇩🇬
Dec: 🇩🇬

flag: Diego Garcia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E9 U+1F1EF


Hex: 🇩🇯
Dec: 🇩🇯

flag: Djibouti

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E9 U+1F1F0


Hex: 🇩🇰
Dec: 🇩🇰

flag: Denmark

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E9 U+1F1F2


Hex: 🇩🇲
Dec: 🇩🇲

flag: Dominica

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E9 U+1F1F4


Hex: 🇩🇴
Dec: 🇩🇴

flag: Dominican Republic

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1E9 U+1F1FF


Hex: 🇩🇿
Dec: 🇩🇿

flag: Algeria

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EA U+1F1E6


Hex: 🇪🇦
Dec: 🇪🇦

flag: Ceuta & Melilla

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EA U+1F1E8


Hex: 🇪🇨
Dec: 🇪🇨

flag: Ecuador

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇪🇪
Dec: 🇪🇪

flag: Estonia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇪🇬
Dec: 🇪🇬

flag: Egypt

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇪🇭
Dec: 🇪🇭

flag: Western Sahara

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EA U+1F1F7


Hex: 🇪🇷
Dec: 🇪🇷

flag: Eritrea

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EA U+1F1F8


Hex: 🇪🇸
Dec: 🇪🇸

flag: Spain

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EA U+1F1F9


Hex: 🇪🇹
Dec: 🇪🇹

flag: Ethiopia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇪🇺
Dec: 🇪🇺

flag: European Union

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇫🇮
Dec: 🇫🇮

flag: Finland

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇫🇯
Dec: 🇫🇯

flag: Fiji

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EB U+1F1F0


Hex: 🇫🇰
Dec: 🇫🇰

flag: Falkland Islands

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EB U+1F1F2


Hex: 🇫🇲
Dec: 🇫🇲

flag: Micronesia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EB U+1F1F4


Hex: 🇫🇴
Dec: 🇫🇴

flag: Faroe Islands

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EB U+1F1F7


Hex: 🇫🇷
Dec: 🇫🇷

flag: France

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EC U+1F1E6


Hex: 🇬🇦
Dec: 🇬🇦

flag: Gabon

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EC U+1F1E7


Hex: 🇬🇧
Dec: 🇬🇧

flag: United Kingdom

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EC U+1F1E9


Hex: 🇬🇩
Dec: 🇬🇩

flag: Grenada

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇬🇪
Dec: 🇬🇪

flag: Georgia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇬🇫
Dec: 🇬🇫

flag: French Guiana

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇬🇬
Dec: 🇬🇬

flag: Guernsey

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇬🇭
Dec: 🇬🇭

flag: Ghana

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇬🇮
Dec: 🇬🇮

flag: Gibraltar

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EC U+1F1F1


Hex: 🇬🇱
Dec: 🇬🇱

flag: Greenland

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EC U+1F1F2


Hex: 🇬🇲
Dec: 🇬🇲

flag: Gambia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EC U+1F1F3


Hex: 🇬🇳
Dec: 🇬🇳

flag: Guinea

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EC U+1F1F5


Hex: 🇬🇵
Dec: 🇬🇵

flag: Guadeloupe

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EC U+1F1F6


Hex: 🇬🇶
Dec: 🇬🇶

flag: Equatorial Guinea

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EC U+1F1F7


Hex: 🇬🇷
Dec: 🇬🇷

flag: Greece

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EC U+1F1F8


Hex: 🇬🇸
Dec: 🇬🇸

flag: South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EC U+1F1F9


Hex: 🇬🇹
Dec: 🇬🇹

flag: Guatemala

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇬🇺
Dec: 🇬🇺

flag: Guam

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇬🇼
Dec: 🇬🇼

flag: Guinea-Bissau

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇬🇾
Dec: 🇬🇾

flag: Guyana

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1ED U+1F1F0


Hex: 🇭🇰
Dec: 🇭🇰

flag: Hong Kong SAR China

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1ED U+1F1F2


Hex: 🇭🇲
Dec: 🇭🇲

flag: Heard & McDonald Islands

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1ED U+1F1F3


Hex: 🇭🇳
Dec: 🇭🇳

flag: Honduras

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1ED U+1F1F7


Hex: 🇭🇷
Dec: 🇭🇷

flag: Croatia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1ED U+1F1F9


Hex: 🇭🇹
Dec: 🇭🇹

flag: Haiti

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇭🇺
Dec: 🇭🇺

flag: Hungary

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EE U+1F1E8


Hex: 🇮🇨
Dec: 🇮🇨

flag: Canary Islands

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EE U+1F1E9


Hex: 🇮🇩
Dec: 🇮🇩

flag: Indonesia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇮🇪
Dec: 🇮🇪

flag: Ireland

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EE U+1F1F1


Hex: 🇮🇱
Dec: 🇮🇱

flag: Israel

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EE U+1F1F2


Hex: 🇮🇲
Dec: 🇮🇲

flag: Isle of Man

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EE U+1F1F3


Hex: 🇮🇳
Dec: 🇮🇳

flag: India

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EE U+1F1F4


Hex: 🇮🇴
Dec: 🇮🇴

flag: British Indian Ocean Territory

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EE U+1F1F6


Hex: 🇮🇶
Dec: 🇮🇶

flag: Iraq

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EE U+1F1F7


Hex: 🇮🇷
Dec: 🇮🇷

flag: Iran

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EE U+1F1F8


Hex: 🇮🇸
Dec: 🇮🇸

flag: Iceland

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EE U+1F1F9


Hex: 🇮🇹
Dec: 🇮🇹

flag: Italy

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇯🇪
Dec: 🇯🇪

flag: Jersey

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EF U+1F1F2


Hex: 🇯🇲
Dec: 🇯🇲

flag: Jamaica

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EF U+1F1F4


Hex: 🇯🇴
Dec: 🇯🇴

flag: Jordan

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1EF U+1F1F5


Hex: 🇯🇵
Dec: 🇯🇵

flag: Japan

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F0 U+1F1EA


Hex: 🇰🇪
Dec: 🇰🇪

flag: Kenya

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F0 U+1F1EC


Hex: 🇰🇬
Dec: 🇰🇬

flag: Kyrgyzstan

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F0 U+1F1ED


Hex: 🇰🇭
Dec: 🇰🇭

flag: Cambodia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F0 U+1F1EE


Hex: 🇰🇮
Dec: 🇰🇮

flag: Kiribati

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F0 U+1F1F2


Hex: 🇰🇲
Dec: 🇰🇲

flag: Comoros

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F0 U+1F1F3


Hex: 🇰🇳
Dec: 🇰🇳

flag: St. Kitts & Nevis

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F0 U+1F1F5


Hex: 🇰🇵
Dec: 🇰🇵

flag: North Korea

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F0 U+1F1F7


Hex: 🇰🇷
Dec: 🇰🇷

flag: South Korea

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F0 U+1F1FC


Hex: 🇰🇼
Dec: 🇰🇼

flag: Kuwait

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F0 U+1F1FE


Hex: 🇰🇾
Dec: 🇰🇾

flag: Cayman Islands

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F0 U+1F1FF


Hex: 🇰🇿
Dec: 🇰🇿

flag: Kazakhstan

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F1 U+1F1E6


Hex: 🇱🇦
Dec: 🇱🇦

flag: Laos

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F1 U+1F1E7


Hex: 🇱🇧
Dec: 🇱🇧

flag: Lebanon

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F1 U+1F1E8


Hex: 🇱🇨
Dec: 🇱🇨

flag: St. Lucia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F1 U+1F1EE


Hex: 🇱🇮
Dec: 🇱🇮

flag: Liechtenstein

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F1 U+1F1F0


Hex: 🇱🇰
Dec: 🇱🇰

flag: Sri Lanka

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F1 U+1F1F7


Hex: 🇱🇷
Dec: 🇱🇷

flag: Liberia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F1 U+1F1F8


Hex: 🇱🇸
Dec: 🇱🇸

flag: Lesotho

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F1 U+1F1F9


Hex: 🇱🇹
Dec: 🇱🇹

flag: Lithuania

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F1 U+1F1FA


Hex: 🇱🇺
Dec: 🇱🇺

flag: Luxembourg

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F1 U+1F1FB


Hex: 🇱🇻
Dec: 🇱🇻

flag: Latvia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F1 U+1F1FE


Hex: 🇱🇾
Dec: 🇱🇾

flag: Libya

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1E6


Hex: 🇲🇦
Dec: 🇲🇦

flag: Morocco

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1E8


Hex: 🇲🇨
Dec: 🇲🇨

flag: Monaco

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1E9


Hex: 🇲🇩
Dec: 🇲🇩

flag: Moldova

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1EA


Hex: 🇲🇪
Dec: 🇲🇪

flag: Montenegro

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1EB


Hex: 🇲🇫
Dec: 🇲🇫

flag: St. Martin

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1EC


Hex: 🇲🇬
Dec: 🇲🇬

flag: Madagascar

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1ED


Hex: 🇲🇭
Dec: 🇲🇭

flag: Marshall Islands

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1F0


Hex: 🇲🇰
Dec: 🇲🇰

flag: North Macedonia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1F1


Hex: 🇲🇱
Dec: 🇲🇱

flag: Mali

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1F2


Hex: 🇲🇲
Dec: 🇲🇲

flag: Myanmar (Burma)

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1F3


Hex: 🇲🇳
Dec: 🇲🇳

flag: Mongolia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1F4


Hex: 🇲🇴
Dec: 🇲🇴

flag: Macao SAR China

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1F5


Hex: 🇲🇵
Dec: 🇲🇵

flag: Northern Mariana Islands

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1F6


Hex: 🇲🇶
Dec: 🇲🇶

flag: Martinique

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1F7


Hex: 🇲🇷
Dec: 🇲🇷

flag: Mauritania

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1F8


Hex: 🇲🇸
Dec: 🇲🇸

flag: Montserrat

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1F9


Hex: 🇲🇹
Dec: 🇲🇹

flag: Malta

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1FA


Hex: 🇲🇺
Dec: 🇲🇺

flag: Mauritius

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1FB


Hex: 🇲🇻
Dec: 🇲🇻

flag: Maldives

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1FC


Hex: 🇲🇼
Dec: 🇲🇼

flag: Malawi

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1FD


Hex: 🇲🇽
Dec: 🇲🇽

flag: Mexico

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1FE


Hex: 🇲🇾
Dec: 🇲🇾

flag: Malaysia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F2 U+1F1FF


Hex: 🇲🇿
Dec: 🇲🇿

flag: Mozambique

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F3 U+1F1E6


Hex: 🇳🇦
Dec: 🇳🇦

flag: Namibia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F3 U+1F1E8


Hex: 🇳🇨
Dec: 🇳🇨

flag: New Caledonia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F3 U+1F1EA


Hex: 🇳🇪
Dec: 🇳🇪

flag: Niger

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F3 U+1F1EB


Hex: 🇳🇫
Dec: 🇳🇫

flag: Norfolk Island

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F3 U+1F1EC


Hex: 🇳🇬
Dec: 🇳🇬

flag: Nigeria

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F3 U+1F1EE


Hex: 🇳🇮
Dec: 🇳🇮

flag: Nicaragua

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F3 U+1F1F1


Hex: 🇳🇱
Dec: 🇳🇱

flag: Netherlands

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F3 U+1F1F4


Hex: 🇳🇴
Dec: 🇳🇴

flag: Norway

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F3 U+1F1F5


Hex: 🇳🇵
Dec: 🇳🇵

flag: Nepal

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F3 U+1F1F7


Hex: 🇳🇷
Dec: 🇳🇷

flag: Nauru

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F3 U+1F1FA


Hex: 🇳🇺
Dec: 🇳🇺

flag: Niue

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F3 U+1F1FF


Hex: 🇳🇿
Dec: 🇳🇿

flag: New Zealand

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F4 U+1F1F2


Hex: 🇴🇲
Dec: 🇴🇲

flag: Oman

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F5 U+1F1E6


Hex: 🇵🇦
Dec: 🇵🇦

flag: Panama

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F5 U+1F1EA


Hex: 🇵🇪
Dec: 🇵🇪

flag: Peru

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F5 U+1F1EB


Hex: 🇵🇫
Dec: 🇵🇫

flag: French Polynesia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F5 U+1F1EC


Hex: 🇵🇬
Dec: 🇵🇬

flag: Papua New Guinea

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F5 U+1F1ED


Hex: 🇵🇭
Dec: 🇵🇭

flag: Philippines

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F5 U+1F1F0


Hex: 🇵🇰
Dec: 🇵🇰

flag: Pakistan

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F5 U+1F1F1


Hex: 🇵🇱
Dec: 🇵🇱

flag: Poland

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F5 U+1F1F2


Hex: 🇵🇲
Dec: 🇵🇲

flag: St. Pierre & Miquelon

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F5 U+1F1F3


Hex: 🇵🇳
Dec: 🇵🇳

flag: Pitcairn Islands

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F5 U+1F1F7


Hex: 🇵🇷
Dec: 🇵🇷

flag: Puerto Rico

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F5 U+1F1F8


Hex: 🇵🇸
Dec: 🇵🇸

flag: Palestinian Territories

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F5 U+1F1F9


Hex: 🇵🇹
Dec: 🇵🇹

flag: Portugal

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F5 U+1F1FC


Hex: 🇵🇼
Dec: 🇵🇼

flag: Palau

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F5 U+1F1FE


Hex: 🇵🇾
Dec: 🇵🇾

flag: Paraguay

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F6 U+1F1E6


Hex: 🇶🇦
Dec: 🇶🇦

flag: Qatar

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F7 U+1F1EA


Hex: 🇷🇪
Dec: 🇷🇪

flag: Réunion

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F7 U+1F1F4


Hex: 🇷🇴
Dec: 🇷🇴

flag: Romania

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F7 U+1F1F8


Hex: 🇷🇸
Dec: 🇷🇸

flag: Serbia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F7 U+1F1FA


Hex: 🇷🇺
Dec: 🇷🇺

flag: Russia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F7 U+1F1FC


Hex: 🇷🇼
Dec: 🇷🇼

flag: Rwanda

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F8 U+1F1E6


Hex: 🇸🇦
Dec: 🇸🇦

flag: Saudi Arabia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F8 U+1F1E7


Hex: 🇸🇧
Dec: 🇸🇧

flag: Solomon Islands

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F8 U+1F1E8


Hex: 🇸🇨
Dec: 🇸🇨

flag: Seychelles

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F8 U+1F1E9


Hex: 🇸🇩
Dec: 🇸🇩

flag: Sudan

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F8 U+1F1EA


Hex: 🇸🇪
Dec: 🇸🇪

flag: Sweden

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F8 U+1F1EC


Hex: 🇸🇬
Dec: 🇸🇬

flag: Singapore

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F8 U+1F1ED


Hex: 🇸🇭
Dec: 🇸🇭

flag: St. Helena

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F8 U+1F1EE


Hex: 🇸🇮
Dec: 🇸🇮

flag: Slovenia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F8 U+1F1EF


Hex: 🇸🇯
Dec: 🇸🇯

flag: Svalbard & Jan Mayen

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F8 U+1F1F0


Hex: 🇸🇰
Dec: 🇸🇰

flag: Slovakia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F8 U+1F1F1


Hex: 🇸🇱
Dec: 🇸🇱

flag: Sierra Leone

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F8 U+1F1F2


Hex: 🇸🇲
Dec: 🇸🇲

flag: San Marino

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F8 U+1F1F3


Hex: 🇸🇳
Dec: 🇸🇳

flag: Senegal

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F8 U+1F1F4


Hex: 🇸🇴
Dec: 🇸🇴

flag: Somalia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F8 U+1F1F7


Hex: 🇸🇷
Dec: 🇸🇷

flag: Suriname

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F8 U+1F1F8


Hex: 🇸🇸
Dec: 🇸🇸

flag: South Sudan

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F8 U+1F1F9


Hex: 🇸🇹
Dec: 🇸🇹

flag: São Tomé & Príncipe

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F8 U+1F1FB


Hex: 🇸🇻
Dec: 🇸🇻

flag: El Salvador

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F8 U+1F1FD


Hex: 🇸🇽
Dec: 🇸🇽

flag: Sint Maarten

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F8 U+1F1FE


Hex: 🇸🇾
Dec: 🇸🇾

flag: Syria

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F8 U+1F1FF


Hex: 🇸🇿
Dec: 🇸🇿

flag: Eswatini

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F9 U+1F1E6


Hex: 🇹🇦
Dec: 🇹🇦

flag: Tristan da Cunha

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F9 U+1F1E8


Hex: 🇹🇨
Dec: 🇹🇨

flag: Turks & Caicos Islands

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F9 U+1F1E9


Hex: 🇹🇩
Dec: 🇹🇩

flag: Chad

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F9 U+1F1EB


Hex: 🇹🇫
Dec: 🇹🇫

flag: French Southern Territories

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F9 U+1F1EC


Hex: 🇹🇬
Dec: 🇹🇬

flag: Togo

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F9 U+1F1ED


Hex: 🇹🇭
Dec: 🇹🇭

flag: Thailand

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F9 U+1F1EF


Hex: 🇹🇯
Dec: 🇹🇯

flag: Tajikistan

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F9 U+1F1F0


Hex: 🇹🇰
Dec: 🇹🇰

flag: Tokelau

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F9 U+1F1F1


Hex: 🇹🇱
Dec: 🇹🇱

flag: Timor-Leste

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F9 U+1F1F2


Hex: 🇹🇲
Dec: 🇹🇲

flag: Turkmenistan

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F9 U+1F1F3


Hex: 🇹🇳
Dec: 🇹🇳

flag: Tunisia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F9 U+1F1F4


Hex: 🇹🇴
Dec: 🇹🇴

flag: Tonga

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F9 U+1F1F7


Hex: 🇹🇷
Dec: 🇹🇷

flag: Türkiye

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F9 U+1F1F9


Hex: 🇹🇹
Dec: 🇹🇹

flag: Trinidad & Tobago

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F9 U+1F1FB


Hex: 🇹🇻
Dec: 🇹🇻

flag: Tuvalu

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F9 U+1F1FC


Hex: 🇹🇼
Dec: 🇹🇼

flag: Taiwan

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1F9 U+1F1FF


Hex: 🇹🇿
Dec: 🇹🇿

flag: Tanzania

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1FA U+1F1E6


Hex: 🇺🇦
Dec: 🇺🇦

flag: Ukraine

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇺🇬
Dec: 🇺🇬

flag: Uganda

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1FA U+1F1F2


Hex: 🇺🇲
Dec: 🇺🇲

flag: U.S. Outlying Islands

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1FA U+1F1F3


Hex: 🇺🇳
Dec: 🇺🇳

flag: United Nations

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1FA U+1F1F8


Hex: 🇺🇸
Dec: 🇺🇸

flag: United States

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇺🇾
Dec: 🇺🇾

flag: Uruguay

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇺🇿
Dec: 🇺🇿

flag: Uzbekistan

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1FB U+1F1E6


Hex: 🇻🇦
Dec: 🇻🇦

flag: Vatican City

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1FB U+1F1E8


Hex: 🇻🇨
Dec: 🇻🇨

flag: St. Vincent & Grenadines

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇻🇪
Dec: 🇻🇪

flag: Venezuela

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇻🇬
Dec: 🇻🇬

flag: British Virgin Islands

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇻🇮
Dec: 🇻🇮

flag: U.S. Virgin Islands

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1FB U+1F1F3


Hex: 🇻🇳
Dec: 🇻🇳

flag: Vietnam

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇻🇺
Dec: 🇻🇺

flag: Vanuatu

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇼🇫
Dec: 🇼🇫

flag: Wallis & Futuna

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1FC U+1F1F8


Hex: 🇼🇸
Dec: 🇼🇸

flag: Samoa

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1FD U+1F1F0


Hex: 🇽🇰
Dec: 🇽🇰

flag: Kosovo

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇾🇪
Dec: 🇾🇪

flag: Yemen

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1FE U+1F1F9


Hex: 🇾🇹
Dec: 🇾🇹

flag: Mayotte

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1FF U+1F1E6


Hex: 🇿🇦
Dec: 🇿🇦

flag: South Africa

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

U+1F1FF U+1F1F2


Hex: 🇿🇲
Dec: 🇿🇲

flag: Zambia

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11



Hex: 🇿🇼
Dec: 🇿🇼

flag: Zimbabwe

No disponible en Windows 10
No disponible en Windows 11

Géneros (1)

En este apartado se muestran secuencias Unicode ZWJ que corresponden a profesiones o actividades con personajes femeninos o masculinos. Estas secuencias se forman con tres caracteres, combinando el carácter hombre o mujer con un objeto relacionado con la profesión, como se comenta en el apartado Géneros (1) de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F33E


Hex: 👨‍🌾
Dec: 👨‍🌾

man farmer

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F33E


Hex: 👩‍🌾
Dec: 👩‍🌾

woman farmer

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F373


Hex: 👨‍🍳
Dec: 👨‍🍳

man cook

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F373


Hex: 👩‍🍳
Dec: 👩‍🍳

woman cook

13 U+1F468 U+200D U+1F37C


Hex: 👨‍🍼
Dec: 👨‍🍼

man feeding baby

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F469 U+200D U+1F37C


Hex: 👩‍🍼
Dec: 👩‍🍼

woman feeding baby

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F393


Hex: 👨‍🎓
Dec: 👨‍🎓

man student

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F393


Hex: 👩‍🎓
Dec: 👩‍🎓

woman student

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F3A4


Hex: 👨‍🎤
Dec: 👨‍🎤

man singer

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F3A4


Hex: 👩‍🎤
Dec: 👩‍🎤

woman singer

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F3A8


Hex: 👨‍🎨
Dec: 👨‍🎨

man artist

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F3A8


Hex: 👩‍🎨
Dec: 👩‍🎨

woman artist

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F3EB


Hex: 👨‍🏫
Dec: 👨‍🏫

man teacher

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F3EB


Hex: 👩‍🏫
Dec: 👩‍🏫

woman teacher

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F3ED


Hex: 👨‍🏭
Dec: 👨‍🏭

man factory worker

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F3ED


Hex: 👩‍🏭
Dec: 👩‍🏭

woman factory worker

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F4BB


Hex: 👨‍💻
Dec: 👨‍💻

man technologist

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F4BB


Hex: 👩‍💻
Dec: 👩‍💻

woman technologist

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F4BC


Hex: 👨‍💼
Dec: 👨‍💼

man office worker

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F4BC


Hex: 👩‍💼
Dec: 👩‍💼

woman office worker

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F527


Hex: 👨‍🔧
Dec: 👨‍🔧

man mechanic

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F527


Hex: 👩‍🔧
Dec: 👩‍🔧

woman mechanic

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F52C


Hex: 👨‍🔬
Dec: 👨‍🔬

man scientist

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F52C


Hex: 👩‍🔬
Dec: 👩‍🔬

woman scientist

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F680


Hex: 👨‍🚀
Dec: 👨‍🚀

man astronaut

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F680


Hex: 👩‍🚀
Dec: 👩‍🚀

woman astronaut

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F692


Hex: 👨‍🚒
Dec: 👨‍🚒

man firefighter

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F692


Hex: 👩‍🚒
Dec: 👩‍🚒

woman firefighter

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F9AF


Hex: 👨‍🦯
Dec: 👨‍🦯

man with white cane

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F9AF


Hex: 👩‍🦯
Dec: 👩‍🦯

woman with white cane

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F9B0


Hex: 👨‍🦰
Dec: 👨‍🦰

man: red hair

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F9B0


Hex: 👩‍🦰
Dec: 👩‍🦰

woman: red hair

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F9B1


Hex: 👨‍🦱
Dec: 👨‍🦱

man: curly hair

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F9B1


Hex: 👩‍🦱
Dec: 👩‍🦱

woman: curly hair

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F9B2


Hex: 👨‍🦲
Dec: 👨‍🦲

man: bald

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F9B2


Hex: 👩‍🦲
Dec: 👩‍🦲

woman: bald

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F9B3


Hex: 👨‍🦳
Dec: 👨‍🦳

man: white hair

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F9B3


Hex: 👩‍🦳
Dec: 👩‍🦳

woman: white hair

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F9BC


Hex: 👨‍🦼
Dec: 👨‍🦼

man in motorized wheelchair

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F9BC


Hex: 👩‍🦼
Dec: 👩‍🦼

woman in motorized wheelchair

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F9BD


Hex: 👨‍🦽
Dec: 👨‍🦽

man in manual wheelchair

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F9BD


Hex: 👩‍🦽
Dec: 👩‍🦽

woman in manual wheelchair

Géneros (3)

En este apartado se muestran secuencias Unicode ZWJ que corresponden a profesiones o actividades con personajes neutros (ni femeninos ni masculinos). Estas secuencias se forman con tres caracteres, combinando el emoji que representa a un adulto con un objeto relacionado con la profesión, como se comenta en el apartado Géneros (3) de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F33E


Hex: 🧑‍🌾
Dec: 🧑‍🌾


No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F373


Hex: 🧑‍🍳
Dec: 🧑‍🍳


No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F37C


Hex: 🧑‍🍼
Dec: 🧑‍🍼

person feeding baby

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F384


Hex: 🧑‍🎄
Dec: 🧑‍🎄

mx claus

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F393


Hex: 🧑‍🎓
Dec: 🧑‍🎓


No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F3A4


Hex: 🧑‍🎤
Dec: 🧑‍🎤


No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F3A8


Hex: 🧑‍🎨
Dec: 🧑‍🎨


No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F3EB


Hex: 🧑‍🏫
Dec: 🧑‍🏫


No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F3ED


Hex: 🧑‍🏭
Dec: 🧑‍🏭

factory worker

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F4BB


Hex: 🧑‍💻
Dec: 🧑‍💻


No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F4BC


Hex: 🧑‍💼
Dec: 🧑‍💼

office worker

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F527


Hex: 🧑‍🔧
Dec: 🧑‍🔧


No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F52C


Hex: 🧑‍🔬
Dec: 🧑‍🔬


No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F680


Hex: 🧑‍🚀
Dec: 🧑‍🚀


No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F692


Hex: 🧑‍🚒
Dec: 🧑‍🚒


No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F9AF


Hex: 🧑‍🦯
Dec: 🧑‍🦯

person with white cane

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F9B0


Hex: 🧑‍🦰
Dec: 🧑‍🦰

person: red hair

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F9B1


Hex: 🧑‍🦱
Dec: 🧑‍🦱

person: curly hair

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F9B2


Hex: 🧑‍🦲
Dec: 🧑‍🦲

person: bald

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F9B3


Hex: 🧑‍🦳
Dec: 🧑‍🦳

person: white hair

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F9BC


Hex: 🧑‍🦼
Dec: 🧑‍🦼

person in motorized wheelchair

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F9BD


Hex: 🧑‍🦽
Dec: 🧑‍🦽

person in manual wheelchair

No disponible en Windows 10

Géneros (4)

En este apartado se muestran secuencias Unicode ZWJ que corresponden a profesiones o actividades con personajes femeninos o masculinos. Estas secuencias se forman con cuatro caracteres, combinando el carácter hombre o mujer con un objeto relacionado con la profesión, como se comenta en el apartado Géneros (4) de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F468 U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F


Hex: 👨‍⚕️
Dec: 👨‍⚕️

man health worker

U+1F468 U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F


Hex: 👨‍⚖️
Dec: 👨‍⚖️

man judge

U+1F468 U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F


Hex: 👨‍✈️
Dec: 👨‍✈️

man pilot

U+1F469 U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F


Hex: 👩‍⚕️
Dec: 👩‍⚕️

woman health worker

U+1F469 U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F


Hex: 👩‍⚖️
Dec: 👩‍⚖️

woman judge

U+1F469 U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F


Hex: 👩‍✈️
Dec: 👩‍✈️

woman pilot

Géneros (5)

En este apartado se muestran secuencias Unicode ZWJ que corresponden a profesiones o actividades con personajes femeninos o masculinos. Estas secuencias se forman con cuatro caracteres, combinando un carácter que normalmente ya representa a un individuo con el símbolo masculino o femenino, como se comenta en el apartado Géneros (5) de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F3C3 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏃‍♀️
Dec: 🏃‍♀️

woman running

U+1F3C3 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏃‍♂️
Dec: 🏃‍♂️

man running

U+1F3C4 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏄‍♀️
Dec: 🏄‍♀️

woman surfing

U+1F3C4 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏄‍♂️
Dec: 🏄‍♂️

man surfing

U+1F3CA U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏊‍♀️
Dec: 🏊‍♀️

woman swimming

U+1F3CA U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏊‍♂️
Dec: 🏊‍♂️

man swimming

U+1F46E U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👮‍♀️
Dec: 👮‍♀️

woman police officer

U+1F46E U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👮‍♂️
Dec: 👮‍♂️

man police officer

U+1F46F U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👯‍♀️
Dec: 👯‍♀️

women with bunny ears

U+1F46F U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👯‍♂️
Dec: 👯‍♂️

men with bunny ears

13 U+1F470 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👰‍♀️
Dec: 👰‍♀️

woman with veil

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F470 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👰‍♂️
Dec: 👰‍♂️

man with veil

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F471 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👱‍♀️
Dec: 👱‍♀️

woman: blond hair

U+1F471 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👱‍♂️
Dec: 👱‍♂️

man: blond hair

U+1F473 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👳‍♀️
Dec: 👳‍♀️

woman wearing turban

U+1F473 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👳‍♂️
Dec: 👳‍♂️

man wearing turban

U+1F477 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👷‍♀️
Dec: 👷‍♀️

woman construction worker

U+1F477 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👷‍♂️
Dec: 👷‍♂️

man construction worker

U+1F481 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💁‍♀️
Dec: 💁‍♀️

woman tipping hand

U+1F481 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💁‍♂️
Dec: 💁‍♂️

man tipping hand

U+1F482 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💂‍♀️
Dec: 💂‍♀️

woman guard

U+1F482 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💂‍♂️
Dec: 💂‍♂️

man guard

U+1F486 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💆‍♀️
Dec: 💆‍♀️

woman getting massage

U+1F486 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💆‍♂️
Dec: 💆‍♂️

man getting massage

U+1F487 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💇‍♀️
Dec: 💇‍♀️

woman getting haircut

U+1F487 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💇‍♂️
Dec: 💇‍♂️

man getting haircut

U+1F645 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙅‍♀️
Dec: 🙅‍♀️

woman gesturing NO

U+1F645 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙅‍♂️
Dec: 🙅‍♂️

man gesturing NO

U+1F646 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙆‍♀️
Dec: 🙆‍♀️

woman gesturing OK

U+1F646 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙆‍♂️
Dec: 🙆‍♂️

man gesturing OK

U+1F647 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙇‍♀️
Dec: 🙇‍♀️

woman bowing

U+1F647 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙇‍♂️
Dec: 🙇‍♂️

man bowing

U+1F64B U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙋‍♀️
Dec: 🙋‍♀️

woman raising hand

U+1F64B U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙋‍♂️
Dec: 🙋‍♂️

man raising hand

U+1F64D U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙍‍♀️
Dec: 🙍‍♀️

woman frowning

U+1F64D U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙍‍♂️
Dec: 🙍‍♂️

man frowning

U+1F64E U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙎‍♀️
Dec: 🙎‍♀️

woman pouting

U+1F64E U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙎‍♂️
Dec: 🙎‍♂️

man pouting

U+1F6A3 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚣‍♀️
Dec: 🚣‍♀️

woman rowing boat

U+1F6A3 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚣‍♂️
Dec: 🚣‍♂️

man rowing boat

U+1F6B4 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚴‍♀️
Dec: 🚴‍♀️

woman biking

U+1F6B4 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚴‍♂️
Dec: 🚴‍♂️

man biking

U+1F6B5 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚵‍♀️
Dec: 🚵‍♀️

woman mountain biking

U+1F6B5 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚵‍♂️
Dec: 🚵‍♂️

man mountain biking

U+1F6B6 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚶‍♀️
Dec: 🚶‍♀️

woman walking

U+1F6B6 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚶‍♂️
Dec: 🚶‍♂️

man walking

U+1F926 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤦‍♀️
Dec: 🤦‍♀️

woman facepalming

U+1F926 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤦‍♂️
Dec: 🤦‍♂️

man facepalming

13 U+1F935 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤵‍♀️
Dec: 🤵‍♀️

woman in tuxedo

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F935 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤵‍♂️
Dec: 🤵‍♂️

man in tuxedo

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F937 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤷‍♀️
Dec: 🤷‍♀️

woman shrugging

U+1F937 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤷‍♂️
Dec: 🤷‍♂️

man shrugging

U+1F938 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤸‍♀️
Dec: 🤸‍♀️

woman cartwheeling

U+1F938 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤸‍♂️
Dec: 🤸‍♂️

man cartwheeling

U+1F939 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤹‍♀️
Dec: 🤹‍♀️

woman juggling

U+1F939 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤹‍♂️
Dec: 🤹‍♂️

man juggling

U+1F93C U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤼‍♀️
Dec: 🤼‍♀️

women wrestling

U+1F93C U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤼‍♂️
Dec: 🤼‍♂️

men wrestling

U+1F93D U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤽‍♀️
Dec: 🤽‍♀️

woman playing water polo

U+1F93D U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤽‍♂️
Dec: 🤽‍♂️

man playing water polo

U+1F93E U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤾‍♀️
Dec: 🤾‍♀️

woman playing handball

U+1F93E U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤾‍♂️
Dec: 🤾‍♂️

man playing handball

U+1F9B8 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦸‍♀️
Dec: 🦸‍♀️

woman superhero

U+1F9B8 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦸‍♂️
Dec: 🦸‍♂️

man superhero

U+1F9B9 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦹‍♀️
Dec: 🦹‍♀️

woman supervillain

U+1F9B9 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦹‍♂️
Dec: 🦹‍♂️

man supervillain

U+1F9CD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧍‍♀️
Dec: 🧍‍♀️

woman standing

U+1F9CD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧍‍♂️
Dec: 🧍‍♂️

man standing

U+1F9CE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧎‍♀️
Dec: 🧎‍♀️

woman kneeling

U+1F9CE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧎‍♂️
Dec: 🧎‍♂️

man kneeling

U+1F9CF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧏‍♀️
Dec: 🧏‍♀️

deaf woman

U+1F9CF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧏‍♂️
Dec: 🧏‍♂️

deaf man

13.1 U+1F9D4 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧔‍♀️
Dec: 🧔‍♀️

woman: beard

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D4 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧔‍♂️
Dec: 🧔‍♂️

man: beard

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D6 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧖‍♀️
Dec: 🧖‍♀️

woman in steamy room

U+1F9D6 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧖‍♂️
Dec: 🧖‍♂️

man in steamy room

U+1F9D7 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧗‍♀️
Dec: 🧗‍♀️

woman climbing

U+1F9D7 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧗‍♂️
Dec: 🧗‍♂️

man climbing

U+1F9D8 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧘‍♀️
Dec: 🧘‍♀️

woman in lotus position

U+1F9D8 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧘‍♂️
Dec: 🧘‍♂️

man in lotus position

U+1F9D9 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧙‍♀️
Dec: 🧙‍♀️

woman mage

U+1F9D9 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧙‍♂️
Dec: 🧙‍♂️

man mage

U+1F9DA U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧚‍♀️
Dec: 🧚‍♀️

woman fairy

U+1F9DA U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧚‍♂️
Dec: 🧚‍♂️

man fairy

U+1F9DB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧛‍♀️
Dec: 🧛‍♀️

woman vampire

U+1F9DB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧛‍♂️
Dec: 🧛‍♂️

man vampire

U+1F9DC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧜‍♀️
Dec: 🧜‍♀️


U+1F9DC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧜‍♂️
Dec: 🧜‍♂️


U+1F9DD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧝‍♀️
Dec: 🧝‍♀️

woman elf

U+1F9DD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧝‍♂️
Dec: 🧝‍♂️

man elf

U+1F9DE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧞‍♀️
Dec: 🧞‍♀️

woman genie

U+1F9DE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧞‍♂️
Dec: 🧞‍♂️

man genie

U+1F9DF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧟‍♀️
Dec: 🧟‍♀️

woman zombie

U+1F9DF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧟‍♂️
Dec: 🧟‍♂️

man zombie

Géneros (7)

En este apartado se muestran secuencias Unicode ZWJ que corresponden a profesiones o actividades con personajes neutros (ni femeninos ni masculinos). Estas secuencias se forman con cuatro caracteres, combinando el emoji que representa a un adulto con un objeto relacionado con la profesión, como se comenta en el apartado Géneros (7) de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧑‍⚕️
Dec: 🧑‍⚕️

health worker

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧑‍⚖️
Dec: 🧑‍⚖️


No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧑‍✈️
Dec: 🧑‍✈️


No disponible en Windows 10

Géneros (8)

En este apartado se muestran secuencias Unicode ZWJ que corresponden a profesiones o actividades con personajes femeninos o masculinos. Estas secuencias se forman con cinco caracteres, combinando un carácter que normalmente ya representa a un individuo con el símbolo masculino o femenino, como se comenta en el apartado Géneros (8) de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F3CB U+FE0F U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏋️‍♀️
Dec: 🏋️‍♀️

woman lifting weights

U+1F3CB U+FE0F U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏋️‍♂️
Dec: 🏋️‍♂️

man lifting weights

U+1F3CC U+FE0F U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏌️‍♀️
Dec: 🏌️‍♀️

woman golfing

U+1F3CC U+FE0F U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏌️‍♂️
Dec: 🏌️‍♂️

man golfing

U+1F575 U+FE0F U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕵️‍♀️
Dec: 🕵️‍♀️

woman detective

U+1F575 U+FE0F U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕵️‍♂️
Dec: 🕵️‍♂️

man detective

U+26F9 U+FE0F U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: ⛹️‍♀️
Dec: ⛹️‍♀️

woman bouncing ball

U+26F9 U+FE0F U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: ⛹️‍♂️
Dec: ⛹️‍♂️

man bouncing ball

Colores de piel (1)

En este apartado se muestran secuencias Unicode con modificadores Fitzpatrick. Estas secuencias se forman con dos caracteres, combinando un caracter que representa un individuo o una parte del cuerpo con uno de los modificadores Fitzpatrick, como se comenta en el apartado Colores de piel (1) de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F385 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🎅🏻
Dec: 🎅🏻

Santa Claus: light skin tone

U+1F385 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🎅🏼
Dec: 🎅🏼

Santa Claus: medium-light skin tone

U+1F385 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🎅🏽
Dec: 🎅🏽

Santa Claus: medium skin tone

U+1F385 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🎅🏾
Dec: 🎅🏾

Santa Claus: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F385 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🎅🏿
Dec: 🎅🏿

Santa Claus: dark skin tone

U+1F3C2 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🏂🏻
Dec: 🏂🏻

snowboarder: light skin tone

U+1F3C2 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🏂🏼
Dec: 🏂🏼

snowboarder: medium-light skin tone

U+1F3C2 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🏂🏽
Dec: 🏂🏽

snowboarder: medium skin tone

U+1F3C2 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🏂🏾
Dec: 🏂🏾

snowboarder: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F3C2 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🏂🏿
Dec: 🏂🏿

snowboarder: dark skin tone

U+1F3C3 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🏃🏻
Dec: 🏃🏻

person running: light skin tone

U+1F3C3 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🏃🏼
Dec: 🏃🏼

person running: medium-light skin tone

U+1F3C3 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🏃🏽
Dec: 🏃🏽

person running: medium skin tone

U+1F3C3 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🏃🏾
Dec: 🏃🏾

person running: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F3C3 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🏃🏿
Dec: 🏃🏿

person running: dark skin tone

U+1F3C4 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🏄🏻
Dec: 🏄🏻

person surfing: light skin tone

U+1F3C4 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🏄🏼
Dec: 🏄🏼

person surfing: medium-light skin tone

U+1F3C4 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🏄🏽
Dec: 🏄🏽

person surfing: medium skin tone

U+1F3C4 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🏄🏾
Dec: 🏄🏾

person surfing: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F3C4 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🏄🏿
Dec: 🏄🏿

person surfing: dark skin tone

U+1F3C7 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🏇🏻
Dec: 🏇🏻

horse racing: light skin tone

U+1F3C7 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🏇🏼
Dec: 🏇🏼

horse racing: medium-light skin tone

U+1F3C7 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🏇🏽
Dec: 🏇🏽

horse racing: medium skin tone

U+1F3C7 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🏇🏾
Dec: 🏇🏾

horse racing: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F3C7 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🏇🏿
Dec: 🏇🏿

horse racing: dark skin tone



Hex: 🏊🏻
Dec: 🏊🏻

person swimming: light skin tone



Hex: 🏊🏼
Dec: 🏊🏼

person swimming: medium-light skin tone



Hex: 🏊🏽
Dec: 🏊🏽

person swimming: medium skin tone



Hex: 🏊🏾
Dec: 🏊🏾

person swimming: medium-dark skin tone



Hex: 🏊🏿
Dec: 🏊🏿

person swimming: dark skin tone



Hex: 🏋🏻
Dec: 🏋🏻

person lifting weights: light skin tone



Hex: 🏋🏼
Dec: 🏋🏼

person lifting weights: medium-light skin tone



Hex: 🏋🏽
Dec: 🏋🏽

person lifting weights: medium skin tone



Hex: 🏋🏾
Dec: 🏋🏾

person lifting weights: medium-dark skin tone



Hex: 🏋🏿
Dec: 🏋🏿

person lifting weights: dark skin tone



Hex: 🏌🏻
Dec: 🏌🏻

person golfing: light skin tone



Hex: 🏌🏼
Dec: 🏌🏼

person golfing: medium-light skin tone



Hex: 🏌🏽
Dec: 🏌🏽

person golfing: medium skin tone



Hex: 🏌🏾
Dec: 🏌🏾

person golfing: medium-dark skin tone



Hex: 🏌🏿
Dec: 🏌🏿

person golfing: dark skin tone

U+1F442 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👂🏻
Dec: 👂🏻

ear: light skin tone

U+1F442 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👂🏼
Dec: 👂🏼

ear: medium-light skin tone

U+1F442 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👂🏽
Dec: 👂🏽

ear: medium skin tone

U+1F442 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👂🏾
Dec: 👂🏾

ear: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F442 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👂🏿
Dec: 👂🏿

ear: dark skin tone

U+1F443 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👃🏻
Dec: 👃🏻

nose: light skin tone

U+1F443 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👃🏼
Dec: 👃🏼

nose: medium-light skin tone

U+1F443 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👃🏽
Dec: 👃🏽

nose: medium skin tone

U+1F443 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👃🏾
Dec: 👃🏾

nose: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F443 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👃🏿
Dec: 👃🏿

nose: dark skin tone

U+1F446 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👆🏻
Dec: 👆🏻

backhand index pointing up: light skin tone

U+1F446 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👆🏼
Dec: 👆🏼

backhand index pointing up: medium-light skin tone

U+1F446 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👆🏽
Dec: 👆🏽

backhand index pointing up: medium skin tone

U+1F446 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👆🏾
Dec: 👆🏾

backhand index pointing up: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F446 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👆🏿
Dec: 👆🏿

backhand index pointing up: dark skin tone

U+1F447 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👇🏻
Dec: 👇🏻

backhand index pointing down: light skin tone

U+1F447 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👇🏼
Dec: 👇🏼

backhand index pointing down: medium-light skin tone

U+1F447 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👇🏽
Dec: 👇🏽

backhand index pointing down: medium skin tone

U+1F447 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👇🏾
Dec: 👇🏾

backhand index pointing down: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F447 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👇🏿
Dec: 👇🏿

backhand index pointing down: dark skin tone

U+1F448 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👈🏻
Dec: 👈🏻

backhand index pointing left: light skin tone

U+1F448 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👈🏼
Dec: 👈🏼

backhand index pointing left: medium-light skin tone

U+1F448 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👈🏽
Dec: 👈🏽

backhand index pointing left: medium skin tone

U+1F448 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👈🏾
Dec: 👈🏾

backhand index pointing left: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F448 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👈🏿
Dec: 👈🏿

backhand index pointing left: dark skin tone

U+1F449 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👉🏻
Dec: 👉🏻

backhand index pointing right: light skin tone

U+1F449 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👉🏼
Dec: 👉🏼

backhand index pointing right: medium-light skin tone

U+1F449 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👉🏽
Dec: 👉🏽

backhand index pointing right: medium skin tone

U+1F449 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👉🏾
Dec: 👉🏾

backhand index pointing right: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F449 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👉🏿
Dec: 👉🏿

backhand index pointing right: dark skin tone

U+1F44A U+1F3FB


Hex: 👊🏻
Dec: 👊🏻

oncoming fist: light skin tone

U+1F44A U+1F3FC


Hex: 👊🏼
Dec: 👊🏼

oncoming fist: medium-light skin tone

U+1F44A U+1F3FD


Hex: 👊🏽
Dec: 👊🏽

oncoming fist: medium skin tone

U+1F44A U+1F3FE


Hex: 👊🏾
Dec: 👊🏾

oncoming fist: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F44A U+1F3FF


Hex: 👊🏿
Dec: 👊🏿

oncoming fist: dark skin tone

U+1F44B U+1F3FB


Hex: 👋🏻
Dec: 👋🏻

waving hand: light skin tone

U+1F44B U+1F3FC


Hex: 👋🏼
Dec: 👋🏼

waving hand: medium-light skin tone

U+1F44B U+1F3FD


Hex: 👋🏽
Dec: 👋🏽

waving hand: medium skin tone

U+1F44B U+1F3FE


Hex: 👋🏾
Dec: 👋🏾

waving hand: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F44B U+1F3FF


Hex: 👋🏿
Dec: 👋🏿

waving hand: dark skin tone

U+1F44C U+1F3FB


Hex: 👌🏻
Dec: 👌🏻

OK hand: light skin tone

U+1F44C U+1F3FC


Hex: 👌🏼
Dec: 👌🏼

OK hand: medium-light skin tone

U+1F44C U+1F3FD


Hex: 👌🏽
Dec: 👌🏽

OK hand: medium skin tone

U+1F44C U+1F3FE


Hex: 👌🏾
Dec: 👌🏾

OK hand: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F44C U+1F3FF


Hex: 👌🏿
Dec: 👌🏿

OK hand: dark skin tone

U+1F44D U+1F3FB


Hex: 👍🏻
Dec: 👍🏻

thumbs up: light skin tone

U+1F44D U+1F3FC


Hex: 👍🏼
Dec: 👍🏼

thumbs up: medium-light skin tone

U+1F44D U+1F3FD


Hex: 👍🏽
Dec: 👍🏽

thumbs up: medium skin tone

U+1F44D U+1F3FE


Hex: 👍🏾
Dec: 👍🏾

thumbs up: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F44D U+1F3FF


Hex: 👍🏿
Dec: 👍🏿

thumbs up: dark skin tone

U+1F44E U+1F3FB


Hex: 👎🏻
Dec: 👎🏻

thumbs down: light skin tone

U+1F44E U+1F3FC


Hex: 👎🏼
Dec: 👎🏼

thumbs down: medium-light skin tone

U+1F44E U+1F3FD


Hex: 👎🏽
Dec: 👎🏽

thumbs down: medium skin tone

U+1F44E U+1F3FE


Hex: 👎🏾
Dec: 👎🏾

thumbs down: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F44E U+1F3FF


Hex: 👎🏿
Dec: 👎🏿

thumbs down: dark skin tone

U+1F44F U+1F3FB


Hex: 👏🏻
Dec: 👏🏻

clapping hands: light skin tone

U+1F44F U+1F3FC


Hex: 👏🏼
Dec: 👏🏼

clapping hands: medium-light skin tone

U+1F44F U+1F3FD


Hex: 👏🏽
Dec: 👏🏽

clapping hands: medium skin tone

U+1F44F U+1F3FE


Hex: 👏🏾
Dec: 👏🏾

clapping hands: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F44F U+1F3FF


Hex: 👏🏿
Dec: 👏🏿

clapping hands: dark skin tone

U+1F450 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👐🏻
Dec: 👐🏻

open hands: light skin tone

U+1F450 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👐🏼
Dec: 👐🏼

open hands: medium-light skin tone

U+1F450 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👐🏽
Dec: 👐🏽

open hands: medium skin tone

U+1F450 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👐🏾
Dec: 👐🏾

open hands: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F450 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👐🏿
Dec: 👐🏿

open hands: dark skin tone

U+1F466 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👦🏻
Dec: 👦🏻

boy: light skin tone

U+1F466 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👦🏼
Dec: 👦🏼

boy: medium-light skin tone

U+1F466 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👦🏽
Dec: 👦🏽

boy: medium skin tone

U+1F466 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👦🏾
Dec: 👦🏾

boy: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F466 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👦🏿
Dec: 👦🏿

boy: dark skin tone

U+1F467 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👧🏻
Dec: 👧🏻

girl: light skin tone

U+1F467 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👧🏼
Dec: 👧🏼

girl: medium-light skin tone

U+1F467 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👧🏽
Dec: 👧🏽

girl: medium skin tone

U+1F467 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👧🏾
Dec: 👧🏾

girl: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F467 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👧🏿
Dec: 👧🏿

girl: dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👨🏻
Dec: 👨🏻

man: light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👨🏼
Dec: 👨🏼

man: medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👨🏽
Dec: 👨🏽

man: medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👨🏾
Dec: 👨🏾

man: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👨🏿
Dec: 👨🏿

man: dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏻
Dec: 👩🏻

woman: light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏼
Dec: 👩🏼

woman: medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏽
Dec: 👩🏽

woman: medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏾
Dec: 👩🏾

woman: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏿
Dec: 👩🏿

woman: dark skin tone

U+1F46B U+1F3FB


Hex: 👫🏻
Dec: 👫🏻

woman and man holding hands: light skin tone

U+1F46B U+1F3FC


Hex: 👫🏼
Dec: 👫🏼

woman and man holding hands: medium-light skin tone

U+1F46B U+1F3FD


Hex: 👫🏽
Dec: 👫🏽

woman and man holding hands: medium skin tone

U+1F46B U+1F3FE


Hex: 👫🏾
Dec: 👫🏾

woman and man holding hands: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F46B U+1F3FF


Hex: 👫🏿
Dec: 👫🏿

woman and man holding hands: dark skin tone

U+1F46C U+1F3FB


Hex: 👬🏻
Dec: 👬🏻

men holding hands: light skin tone

U+1F46C U+1F3FC


Hex: 👬🏼
Dec: 👬🏼

men holding hands: medium-light skin tone

U+1F46C U+1F3FD


Hex: 👬🏽
Dec: 👬🏽

men holding hands: medium skin tone

U+1F46C U+1F3FE


Hex: 👬🏾
Dec: 👬🏾

men holding hands: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F46C U+1F3FF


Hex: 👬🏿
Dec: 👬🏿

men holding hands: dark skin tone

U+1F46D U+1F3FB


Hex: 👭🏻
Dec: 👭🏻

women holding hands: light skin tone

U+1F46D U+1F3FC


Hex: 👭🏼
Dec: 👭🏼

women holding hands: medium-light skin tone

U+1F46D U+1F3FD


Hex: 👭🏽
Dec: 👭🏽

women holding hands: medium skin tone

U+1F46D U+1F3FE


Hex: 👭🏾
Dec: 👭🏾

women holding hands: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F46D U+1F3FF


Hex: 👭🏿
Dec: 👭🏿

women holding hands: dark skin tone

U+1F46E U+1F3FB


Hex: 👮🏻
Dec: 👮🏻

police officer: light skin tone

U+1F46E U+1F3FC


Hex: 👮🏼
Dec: 👮🏼

police officer: medium-light skin tone

U+1F46E U+1F3FD


Hex: 👮🏽
Dec: 👮🏽

police officer: medium skin tone

U+1F46E U+1F3FE


Hex: 👮🏾
Dec: 👮🏾

police officer: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F46E U+1F3FF


Hex: 👮🏿
Dec: 👮🏿

police officer: dark skin tone

U+1F470 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👰🏻
Dec: 👰🏻

person with veil: light skin tone

U+1F470 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👰🏼
Dec: 👰🏼

person with veil: medium-light skin tone

U+1F470 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👰🏽
Dec: 👰🏽

person with veil: medium skin tone

U+1F470 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👰🏾
Dec: 👰🏾

person with veil: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F470 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👰🏿
Dec: 👰🏿

person with veil: dark skin tone

U+1F471 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👱🏻
Dec: 👱🏻

person: light skin tone, blond hair

U+1F471 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👱🏼
Dec: 👱🏼

person: medium-light skin tone, blond hair

U+1F471 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👱🏽
Dec: 👱🏽

person: medium skin tone, blond hair

U+1F471 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👱🏾
Dec: 👱🏾

person: medium-dark skin tone, blond hair

U+1F471 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👱🏿
Dec: 👱🏿

person: dark skin tone, blond hair

U+1F472 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👲🏻
Dec: 👲🏻

person with skullcap: light skin tone

U+1F472 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👲🏼
Dec: 👲🏼

person with skullcap: medium-light skin tone

U+1F472 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👲🏽
Dec: 👲🏽

person with skullcap: medium skin tone

U+1F472 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👲🏾
Dec: 👲🏾

person with skullcap: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F472 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👲🏿
Dec: 👲🏿

person with skullcap: dark skin tone

U+1F473 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👳🏻
Dec: 👳🏻

person wearing turban: light skin tone

U+1F473 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👳🏼
Dec: 👳🏼

person wearing turban: medium-light skin tone

U+1F473 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👳🏽
Dec: 👳🏽

person wearing turban: medium skin tone

U+1F473 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👳🏾
Dec: 👳🏾

person wearing turban: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F473 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👳🏿
Dec: 👳🏿

person wearing turban: dark skin tone

U+1F474 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👴🏻
Dec: 👴🏻

old man: light skin tone

U+1F474 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👴🏼
Dec: 👴🏼

old man: medium-light skin tone

U+1F474 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👴🏽
Dec: 👴🏽

old man: medium skin tone

U+1F474 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👴🏾
Dec: 👴🏾

old man: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F474 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👴🏿
Dec: 👴🏿

old man: dark skin tone

U+1F475 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👵🏻
Dec: 👵🏻

old woman: light skin tone

U+1F475 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👵🏼
Dec: 👵🏼

old woman: medium-light skin tone

U+1F475 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👵🏽
Dec: 👵🏽

old woman: medium skin tone

U+1F475 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👵🏾
Dec: 👵🏾

old woman: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F475 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👵🏿
Dec: 👵🏿

old woman: dark skin tone

U+1F476 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👶🏻
Dec: 👶🏻

baby: light skin tone

U+1F476 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👶🏼
Dec: 👶🏼

baby: medium-light skin tone

U+1F476 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👶🏽
Dec: 👶🏽

baby: medium skin tone

U+1F476 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👶🏾
Dec: 👶🏾

baby: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F476 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👶🏿
Dec: 👶🏿

baby: dark skin tone

U+1F477 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👷🏻
Dec: 👷🏻

construction worker: light skin tone

U+1F477 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👷🏼
Dec: 👷🏼

construction worker: medium-light skin tone

U+1F477 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👷🏽
Dec: 👷🏽

construction worker: medium skin tone

U+1F477 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👷🏾
Dec: 👷🏾

construction worker: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F477 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👷🏿
Dec: 👷🏿

construction worker: dark skin tone

U+1F478 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👸🏻
Dec: 👸🏻

princess: light skin tone

U+1F478 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👸🏼
Dec: 👸🏼

princess: medium-light skin tone

U+1F478 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👸🏽
Dec: 👸🏽

princess: medium skin tone

U+1F478 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👸🏾
Dec: 👸🏾

princess: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F478 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👸🏿
Dec: 👸🏿

princess: dark skin tone

U+1F47C U+1F3FB


Hex: 👼🏻
Dec: 👼🏻

baby angel: light skin tone

U+1F47C U+1F3FC


Hex: 👼🏼
Dec: 👼🏼

baby angel: medium-light skin tone

U+1F47C U+1F3FD


Hex: 👼🏽
Dec: 👼🏽

baby angel: medium skin tone

U+1F47C U+1F3FE


Hex: 👼🏾
Dec: 👼🏾

baby angel: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F47C U+1F3FF


Hex: 👼🏿
Dec: 👼🏿

baby angel: dark skin tone

U+1F481 U+1F3FB


Hex: 💁🏻
Dec: 💁🏻

person tipping hand: light skin tone

U+1F481 U+1F3FC


Hex: 💁🏼
Dec: 💁🏼

person tipping hand: medium-light skin tone

U+1F481 U+1F3FD


Hex: 💁🏽
Dec: 💁🏽

person tipping hand: medium skin tone

U+1F481 U+1F3FE


Hex: 💁🏾
Dec: 💁🏾

person tipping hand: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F481 U+1F3FF


Hex: 💁🏿
Dec: 💁🏿

person tipping hand: dark skin tone

U+1F482 U+1F3FB


Hex: 💂🏻
Dec: 💂🏻

guard: light skin tone

U+1F482 U+1F3FC


Hex: 💂🏼
Dec: 💂🏼

guard: medium-light skin tone

U+1F482 U+1F3FD


Hex: 💂🏽
Dec: 💂🏽

guard: medium skin tone

U+1F482 U+1F3FE


Hex: 💂🏾
Dec: 💂🏾

guard: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F482 U+1F3FF


Hex: 💂🏿
Dec: 💂🏿

guard: dark skin tone

U+1F483 U+1F3FB


Hex: 💃🏻
Dec: 💃🏻

woman dancing: light skin tone

U+1F483 U+1F3FC


Hex: 💃🏼
Dec: 💃🏼

woman dancing: medium-light skin tone

U+1F483 U+1F3FD


Hex: 💃🏽
Dec: 💃🏽

woman dancing: medium skin tone

U+1F483 U+1F3FE


Hex: 💃🏾
Dec: 💃🏾

woman dancing: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F483 U+1F3FF


Hex: 💃🏿
Dec: 💃🏿

woman dancing: dark skin tone

U+1F485 U+1F3FB


Hex: 💅🏻
Dec: 💅🏻

nail polish: light skin tone

U+1F485 U+1F3FC


Hex: 💅🏼
Dec: 💅🏼

nail polish: medium-light skin tone

U+1F485 U+1F3FD


Hex: 💅🏽
Dec: 💅🏽

nail polish: medium skin tone

U+1F485 U+1F3FE


Hex: 💅🏾
Dec: 💅🏾

nail polish: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F485 U+1F3FF


Hex: 💅🏿
Dec: 💅🏿

nail polish: dark skin tone

U+1F486 U+1F3FB


Hex: 💆🏻
Dec: 💆🏻

person getting massage: light skin tone

U+1F486 U+1F3FC


Hex: 💆🏼
Dec: 💆🏼

person getting massage: medium-light skin tone

U+1F486 U+1F3FD


Hex: 💆🏽
Dec: 💆🏽

person getting massage: medium skin tone

U+1F486 U+1F3FE


Hex: 💆🏾
Dec: 💆🏾

person getting massage: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F486 U+1F3FF


Hex: 💆🏿
Dec: 💆🏿

person getting massage: dark skin tone

U+1F487 U+1F3FB


Hex: 💇🏻
Dec: 💇🏻

person getting haircut: light skin tone

U+1F487 U+1F3FC


Hex: 💇🏼
Dec: 💇🏼

person getting haircut: medium-light skin tone

U+1F487 U+1F3FD


Hex: 💇🏽
Dec: 💇🏽

person getting haircut: medium skin tone

U+1F487 U+1F3FE


Hex: 💇🏾
Dec: 💇🏾

person getting haircut: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F487 U+1F3FF


Hex: 💇🏿
Dec: 💇🏿

person getting haircut: dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F48F U+1F3FB


Hex: 💏🏻
Dec: 💏🏻

kiss: light skin tone

13.1 U+1F48F U+1F3FC


Hex: 💏🏼
Dec: 💏🏼

kiss: medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F48F U+1F3FD


Hex: 💏🏽
Dec: 💏🏽

kiss: medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F48F U+1F3FE


Hex: 💏🏾
Dec: 💏🏾

kiss: medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F48F U+1F3FF


Hex: 💏🏿
Dec: 💏🏿

kiss: dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F491 U+1F3FB


Hex: 💑🏻
Dec: 💑🏻

couple with heart: light skin tone

13.1 U+1F491 U+1F3FC


Hex: 💑🏼
Dec: 💑🏼

couple with heart: medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F491 U+1F3FD


Hex: 💑🏽
Dec: 💑🏽

couple with heart: medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F491 U+1F3FE


Hex: 💑🏾
Dec: 💑🏾

couple with heart: medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F491 U+1F3FF


Hex: 💑🏿
Dec: 💑🏿

couple with heart: dark skin tone



Hex: 💪🏻
Dec: 💪🏻

flexed biceps: light skin tone



Hex: 💪🏼
Dec: 💪🏼

flexed biceps: medium-light skin tone



Hex: 💪🏽
Dec: 💪🏽

flexed biceps: medium skin tone



Hex: 💪🏾
Dec: 💪🏾

flexed biceps: medium-dark skin tone



Hex: 💪🏿
Dec: 💪🏿

flexed biceps: dark skin tone

U+1F574 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🕴🏻
Dec: 🕴🏻

person in suit levitating: light skin tone

U+1F574 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🕴🏼
Dec: 🕴🏼

person in suit levitating: medium-light skin tone

U+1F574 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🕴🏽
Dec: 🕴🏽

person in suit levitating: medium skin tone

U+1F574 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🕴🏾
Dec: 🕴🏾

person in suit levitating: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F574 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🕴🏿
Dec: 🕴🏿

person in suit levitating: dark skin tone

U+1F575 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🕵🏻
Dec: 🕵🏻

detective: light skin tone

U+1F575 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🕵🏼
Dec: 🕵🏼

detective: medium-light skin tone

U+1F575 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🕵🏽
Dec: 🕵🏽

detective: medium skin tone

U+1F575 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🕵🏾
Dec: 🕵🏾

detective: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F575 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🕵🏿
Dec: 🕵🏿

detective: dark skin tone

U+1F57A U+1F3FB


Hex: 🕺🏻
Dec: 🕺🏻

man dancing: light skin tone

U+1F57A U+1F3FC


Hex: 🕺🏼
Dec: 🕺🏼

man dancing: medium-light skin tone

U+1F57A U+1F3FD


Hex: 🕺🏽
Dec: 🕺🏽

man dancing: medium skin tone

U+1F57A U+1F3FE


Hex: 🕺🏾
Dec: 🕺🏾

man dancing: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F57A U+1F3FF


Hex: 🕺🏿
Dec: 🕺🏿

man dancing: dark skin tone

U+1F590 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🖐🏻
Dec: 🖐🏻

hand with fingers splayed: light skin tone

U+1F590 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🖐🏼
Dec: 🖐🏼

hand with fingers splayed: medium-light skin tone

U+1F590 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🖐🏽
Dec: 🖐🏽

hand with fingers splayed: medium skin tone

U+1F590 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🖐🏾
Dec: 🖐🏾

hand with fingers splayed: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F590 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🖐🏿
Dec: 🖐🏿

hand with fingers splayed: dark skin tone

U+1F595 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🖕🏻
Dec: 🖕🏻

middle finger: light skin tone

U+1F595 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🖕🏼
Dec: 🖕🏼

middle finger: medium-light skin tone

U+1F595 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🖕🏽
Dec: 🖕🏽

middle finger: medium skin tone

U+1F595 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🖕🏾
Dec: 🖕🏾

middle finger: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F595 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🖕🏿
Dec: 🖕🏿

middle finger: dark skin tone

U+1F596 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🖖🏻
Dec: 🖖🏻

vulcan salute: light skin tone

U+1F596 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🖖🏼
Dec: 🖖🏼

vulcan salute: medium-light skin tone

U+1F596 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🖖🏽
Dec: 🖖🏽

vulcan salute: medium skin tone

U+1F596 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🖖🏾
Dec: 🖖🏾

vulcan salute: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F596 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🖖🏿
Dec: 🖖🏿

vulcan salute: dark skin tone

U+1F645 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🙅🏻
Dec: 🙅🏻

person gesturing NO: light skin tone

U+1F645 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🙅🏼
Dec: 🙅🏼

person gesturing NO: medium-light skin tone

U+1F645 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🙅🏽
Dec: 🙅🏽

person gesturing NO: medium skin tone

U+1F645 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🙅🏾
Dec: 🙅🏾

person gesturing NO: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F645 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🙅🏿
Dec: 🙅🏿

person gesturing NO: dark skin tone

U+1F646 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🙆🏻
Dec: 🙆🏻

person gesturing OK: light skin tone

U+1F646 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🙆🏼
Dec: 🙆🏼

person gesturing OK: medium-light skin tone

U+1F646 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🙆🏽
Dec: 🙆🏽

person gesturing OK: medium skin tone

U+1F646 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🙆🏾
Dec: 🙆🏾

person gesturing OK: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F646 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🙆🏿
Dec: 🙆🏿

person gesturing OK: dark skin tone

U+1F647 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🙇🏻
Dec: 🙇🏻

person bowing: light skin tone

U+1F647 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🙇🏼
Dec: 🙇🏼

person bowing: medium-light skin tone

U+1F647 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🙇🏽
Dec: 🙇🏽

person bowing: medium skin tone

U+1F647 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🙇🏾
Dec: 🙇🏾

person bowing: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F647 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🙇🏿
Dec: 🙇🏿

person bowing: dark skin tone

U+1F64B U+1F3FB


Hex: 🙋🏻
Dec: 🙋🏻

person raising hand: light skin tone

U+1F64B U+1F3FC


Hex: 🙋🏼
Dec: 🙋🏼

person raising hand: medium-light skin tone

U+1F64B U+1F3FD


Hex: 🙋🏽
Dec: 🙋🏽

person raising hand: medium skin tone

U+1F64B U+1F3FE


Hex: 🙋🏾
Dec: 🙋🏾

person raising hand: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F64B U+1F3FF


Hex: 🙋🏿
Dec: 🙋🏿

person raising hand: dark skin tone

U+1F64C U+1F3FB


Hex: 🙌🏻
Dec: 🙌🏻

raising hands: light skin tone

U+1F64C U+1F3FC


Hex: 🙌🏼
Dec: 🙌🏼

raising hands: medium-light skin tone

U+1F64C U+1F3FD


Hex: 🙌🏽
Dec: 🙌🏽

raising hands: medium skin tone

U+1F64C U+1F3FE


Hex: 🙌🏾
Dec: 🙌🏾

raising hands: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F64C U+1F3FF


Hex: 🙌🏿
Dec: 🙌🏿

raising hands: dark skin tone

U+1F64D U+1F3FB


Hex: 🙍🏻
Dec: 🙍🏻

person frowning: light skin tone

U+1F64D U+1F3FC


Hex: 🙍🏼
Dec: 🙍🏼

person frowning: medium-light skin tone

U+1F64D U+1F3FD


Hex: 🙍🏽
Dec: 🙍🏽

person frowning: medium skin tone

U+1F64D U+1F3FE


Hex: 🙍🏾
Dec: 🙍🏾

person frowning: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F64D U+1F3FF


Hex: 🙍🏿
Dec: 🙍🏿

person frowning: dark skin tone

U+1F64E U+1F3FB


Hex: 🙎🏻
Dec: 🙎🏻

person pouting: light skin tone

U+1F64E U+1F3FC


Hex: 🙎🏼
Dec: 🙎🏼

person pouting: medium-light skin tone

U+1F64E U+1F3FD


Hex: 🙎🏽
Dec: 🙎🏽

person pouting: medium skin tone

U+1F64E U+1F3FE


Hex: 🙎🏾
Dec: 🙎🏾

person pouting: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F64E U+1F3FF


Hex: 🙎🏿
Dec: 🙎🏿

person pouting: dark skin tone

U+1F64F U+1F3FB


Hex: 🙏🏻
Dec: 🙏🏻

folded hands: light skin tone

U+1F64F U+1F3FC


Hex: 🙏🏼
Dec: 🙏🏼

folded hands: medium-light skin tone

U+1F64F U+1F3FD


Hex: 🙏🏽
Dec: 🙏🏽

folded hands: medium skin tone

U+1F64F U+1F3FE


Hex: 🙏🏾
Dec: 🙏🏾

folded hands: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F64F U+1F3FF


Hex: 🙏🏿
Dec: 🙏🏿

folded hands: dark skin tone

U+1F6A3 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🚣🏻
Dec: 🚣🏻

person rowing boat: light skin tone

U+1F6A3 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🚣🏼
Dec: 🚣🏼

person rowing boat: medium-light skin tone

U+1F6A3 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🚣🏽
Dec: 🚣🏽

person rowing boat: medium skin tone

U+1F6A3 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🚣🏾
Dec: 🚣🏾

person rowing boat: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F6A3 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🚣🏿
Dec: 🚣🏿

person rowing boat: dark skin tone

U+1F6B4 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🚴🏻
Dec: 🚴🏻

person biking: light skin tone

U+1F6B4 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🚴🏼
Dec: 🚴🏼

person biking: medium-light skin tone

U+1F6B4 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🚴🏽
Dec: 🚴🏽

person biking: medium skin tone

U+1F6B4 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🚴🏾
Dec: 🚴🏾

person biking: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F6B4 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🚴🏿
Dec: 🚴🏿

person biking: dark skin tone

U+1F6B5 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🚵🏻
Dec: 🚵🏻

person mountain biking: light skin tone

U+1F6B5 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🚵🏼
Dec: 🚵🏼

person mountain biking: medium-light skin tone

U+1F6B5 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🚵🏽
Dec: 🚵🏽

person mountain biking: medium skin tone

U+1F6B5 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🚵🏾
Dec: 🚵🏾

person mountain biking: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F6B5 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🚵🏿
Dec: 🚵🏿

person mountain biking: dark skin tone

U+1F6B6 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🚶🏻
Dec: 🚶🏻

person walking: light skin tone

U+1F6B6 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🚶🏼
Dec: 🚶🏼

person walking: medium-light skin tone

U+1F6B6 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🚶🏽
Dec: 🚶🏽

person walking: medium skin tone

U+1F6B6 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🚶🏾
Dec: 🚶🏾

person walking: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F6B6 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🚶🏿
Dec: 🚶🏿

person walking: dark skin tone

U+1F6C0 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🛀🏻
Dec: 🛀🏻

person taking bath: light skin tone

U+1F6C0 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🛀🏼
Dec: 🛀🏼

person taking bath: medium-light skin tone

U+1F6C0 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🛀🏽
Dec: 🛀🏽

person taking bath: medium skin tone

U+1F6C0 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🛀🏾
Dec: 🛀🏾

person taking bath: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F6C0 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🛀🏿
Dec: 🛀🏿

person taking bath: dark skin tone



Hex: 🛌🏻
Dec: 🛌🏻

person in bed: light skin tone



Hex: 🛌🏼
Dec: 🛌🏼

person in bed: medium-light skin tone



Hex: 🛌🏽
Dec: 🛌🏽

person in bed: medium skin tone



Hex: 🛌🏾
Dec: 🛌🏾

person in bed: medium-dark skin tone



Hex: 🛌🏿
Dec: 🛌🏿

person in bed: dark skin tone

13 U+1F90C U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤌🏻
Dec: 🤌🏻

pinched fingers: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F90C U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤌🏼
Dec: 🤌🏼

pinched fingers: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F90C U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤌🏽
Dec: 🤌🏽

pinched fingers: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F90C U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤌🏾
Dec: 🤌🏾

pinched fingers: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F90C U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤌🏿
Dec: 🤌🏿

pinched fingers: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F90F U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤏🏻
Dec: 🤏🏻

pinching hand: light skin tone

U+1F90F U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤏🏼
Dec: 🤏🏼

pinching hand: medium-light skin tone

U+1F90F U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤏🏽
Dec: 🤏🏽

pinching hand: medium skin tone

U+1F90F U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤏🏾
Dec: 🤏🏾

pinching hand: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F90F U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤏🏿
Dec: 🤏🏿

pinching hand: dark skin tone

U+1F918 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤘🏻
Dec: 🤘🏻

sign of the horns: light skin tone

U+1F918 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤘🏼
Dec: 🤘🏼

sign of the horns: medium-light skin tone

U+1F918 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤘🏽
Dec: 🤘🏽

sign of the horns: medium skin tone

U+1F918 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤘🏾
Dec: 🤘🏾

sign of the horns: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F918 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤘🏿
Dec: 🤘🏿

sign of the horns: dark skin tone

U+1F919 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤙🏻
Dec: 🤙🏻

call me hand: light skin tone

U+1F919 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤙🏼
Dec: 🤙🏼

call me hand: medium-light skin tone

U+1F919 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤙🏽
Dec: 🤙🏽

call me hand: medium skin tone

U+1F919 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤙🏾
Dec: 🤙🏾

call me hand: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F919 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤙🏿
Dec: 🤙🏿

call me hand: dark skin tone

U+1F91A U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤚🏻
Dec: 🤚🏻

raised back of hand: light skin tone

U+1F91A U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤚🏼
Dec: 🤚🏼

raised back of hand: medium-light skin tone

U+1F91A U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤚🏽
Dec: 🤚🏽

raised back of hand: medium skin tone

U+1F91A U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤚🏾
Dec: 🤚🏾

raised back of hand: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F91A U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤚🏿
Dec: 🤚🏿

raised back of hand: dark skin tone

U+1F91B U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤛🏻
Dec: 🤛🏻

left-facing fist: light skin tone

U+1F91B U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤛🏼
Dec: 🤛🏼

left-facing fist: medium-light skin tone

U+1F91B U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤛🏽
Dec: 🤛🏽

left-facing fist: medium skin tone

U+1F91B U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤛🏾
Dec: 🤛🏾

left-facing fist: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F91B U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤛🏿
Dec: 🤛🏿

left-facing fist: dark skin tone

U+1F91C U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤜🏻
Dec: 🤜🏻

right-facing fist: light skin tone

U+1F91C U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤜🏼
Dec: 🤜🏼

right-facing fist: medium-light skin tone

U+1F91C U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤜🏽
Dec: 🤜🏽

right-facing fist: medium skin tone

U+1F91C U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤜🏾
Dec: 🤜🏾

right-facing fist: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F91C U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤜🏿
Dec: 🤜🏿

right-facing fist: dark skin tone

14 U+1F91D U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤝🏻
Dec: 🤝🏻

handshake: light skin tone

14 U+1F91D U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤝🏼
Dec: 🤝🏼

handshake: medium-light skin tone

14 U+1F91D U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤝🏽
Dec: 🤝🏽

handshake: medium skin tone

14 U+1F91D U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤝🏾
Dec: 🤝🏾

handshake: medium-dark skin tone

14 U+1F91D U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤝🏿
Dec: 🤝🏿

handshake: dark skin tone

U+1F91E U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤞🏻
Dec: 🤞🏻

crossed fingers: light skin tone

U+1F91E U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤞🏼
Dec: 🤞🏼

crossed fingers: medium-light skin tone

U+1F91E U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤞🏽
Dec: 🤞🏽

crossed fingers: medium skin tone

U+1F91E U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤞🏾
Dec: 🤞🏾

crossed fingers: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F91E U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤞🏿
Dec: 🤞🏿

crossed fingers: dark skin tone

U+1F91F U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤟🏻
Dec: 🤟🏻

love-you gesture: light skin tone

U+1F91F U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤟🏼
Dec: 🤟🏼

love-you gesture: medium-light skin tone

U+1F91F U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤟🏽
Dec: 🤟🏽

love-you gesture: medium skin tone

U+1F91F U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤟🏾
Dec: 🤟🏾

love-you gesture: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F91F U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤟🏿
Dec: 🤟🏿

love-you gesture: dark skin tone

U+1F926 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤦🏻
Dec: 🤦🏻

person facepalming: light skin tone

U+1F926 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤦🏼
Dec: 🤦🏼

person facepalming: medium-light skin tone

U+1F926 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤦🏽
Dec: 🤦🏽

person facepalming: medium skin tone

U+1F926 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤦🏾
Dec: 🤦🏾

person facepalming: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F926 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤦🏿
Dec: 🤦🏿

person facepalming: dark skin tone

U+1F930 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤰🏻
Dec: 🤰🏻

pregnant woman: light skin tone

U+1F930 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤰🏼
Dec: 🤰🏼

pregnant woman: medium-light skin tone

U+1F930 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤰🏽
Dec: 🤰🏽

pregnant woman: medium skin tone

U+1F930 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤰🏾
Dec: 🤰🏾

pregnant woman: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F930 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤰🏿
Dec: 🤰🏿

pregnant woman: dark skin tone

U+1F931 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤱🏻
Dec: 🤱🏻

breast-feeding: light skin tone

U+1F931 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤱🏼
Dec: 🤱🏼

breast-feeding: medium-light skin tone

U+1F931 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤱🏽
Dec: 🤱🏽

breast-feeding: medium skin tone

U+1F931 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤱🏾
Dec: 🤱🏾

breast-feeding: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F931 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤱🏿
Dec: 🤱🏿

breast-feeding: dark skin tone

U+1F932 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤲🏻
Dec: 🤲🏻

palms up together: light skin tone

U+1F932 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤲🏼
Dec: 🤲🏼

palms up together: medium-light skin tone

U+1F932 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤲🏽
Dec: 🤲🏽

palms up together: medium skin tone

U+1F932 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤲🏾
Dec: 🤲🏾

palms up together: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F932 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤲🏿
Dec: 🤲🏿

palms up together: dark skin tone

U+1F933 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤳🏻
Dec: 🤳🏻

selfie: light skin tone

U+1F933 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤳🏼
Dec: 🤳🏼

selfie: medium-light skin tone

U+1F933 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤳🏽
Dec: 🤳🏽

selfie: medium skin tone

U+1F933 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤳🏾
Dec: 🤳🏾

selfie: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F933 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤳🏿
Dec: 🤳🏿

selfie: dark skin tone

U+1F934 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤴🏻
Dec: 🤴🏻

prince: light skin tone

U+1F934 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤴🏼
Dec: 🤴🏼

prince: medium-light skin tone

U+1F934 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤴🏽
Dec: 🤴🏽

prince: medium skin tone

U+1F934 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤴🏾
Dec: 🤴🏾

prince: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F934 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤴🏿
Dec: 🤴🏿

prince: dark skin tone

U+1F935 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤵🏻
Dec: 🤵🏻

person in tuxedo: light skin tone

U+1F935 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤵🏼
Dec: 🤵🏼

person in tuxedo: medium-light skin tone

U+1F935 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤵🏽
Dec: 🤵🏽

person in tuxedo: medium skin tone

U+1F935 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤵🏾
Dec: 🤵🏾

person in tuxedo: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F935 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤵🏿
Dec: 🤵🏿

person in tuxedo: dark skin tone

U+1F936 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤶🏻
Dec: 🤶🏻

Mrs. Claus: light skin tone

U+1F936 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤶🏼
Dec: 🤶🏼

Mrs. Claus: medium-light skin tone

U+1F936 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤶🏽
Dec: 🤶🏽

Mrs. Claus: medium skin tone

U+1F936 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤶🏾
Dec: 🤶🏾

Mrs. Claus: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F936 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤶🏿
Dec: 🤶🏿

Mrs. Claus: dark skin tone

U+1F937 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤷🏻
Dec: 🤷🏻

person shrugging: light skin tone

U+1F937 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤷🏼
Dec: 🤷🏼

person shrugging: medium-light skin tone

U+1F937 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤷🏽
Dec: 🤷🏽

person shrugging: medium skin tone

U+1F937 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤷🏾
Dec: 🤷🏾

person shrugging: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F937 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤷🏿
Dec: 🤷🏿

person shrugging: dark skin tone

U+1F938 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤸🏻
Dec: 🤸🏻

person cartwheeling: light skin tone

U+1F938 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤸🏼
Dec: 🤸🏼

person cartwheeling: medium-light skin tone

U+1F938 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤸🏽
Dec: 🤸🏽

person cartwheeling: medium skin tone

U+1F938 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤸🏾
Dec: 🤸🏾

person cartwheeling: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F938 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤸🏿
Dec: 🤸🏿

person cartwheeling: dark skin tone

U+1F939 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤹🏻
Dec: 🤹🏻

person juggling: light skin tone

U+1F939 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤹🏼
Dec: 🤹🏼

person juggling: medium-light skin tone

U+1F939 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤹🏽
Dec: 🤹🏽

person juggling: medium skin tone

U+1F939 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤹🏾
Dec: 🤹🏾

person juggling: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F939 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤹🏿
Dec: 🤹🏿

person juggling: dark skin tone

U+1F93D U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤽🏻
Dec: 🤽🏻

person playing water polo: light skin tone

U+1F93D U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤽🏼
Dec: 🤽🏼

person playing water polo: medium-light skin tone

U+1F93D U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤽🏽
Dec: 🤽🏽

person playing water polo: medium skin tone

U+1F93D U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤽🏾
Dec: 🤽🏾

person playing water polo: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F93D U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤽🏿
Dec: 🤽🏿

person playing water polo: dark skin tone

U+1F93E U+1F3FB


Hex: 🤾🏻
Dec: 🤾🏻

person playing handball: light skin tone

U+1F93E U+1F3FC


Hex: 🤾🏼
Dec: 🤾🏼

person playing handball: medium-light skin tone

U+1F93E U+1F3FD


Hex: 🤾🏽
Dec: 🤾🏽

person playing handball: medium skin tone

U+1F93E U+1F3FE


Hex: 🤾🏾
Dec: 🤾🏾

person playing handball: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F93E U+1F3FF


Hex: 🤾🏿
Dec: 🤾🏿

person playing handball: dark skin tone

13 U+1F977 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🥷🏻
Dec: 🥷🏻

ninja: light skin tone

13 U+1F977 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🥷🏼
Dec: 🥷🏼

ninja: medium-light skin tone

13 U+1F977 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🥷🏽
Dec: 🥷🏽

ninja: medium skin tone

13 U+1F977 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🥷🏾
Dec: 🥷🏾

ninja: medium-dark skin tone

13 U+1F977 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🥷🏿
Dec: 🥷🏿

ninja: dark skin tone

U+1F9B5 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🦵🏻
Dec: 🦵🏻

leg: light skin tone

U+1F9B5 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🦵🏼
Dec: 🦵🏼

leg: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9B5 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🦵🏽
Dec: 🦵🏽

leg: medium skin tone

U+1F9B5 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🦵🏾
Dec: 🦵🏾

leg: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9B5 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🦵🏿
Dec: 🦵🏿

leg: dark skin tone

U+1F9B6 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🦶🏻
Dec: 🦶🏻

foot: light skin tone

U+1F9B6 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🦶🏼
Dec: 🦶🏼

foot: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9B6 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🦶🏽
Dec: 🦶🏽

foot: medium skin tone

U+1F9B6 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🦶🏾
Dec: 🦶🏾

foot: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9B6 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🦶🏿
Dec: 🦶🏿

foot: dark skin tone

U+1F9B8 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🦸🏻
Dec: 🦸🏻

superhero: light skin tone

U+1F9B8 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🦸🏼
Dec: 🦸🏼

superhero: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9B8 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🦸🏽
Dec: 🦸🏽

superhero: medium skin tone

U+1F9B8 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🦸🏾
Dec: 🦸🏾

superhero: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9B8 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🦸🏿
Dec: 🦸🏿

superhero: dark skin tone

U+1F9B9 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🦹🏻
Dec: 🦹🏻

supervillain: light skin tone

U+1F9B9 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🦹🏼
Dec: 🦹🏼

supervillain: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9B9 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🦹🏽
Dec: 🦹🏽

supervillain: medium skin tone

U+1F9B9 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🦹🏾
Dec: 🦹🏾

supervillain: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9B9 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🦹🏿
Dec: 🦹🏿

supervillain: dark skin tone



Hex: 🦻🏻
Dec: 🦻🏻

ear with hearing aid: light skin tone



Hex: 🦻🏼
Dec: 🦻🏼

ear with hearing aid: medium-light skin tone



Hex: 🦻🏽
Dec: 🦻🏽

ear with hearing aid: medium skin tone



Hex: 🦻🏾
Dec: 🦻🏾

ear with hearing aid: medium-dark skin tone



Hex: 🦻🏿
Dec: 🦻🏿

ear with hearing aid: dark skin tone



Hex: 🧍🏻
Dec: 🧍🏻

person standing: light skin tone



Hex: 🧍🏼
Dec: 🧍🏼

person standing: medium-light skin tone



Hex: 🧍🏽
Dec: 🧍🏽

person standing: medium skin tone



Hex: 🧍🏾
Dec: 🧍🏾

person standing: medium-dark skin tone



Hex: 🧍🏿
Dec: 🧍🏿

person standing: dark skin tone



Hex: 🧎🏻
Dec: 🧎🏻

person kneeling: light skin tone



Hex: 🧎🏼
Dec: 🧎🏼

person kneeling: medium-light skin tone



Hex: 🧎🏽
Dec: 🧎🏽

person kneeling: medium skin tone



Hex: 🧎🏾
Dec: 🧎🏾

person kneeling: medium-dark skin tone



Hex: 🧎🏿
Dec: 🧎🏿

person kneeling: dark skin tone



Hex: 🧏🏻
Dec: 🧏🏻

deaf person: light skin tone



Hex: 🧏🏼
Dec: 🧏🏼

deaf person: medium-light skin tone



Hex: 🧏🏽
Dec: 🧏🏽

deaf person: medium skin tone



Hex: 🧏🏾
Dec: 🧏🏾

deaf person: medium-dark skin tone



Hex: 🧏🏿
Dec: 🧏🏿

deaf person: dark skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧑🏻
Dec: 🧑🏻

person: light skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧑🏼
Dec: 🧑🏼

person: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧑🏽
Dec: 🧑🏽

person: medium skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧑🏾
Dec: 🧑🏾

person: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧑🏿
Dec: 🧑🏿

person: dark skin tone

U+1F9D2 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧒🏻
Dec: 🧒🏻

child: light skin tone

U+1F9D2 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧒🏼
Dec: 🧒🏼

child: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9D2 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧒🏽
Dec: 🧒🏽

child: medium skin tone

U+1F9D2 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧒🏾
Dec: 🧒🏾

child: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9D2 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧒🏿
Dec: 🧒🏿

child: dark skin tone

U+1F9D3 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧓🏻
Dec: 🧓🏻

older person: light skin tone

U+1F9D3 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧓🏼
Dec: 🧓🏼

older person: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9D3 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧓🏽
Dec: 🧓🏽

older person: medium skin tone

U+1F9D3 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧓🏾
Dec: 🧓🏾

older person: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9D3 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧓🏿
Dec: 🧓🏿

older person: dark skin tone

U+1F9D4 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧔🏻
Dec: 🧔🏻

person: light skin tone, beard

U+1F9D4 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧔🏼
Dec: 🧔🏼

person: medium-light skin tone, beard

U+1F9D4 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧔🏽
Dec: 🧔🏽

person: medium skin tone, beard

U+1F9D4 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧔🏾
Dec: 🧔🏾

person: medium-dark skin tone, beard

U+1F9D4 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧔🏿
Dec: 🧔🏿

person: dark skin tone, beard

U+1F9D5 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧕🏻
Dec: 🧕🏻

woman with headscarf: light skin tone

U+1F9D5 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧕🏼
Dec: 🧕🏼

woman with headscarf: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9D5 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧕🏽
Dec: 🧕🏽

woman with headscarf: medium skin tone

U+1F9D5 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧕🏾
Dec: 🧕🏾

woman with headscarf: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9D5 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧕🏿
Dec: 🧕🏿

woman with headscarf: dark skin tone

U+1F9D6 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧖🏻
Dec: 🧖🏻

person in steamy room: light skin tone

U+1F9D6 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧖🏼
Dec: 🧖🏼

person in steamy room: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9D6 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧖🏽
Dec: 🧖🏽

person in steamy room: medium skin tone

U+1F9D6 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧖🏾
Dec: 🧖🏾

person in steamy room: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9D6 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧖🏿
Dec: 🧖🏿

person in steamy room: dark skin tone

U+1F9D7 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧗🏻
Dec: 🧗🏻

person climbing: light skin tone

U+1F9D7 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧗🏼
Dec: 🧗🏼

person climbing: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9D7 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧗🏽
Dec: 🧗🏽

person climbing: medium skin tone

U+1F9D7 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧗🏾
Dec: 🧗🏾

person climbing: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9D7 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧗🏿
Dec: 🧗🏿

person climbing: dark skin tone

U+1F9D8 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧘🏻
Dec: 🧘🏻

person in lotus position: light skin tone

U+1F9D8 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧘🏼
Dec: 🧘🏼

person in lotus position: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9D8 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧘🏽
Dec: 🧘🏽

person in lotus position: medium skin tone

U+1F9D8 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧘🏾
Dec: 🧘🏾

person in lotus position: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9D8 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧘🏿
Dec: 🧘🏿

person in lotus position: dark skin tone

U+1F9D9 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧙🏻
Dec: 🧙🏻

mage: light skin tone

U+1F9D9 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧙🏼
Dec: 🧙🏼

mage: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9D9 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧙🏽
Dec: 🧙🏽

mage: medium skin tone

U+1F9D9 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧙🏾
Dec: 🧙🏾

mage: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9D9 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧙🏿
Dec: 🧙🏿

mage: dark skin tone



Hex: 🧚🏻
Dec: 🧚🏻

fairy: light skin tone



Hex: 🧚🏼
Dec: 🧚🏼

fairy: medium-light skin tone



Hex: 🧚🏽
Dec: 🧚🏽

fairy: medium skin tone



Hex: 🧚🏾
Dec: 🧚🏾

fairy: medium-dark skin tone



Hex: 🧚🏿
Dec: 🧚🏿

fairy: dark skin tone



Hex: 🧛🏻
Dec: 🧛🏻

vampire: light skin tone



Hex: 🧛🏼
Dec: 🧛🏼

vampire: medium-light skin tone



Hex: 🧛🏽
Dec: 🧛🏽

vampire: medium skin tone



Hex: 🧛🏾
Dec: 🧛🏾

vampire: medium-dark skin tone



Hex: 🧛🏿
Dec: 🧛🏿

vampire: dark skin tone



Hex: 🧜🏻
Dec: 🧜🏻

merperson: light skin tone



Hex: 🧜🏼
Dec: 🧜🏼

merperson: medium-light skin tone



Hex: 🧜🏽
Dec: 🧜🏽

merperson: medium skin tone



Hex: 🧜🏾
Dec: 🧜🏾

merperson: medium-dark skin tone



Hex: 🧜🏿
Dec: 🧜🏿

merperson: dark skin tone



Hex: 🧝🏻
Dec: 🧝🏻

elf: light skin tone



Hex: 🧝🏼
Dec: 🧝🏼

elf: medium-light skin tone



Hex: 🧝🏽
Dec: 🧝🏽

elf: medium skin tone



Hex: 🧝🏾
Dec: 🧝🏾

elf: medium-dark skin tone



Hex: 🧝🏿
Dec: 🧝🏿

elf: dark skin tone

14 U+1FAC3 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🫃🏻
Dec: 🫃🏻

pregnant man: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAC3 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🫃🏼
Dec: 🫃🏼

pregnant man: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAC3 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🫃🏽
Dec: 🫃🏽

pregnant man: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAC3 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🫃🏾
Dec: 🫃🏾

pregnant man: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAC3 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🫃🏿
Dec: 🫃🏿

pregnant man: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAC4 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🫄🏻
Dec: 🫄🏻

pregnant person: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAC4 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🫄🏼
Dec: 🫄🏼

pregnant person: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAC4 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🫄🏽
Dec: 🫄🏽

pregnant person: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAC4 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🫄🏾
Dec: 🫄🏾

pregnant person: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAC4 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🫄🏿
Dec: 🫄🏿

pregnant person: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAC5 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🫅🏻
Dec: 🫅🏻

person with crown: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAC5 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🫅🏼
Dec: 🫅🏼

person with crown: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAC5 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🫅🏽
Dec: 🫅🏽

person with crown: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAC5 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🫅🏾
Dec: 🫅🏾

person with crown: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAC5 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🫅🏿
Dec: 🫅🏿

person with crown: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF0 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🫰🏻
Dec: 🫰🏻

hand with index finger and thumb crossed: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF0 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🫰🏼
Dec: 🫰🏼

hand with index finger and thumb crossed: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF0 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🫰🏽
Dec: 🫰🏽

hand with index finger and thumb crossed: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF0 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🫰🏾
Dec: 🫰🏾

hand with index finger and thumb crossed: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF0 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🫰🏿
Dec: 🫰🏿

hand with index finger and thumb crossed: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🫱🏻
Dec: 🫱🏻

rightwards hand: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🫱🏼
Dec: 🫱🏼

rightwards hand: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🫱🏽
Dec: 🫱🏽

rightwards hand: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🫱🏾
Dec: 🫱🏾

rightwards hand: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🫱🏿
Dec: 🫱🏿

rightwards hand: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF2 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🫲🏻
Dec: 🫲🏻

leftwards hand: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF2 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🫲🏼
Dec: 🫲🏼

leftwards hand: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF2 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🫲🏽
Dec: 🫲🏽

leftwards hand: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF2 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🫲🏾
Dec: 🫲🏾

leftwards hand: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF2 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🫲🏿
Dec: 🫲🏿

leftwards hand: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF3 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🫳🏻
Dec: 🫳🏻

palm down hand: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF3 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🫳🏼
Dec: 🫳🏼

palm down hand: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF3 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🫳🏽
Dec: 🫳🏽

palm down hand: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF3 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🫳🏾
Dec: 🫳🏾

palm down hand: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF3 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🫳🏿
Dec: 🫳🏿

palm down hand: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF4 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🫴🏻
Dec: 🫴🏻

palm up hand: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF4 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🫴🏼
Dec: 🫴🏼

palm up hand: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF4 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🫴🏽
Dec: 🫴🏽

palm up hand: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF4 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🫴🏾
Dec: 🫴🏾

palm up hand: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF4 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🫴🏿
Dec: 🫴🏿

palm up hand: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF5 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🫵🏻
Dec: 🫵🏻

index pointing at the viewer: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF5 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🫵🏼
Dec: 🫵🏼

index pointing at the viewer: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF5 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🫵🏽
Dec: 🫵🏽

index pointing at the viewer: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF5 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🫵🏾
Dec: 🫵🏾

index pointing at the viewer: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF5 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🫵🏿
Dec: 🫵🏿

index pointing at the viewer: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF6 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🫶🏻
Dec: 🫶🏻

heart hands: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF6 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🫶🏼
Dec: 🫶🏼

heart hands: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF6 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🫶🏽
Dec: 🫶🏽

heart hands: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF6 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🫶🏾
Dec: 🫶🏾

heart hands: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF6 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🫶🏿
Dec: 🫶🏿

heart hands: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+261D U+1F3FB


Hex: ☝🏻
Dec: ☝🏻

index pointing up: light skin tone

U+261D U+1F3FC


Hex: ☝🏼
Dec: ☝🏼

index pointing up: medium-light skin tone

U+261D U+1F3FD


Hex: ☝🏽
Dec: ☝🏽

index pointing up: medium skin tone

U+261D U+1F3FE


Hex: ☝🏾
Dec: ☝🏾

index pointing up: medium-dark skin tone

U+261D U+1F3FF


Hex: ☝🏿
Dec: ☝🏿

index pointing up: dark skin tone

U+26F9 U+1F3FB


Hex: ⛹🏻
Dec: ⛹🏻

person bouncing ball: light skin tone

U+26F9 U+1F3FC


Hex: ⛹🏼
Dec: ⛹🏼

person bouncing ball: medium-light skin tone

U+26F9 U+1F3FD


Hex: ⛹🏽
Dec: ⛹🏽

person bouncing ball: medium skin tone

U+26F9 U+1F3FE


Hex: ⛹🏾
Dec: ⛹🏾

person bouncing ball: medium-dark skin tone

U+26F9 U+1F3FF


Hex: ⛹🏿
Dec: ⛹🏿

person bouncing ball: dark skin tone

U+270A U+1F3FB


Hex: ✊🏻
Dec: ✊🏻

raised fist: light skin tone

U+270A U+1F3FC


Hex: ✊🏼
Dec: ✊🏼

raised fist: medium-light skin tone

U+270A U+1F3FD


Hex: ✊🏽
Dec: ✊🏽

raised fist: medium skin tone

U+270A U+1F3FE


Hex: ✊🏾
Dec: ✊🏾

raised fist: medium-dark skin tone

U+270A U+1F3FF


Hex: ✊🏿
Dec: ✊🏿

raised fist: dark skin tone

U+270B U+1F3FB


Hex: ✋🏻
Dec: ✋🏻

raised hand: light skin tone

U+270B U+1F3FC


Hex: ✋🏼
Dec: ✋🏼

raised hand: medium-light skin tone

U+270B U+1F3FD


Hex: ✋🏽
Dec: ✋🏽

raised hand: medium skin tone

U+270B U+1F3FE


Hex: ✋🏾
Dec: ✋🏾

raised hand: medium-dark skin tone

U+270B U+1F3FF


Hex: ✋🏿
Dec: ✋🏿

raised hand: dark skin tone

U+270C U+1F3FB


Hex: ✌🏻
Dec: ✌🏻

victory hand: light skin tone

U+270C U+1F3FC


Hex: ✌🏼
Dec: ✌🏼

victory hand: medium-light skin tone

U+270C U+1F3FD


Hex: ✌🏽
Dec: ✌🏽

victory hand: medium skin tone

U+270C U+1F3FE


Hex: ✌🏾
Dec: ✌🏾

victory hand: medium-dark skin tone

U+270C U+1F3FF


Hex: ✌🏿
Dec: ✌🏿

victory hand: dark skin tone

U+270D U+1F3FB


Hex: ✍🏻
Dec: ✍🏻

writing hand: light skin tone

U+270D U+1F3FC


Hex: ✍🏼
Dec: ✍🏼

writing hand: medium-light skin tone

U+270D U+1F3FD


Hex: ✍🏽
Dec: ✍🏽

writing hand: medium skin tone

U+270D U+1F3FE


Hex: ✍🏾
Dec: ✍🏾

writing hand: medium-dark skin tone

U+270D U+1F3FF


Hex: ✍🏿
Dec: ✍🏿

writing hand: dark skin tone

Colores de piel (2)

En este apartado se muestran secuencias Unicode con modificadores Fitzpatrick. Estas secuencias se forman con cuatro caracteres, combinando el carácter hombre o mujer con uno de los modificadores Fitzpatrick y con un objeto relacionado con la profesión, como se comenta en el apartado Colores de piel (2) de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F33E


Hex: 👨🏻‍🌾
Dec: 👨🏻‍🌾

man farmer: light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F33E


Hex: 👨🏼‍🌾
Dec: 👨🏼‍🌾

man farmer: medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F33E


Hex: 👨🏽‍🌾
Dec: 👨🏽‍🌾

man farmer: medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F33E


Hex: 👨🏾‍🌾
Dec: 👨🏾‍🌾

man farmer: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F33E


Hex: 👨🏿‍🌾
Dec: 👨🏿‍🌾

man farmer: dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F373


Hex: 👨🏻‍🍳
Dec: 👨🏻‍🍳

man cook: light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F373


Hex: 👨🏼‍🍳
Dec: 👨🏼‍🍳

man cook: medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F373


Hex: 👨🏽‍🍳
Dec: 👨🏽‍🍳

man cook: medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F373


Hex: 👨🏾‍🍳
Dec: 👨🏾‍🍳

man cook: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F373


Hex: 👨🏿‍🍳
Dec: 👨🏿‍🍳

man cook: dark skin tone

13 U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F37C


Hex: 👨🏻‍🍼
Dec: 👨🏻‍🍼

man feeding baby: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F37C


Hex: 👨🏼‍🍼
Dec: 👨🏼‍🍼

man feeding baby: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F37C


Hex: 👨🏽‍🍼
Dec: 👨🏽‍🍼

man feeding baby: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F37C


Hex: 👨🏾‍🍼
Dec: 👨🏾‍🍼

man feeding baby: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F37C


Hex: 👨🏿‍🍼
Dec: 👨🏿‍🍼

man feeding baby: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F393


Hex: 👨🏻‍🎓
Dec: 👨🏻‍🎓

man student: light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F393


Hex: 👨🏼‍🎓
Dec: 👨🏼‍🎓

man student: medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F393


Hex: 👨🏽‍🎓
Dec: 👨🏽‍🎓

man student: medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F393


Hex: 👨🏾‍🎓
Dec: 👨🏾‍🎓

man student: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F393


Hex: 👨🏿‍🎓
Dec: 👨🏿‍🎓

man student: dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F3A4


Hex: 👨🏻‍🎤
Dec: 👨🏻‍🎤

man singer: light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F3A4


Hex: 👨🏼‍🎤
Dec: 👨🏼‍🎤

man singer: medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F3A4


Hex: 👨🏽‍🎤
Dec: 👨🏽‍🎤

man singer: medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F3A4


Hex: 👨🏾‍🎤
Dec: 👨🏾‍🎤

man singer: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F3A4


Hex: 👨🏿‍🎤
Dec: 👨🏿‍🎤

man singer: dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F3A8


Hex: 👨🏻‍🎨
Dec: 👨🏻‍🎨

man artist: light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F3A8


Hex: 👨🏼‍🎨
Dec: 👨🏼‍🎨

man artist: medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F3A8


Hex: 👨🏽‍🎨
Dec: 👨🏽‍🎨

man artist: medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F3A8


Hex: 👨🏾‍🎨
Dec: 👨🏾‍🎨

man artist: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F3A8


Hex: 👨🏿‍🎨
Dec: 👨🏿‍🎨

man artist: dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F3EB


Hex: 👨🏻‍🏫
Dec: 👨🏻‍🏫

man teacher: light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F3EB


Hex: 👨🏼‍🏫
Dec: 👨🏼‍🏫

man teacher: medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F3EB


Hex: 👨🏽‍🏫
Dec: 👨🏽‍🏫

man teacher: medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F3EB


Hex: 👨🏾‍🏫
Dec: 👨🏾‍🏫

man teacher: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F3EB


Hex: 👨🏿‍🏫
Dec: 👨🏿‍🏫

man teacher: dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F3ED


Hex: 👨🏻‍🏭
Dec: 👨🏻‍🏭

man factory worker: light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F3ED


Hex: 👨🏼‍🏭
Dec: 👨🏼‍🏭

man factory worker: medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F3ED


Hex: 👨🏽‍🏭
Dec: 👨🏽‍🏭

man factory worker: medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F3ED


Hex: 👨🏾‍🏭
Dec: 👨🏾‍🏭

man factory worker: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F3ED


Hex: 👨🏿‍🏭
Dec: 👨🏿‍🏭

man factory worker: dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F4BB


Hex: 👨🏻‍💻
Dec: 👨🏻‍💻

man technologist: light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F4BB


Hex: 👨🏼‍💻
Dec: 👨🏼‍💻

man technologist: medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F4BB


Hex: 👨🏽‍💻
Dec: 👨🏽‍💻

man technologist: medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F4BB


Hex: 👨🏾‍💻
Dec: 👨🏾‍💻

man technologist: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F4BB


Hex: 👨🏿‍💻
Dec: 👨🏿‍💻

man technologist: dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F4BC


Hex: 👨🏻‍💼
Dec: 👨🏻‍💼

man office worker: light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F4BC


Hex: 👨🏼‍💼
Dec: 👨🏼‍💼

man office worker: medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F4BC


Hex: 👨🏽‍💼
Dec: 👨🏽‍💼

man office worker: medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F4BC


Hex: 👨🏾‍💼
Dec: 👨🏾‍💼

man office worker: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F4BC


Hex: 👨🏿‍💼
Dec: 👨🏿‍💼

man office worker: dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F527


Hex: 👨🏻‍🔧
Dec: 👨🏻‍🔧

man mechanic: light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F527


Hex: 👨🏼‍🔧
Dec: 👨🏼‍🔧

man mechanic: medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F527


Hex: 👨🏽‍🔧
Dec: 👨🏽‍🔧

man mechanic: medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F527


Hex: 👨🏾‍🔧
Dec: 👨🏾‍🔧

man mechanic: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F527


Hex: 👨🏿‍🔧
Dec: 👨🏿‍🔧

man mechanic: dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F52C


Hex: 👨🏻‍🔬
Dec: 👨🏻‍🔬

man scientist: light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F52C


Hex: 👨🏼‍🔬
Dec: 👨🏼‍🔬

man scientist: medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F52C


Hex: 👨🏽‍🔬
Dec: 👨🏽‍🔬

man scientist: medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F52C


Hex: 👨🏾‍🔬
Dec: 👨🏾‍🔬

man scientist: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F52C


Hex: 👨🏿‍🔬
Dec: 👨🏿‍🔬

man scientist: dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F680


Hex: 👨🏻‍🚀
Dec: 👨🏻‍🚀

man astronaut: light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F680


Hex: 👨🏼‍🚀
Dec: 👨🏼‍🚀

man astronaut: medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F680


Hex: 👨🏽‍🚀
Dec: 👨🏽‍🚀

man astronaut: medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F680


Hex: 👨🏾‍🚀
Dec: 👨🏾‍🚀

man astronaut: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F680


Hex: 👨🏿‍🚀
Dec: 👨🏿‍🚀

man astronaut: dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F692


Hex: 👨🏻‍🚒
Dec: 👨🏻‍🚒

man firefighter: light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F692


Hex: 👨🏼‍🚒
Dec: 👨🏼‍🚒

man firefighter: medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F692


Hex: 👨🏽‍🚒
Dec: 👨🏽‍🚒

man firefighter: medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F692


Hex: 👨🏾‍🚒
Dec: 👨🏾‍🚒

man firefighter: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F692


Hex: 👨🏿‍🚒
Dec: 👨🏿‍🚒

man firefighter: dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9AF


Hex: 👨🏻‍🦯
Dec: 👨🏻‍🦯

man with white cane: light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F9AF


Hex: 👨🏼‍🦯
Dec: 👨🏼‍🦯

man with white cane: medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9AF


Hex: 👨🏽‍🦯
Dec: 👨🏽‍🦯

man with white cane: medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F9AF


Hex: 👨🏾‍🦯
Dec: 👨🏾‍🦯

man with white cane: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9AF


Hex: 👨🏿‍🦯
Dec: 👨🏿‍🦯

man with white cane: dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9B0


Hex: 👨🏻‍🦰
Dec: 👨🏻‍🦰

man: light skin tone, red hair

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F9B0


Hex: 👨🏼‍🦰
Dec: 👨🏼‍🦰

man: medium-light skin tone, red hair

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9B0


Hex: 👨🏽‍🦰
Dec: 👨🏽‍🦰

man: medium skin tone, red hair

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F9B0


Hex: 👨🏾‍🦰
Dec: 👨🏾‍🦰

man: medium-dark skin tone, red hair

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9B0


Hex: 👨🏿‍🦰
Dec: 👨🏿‍🦰

man: dark skin tone, red hair

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9B1


Hex: 👨🏻‍🦱
Dec: 👨🏻‍🦱

man: light skin tone, curly hair

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F9B1


Hex: 👨🏼‍🦱
Dec: 👨🏼‍🦱

man: medium-light skin tone, curly hair

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9B1


Hex: 👨🏽‍🦱
Dec: 👨🏽‍🦱

man: medium skin tone, curly hair

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F9B1


Hex: 👨🏾‍🦱
Dec: 👨🏾‍🦱

man: medium-dark skin tone, curly hair

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9B1


Hex: 👨🏿‍🦱
Dec: 👨🏿‍🦱

man: dark skin tone, curly hair

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9B2


Hex: 👨🏻‍🦲
Dec: 👨🏻‍🦲

man: light skin tone, bald

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F9B2


Hex: 👨🏼‍🦲
Dec: 👨🏼‍🦲

man: medium-light skin tone, bald

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9B2


Hex: 👨🏽‍🦲
Dec: 👨🏽‍🦲

man: medium skin tone, bald

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F9B2


Hex: 👨🏾‍🦲
Dec: 👨🏾‍🦲

man: medium-dark skin tone, bald

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9B2


Hex: 👨🏿‍🦲
Dec: 👨🏿‍🦲

man: dark skin tone, bald

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9B3


Hex: 👨🏻‍🦳
Dec: 👨🏻‍🦳

man: light skin tone, white hair

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F9B3


Hex: 👨🏼‍🦳
Dec: 👨🏼‍🦳

man: medium-light skin tone, white hair

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9B3


Hex: 👨🏽‍🦳
Dec: 👨🏽‍🦳

man: medium skin tone, white hair

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F9B3


Hex: 👨🏾‍🦳
Dec: 👨🏾‍🦳

man: medium-dark skin tone, white hair

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9B3


Hex: 👨🏿‍🦳
Dec: 👨🏿‍🦳

man: dark skin tone, white hair

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9BC


Hex: 👨🏻‍🦼
Dec: 👨🏻‍🦼

man in motorized wheelchair: light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F9BC


Hex: 👨🏼‍🦼
Dec: 👨🏼‍🦼

man in motorized wheelchair: medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9BC


Hex: 👨🏽‍🦼
Dec: 👨🏽‍🦼

man in motorized wheelchair: medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F9BC


Hex: 👨🏾‍🦼
Dec: 👨🏾‍🦼

man in motorized wheelchair: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9BC


Hex: 👨🏿‍🦼
Dec: 👨🏿‍🦼

man in motorized wheelchair: dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9BD


Hex: 👨🏻‍🦽
Dec: 👨🏻‍🦽

man in manual wheelchair: light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F9BD


Hex: 👨🏼‍🦽
Dec: 👨🏼‍🦽

man in manual wheelchair: medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9BD


Hex: 👨🏽‍🦽
Dec: 👨🏽‍🦽

man in manual wheelchair: medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F9BD


Hex: 👨🏾‍🦽
Dec: 👨🏾‍🦽

man in manual wheelchair: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9BD


Hex: 👨🏿‍🦽
Dec: 👨🏿‍🦽

man in manual wheelchair: dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F33E


Hex: 👩🏻‍🌾
Dec: 👩🏻‍🌾

woman farmer: light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F33E


Hex: 👩🏼‍🌾
Dec: 👩🏼‍🌾

woman farmer: medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F33E


Hex: 👩🏽‍🌾
Dec: 👩🏽‍🌾

woman farmer: medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F33E


Hex: 👩🏾‍🌾
Dec: 👩🏾‍🌾

woman farmer: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F33E


Hex: 👩🏿‍🌾
Dec: 👩🏿‍🌾

woman farmer: dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F373


Hex: 👩🏻‍🍳
Dec: 👩🏻‍🍳

woman cook: light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F373


Hex: 👩🏼‍🍳
Dec: 👩🏼‍🍳

woman cook: medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F373


Hex: 👩🏽‍🍳
Dec: 👩🏽‍🍳

woman cook: medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F373


Hex: 👩🏾‍🍳
Dec: 👩🏾‍🍳

woman cook: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F373


Hex: 👩🏿‍🍳
Dec: 👩🏿‍🍳

woman cook: dark skin tone

13 U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F37C


Hex: 👩🏻‍🍼
Dec: 👩🏻‍🍼

woman feeding baby: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F37C


Hex: 👩🏼‍🍼
Dec: 👩🏼‍🍼

woman feeding baby: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F37C


Hex: 👩🏽‍🍼
Dec: 👩🏽‍🍼

woman feeding baby: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F37C


Hex: 👩🏾‍🍼
Dec: 👩🏾‍🍼

woman feeding baby: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F37C


Hex: 👩🏿‍🍼
Dec: 👩🏿‍🍼

woman feeding baby: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F393


Hex: 👩🏻‍🎓
Dec: 👩🏻‍🎓

woman student: light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F393


Hex: 👩🏼‍🎓
Dec: 👩🏼‍🎓

woman student: medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F393


Hex: 👩🏽‍🎓
Dec: 👩🏽‍🎓

woman student: medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F393


Hex: 👩🏾‍🎓
Dec: 👩🏾‍🎓

woman student: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F393


Hex: 👩🏿‍🎓
Dec: 👩🏿‍🎓

woman student: dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F3A4


Hex: 👩🏻‍🎤
Dec: 👩🏻‍🎤

woman singer: light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F3A4


Hex: 👩🏼‍🎤
Dec: 👩🏼‍🎤

woman singer: medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F3A4


Hex: 👩🏽‍🎤
Dec: 👩🏽‍🎤

woman singer: medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F3A4


Hex: 👩🏾‍🎤
Dec: 👩🏾‍🎤

woman singer: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F3A4


Hex: 👩🏿‍🎤
Dec: 👩🏿‍🎤

woman singer: dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F3A8


Hex: 👩🏻‍🎨
Dec: 👩🏻‍🎨

woman artist: light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F3A8


Hex: 👩🏼‍🎨
Dec: 👩🏼‍🎨

woman artist: medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F3A8


Hex: 👩🏽‍🎨
Dec: 👩🏽‍🎨

woman artist: medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F3A8


Hex: 👩🏾‍🎨
Dec: 👩🏾‍🎨

woman artist: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F3A8


Hex: 👩🏿‍🎨
Dec: 👩🏿‍🎨

woman artist: dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F3EB


Hex: 👩🏻‍🏫
Dec: 👩🏻‍🏫

woman teacher: light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F3EB


Hex: 👩🏼‍🏫
Dec: 👩🏼‍🏫

woman teacher: medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F3EB


Hex: 👩🏽‍🏫
Dec: 👩🏽‍🏫

woman teacher: medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F3EB


Hex: 👩🏾‍🏫
Dec: 👩🏾‍🏫

woman teacher: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F3EB


Hex: 👩🏿‍🏫
Dec: 👩🏿‍🏫

woman teacher: dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F3ED


Hex: 👩🏻‍🏭
Dec: 👩🏻‍🏭

woman factory worker: light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F3ED


Hex: 👩🏼‍🏭
Dec: 👩🏼‍🏭

woman factory worker: medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F3ED


Hex: 👩🏽‍🏭
Dec: 👩🏽‍🏭

woman factory worker: medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F3ED


Hex: 👩🏾‍🏭
Dec: 👩🏾‍🏭

woman factory worker: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F3ED


Hex: 👩🏿‍🏭
Dec: 👩🏿‍🏭

woman factory worker: dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F4BB


Hex: 👩🏻‍💻
Dec: 👩🏻‍💻

woman technologist: light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F4BB


Hex: 👩🏼‍💻
Dec: 👩🏼‍💻

woman technologist: medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F4BB


Hex: 👩🏽‍💻
Dec: 👩🏽‍💻

woman technologist: medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F4BB


Hex: 👩🏾‍💻
Dec: 👩🏾‍💻

woman technologist: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F4BB


Hex: 👩🏿‍💻
Dec: 👩🏿‍💻

woman technologist: dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F4BC


Hex: 👩🏻‍💼
Dec: 👩🏻‍💼

woman office worker: light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F4BC


Hex: 👩🏼‍💼
Dec: 👩🏼‍💼

woman office worker: medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F4BC


Hex: 👩🏽‍💼
Dec: 👩🏽‍💼

woman office worker: medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F4BC


Hex: 👩🏾‍💼
Dec: 👩🏾‍💼

woman office worker: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F4BC


Hex: 👩🏿‍💼
Dec: 👩🏿‍💼

woman office worker: dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F527


Hex: 👩🏻‍🔧
Dec: 👩🏻‍🔧

woman mechanic: light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F527


Hex: 👩🏼‍🔧
Dec: 👩🏼‍🔧

woman mechanic: medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F527


Hex: 👩🏽‍🔧
Dec: 👩🏽‍🔧

woman mechanic: medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F527


Hex: 👩🏾‍🔧
Dec: 👩🏾‍🔧

woman mechanic: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F527


Hex: 👩🏿‍🔧
Dec: 👩🏿‍🔧

woman mechanic: dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F52C


Hex: 👩🏻‍🔬
Dec: 👩🏻‍🔬

woman scientist: light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F52C


Hex: 👩🏼‍🔬
Dec: 👩🏼‍🔬

woman scientist: medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F52C


Hex: 👩🏽‍🔬
Dec: 👩🏽‍🔬

woman scientist: medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F52C


Hex: 👩🏾‍🔬
Dec: 👩🏾‍🔬

woman scientist: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F52C


Hex: 👩🏿‍🔬
Dec: 👩🏿‍🔬

woman scientist: dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F680


Hex: 👩🏻‍🚀
Dec: 👩🏻‍🚀

woman astronaut: light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F680


Hex: 👩🏼‍🚀
Dec: 👩🏼‍🚀

woman astronaut: medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F680


Hex: 👩🏽‍🚀
Dec: 👩🏽‍🚀

woman astronaut: medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F680


Hex: 👩🏾‍🚀
Dec: 👩🏾‍🚀

woman astronaut: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F680


Hex: 👩🏿‍🚀
Dec: 👩🏿‍🚀

woman astronaut: dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F692


Hex: 👩🏻‍🚒
Dec: 👩🏻‍🚒

woman firefighter: light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F692


Hex: 👩🏼‍🚒
Dec: 👩🏼‍🚒

woman firefighter: medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F692


Hex: 👩🏽‍🚒
Dec: 👩🏽‍🚒

woman firefighter: medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F692


Hex: 👩🏾‍🚒
Dec: 👩🏾‍🚒

woman firefighter: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F692


Hex: 👩🏿‍🚒
Dec: 👩🏿‍🚒

woman firefighter: dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9AF


Hex: 👩🏻‍🦯
Dec: 👩🏻‍🦯

woman with white cane: light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F9AF


Hex: 👩🏼‍🦯
Dec: 👩🏼‍🦯

woman with white cane: medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9AF


Hex: 👩🏽‍🦯
Dec: 👩🏽‍🦯

woman with white cane: medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F9AF


Hex: 👩🏾‍🦯
Dec: 👩🏾‍🦯

woman with white cane: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9AF


Hex: 👩🏿‍🦯
Dec: 👩🏿‍🦯

woman with white cane: dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9B0


Hex: 👩🏻‍🦰
Dec: 👩🏻‍🦰

woman: light skin tone, red hair

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F9B0


Hex: 👩🏼‍🦰
Dec: 👩🏼‍🦰

woman: medium-light skin tone, red hair

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9B0


Hex: 👩🏽‍🦰
Dec: 👩🏽‍🦰

woman: medium skin tone, red hair

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F9B0


Hex: 👩🏾‍🦰
Dec: 👩🏾‍🦰

woman: medium-dark skin tone, red hair

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9B0


Hex: 👩🏿‍🦰
Dec: 👩🏿‍🦰

woman: dark skin tone, red hair

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9B1


Hex: 👩🏻‍🦱
Dec: 👩🏻‍🦱

woman: light skin tone, curly hair

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F9B1


Hex: 👩🏼‍🦱
Dec: 👩🏼‍🦱

woman: medium-light skin tone, curly hair

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9B1


Hex: 👩🏽‍🦱
Dec: 👩🏽‍🦱

woman: medium skin tone, curly hair

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F9B1


Hex: 👩🏾‍🦱
Dec: 👩🏾‍🦱

woman: medium-dark skin tone, curly hair

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9B1


Hex: 👩🏿‍🦱
Dec: 👩🏿‍🦱

woman: dark skin tone, curly hair

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9B2


Hex: 👩🏻‍🦲
Dec: 👩🏻‍🦲

woman: light skin tone, bald

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F9B2


Hex: 👩🏼‍🦲
Dec: 👩🏼‍🦲

woman: medium-light skin tone, bald

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9B2


Hex: 👩🏽‍🦲
Dec: 👩🏽‍🦲

woman: medium skin tone, bald

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F9B2


Hex: 👩🏾‍🦲
Dec: 👩🏾‍🦲

woman: medium-dark skin tone, bald

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9B2


Hex: 👩🏿‍🦲
Dec: 👩🏿‍🦲

woman: dark skin tone, bald

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9B3


Hex: 👩🏻‍🦳
Dec: 👩🏻‍🦳

woman: light skin tone, white hair

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F9B3


Hex: 👩🏼‍🦳
Dec: 👩🏼‍🦳

woman: medium-light skin tone, white hair

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9B3


Hex: 👩🏽‍🦳
Dec: 👩🏽‍🦳

woman: medium skin tone, white hair

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F9B3


Hex: 👩🏾‍🦳
Dec: 👩🏾‍🦳

woman: medium-dark skin tone, white hair

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9B3


Hex: 👩🏿‍🦳
Dec: 👩🏿‍🦳

woman: dark skin tone, white hair

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9BC


Hex: 👩🏻‍🦼
Dec: 👩🏻‍🦼

woman in motorized wheelchair: light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F9BC


Hex: 👩🏼‍🦼
Dec: 👩🏼‍🦼

woman in motorized wheelchair: medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9BC


Hex: 👩🏽‍🦼
Dec: 👩🏽‍🦼

woman in motorized wheelchair: medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F9BC


Hex: 👩🏾‍🦼
Dec: 👩🏾‍🦼

woman in motorized wheelchair: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9BC


Hex: 👩🏿‍🦼
Dec: 👩🏿‍🦼

woman in motorized wheelchair: dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9BD


Hex: 👩🏻‍🦽
Dec: 👩🏻‍🦽

woman in manual wheelchair: light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F9BD


Hex: 👩🏼‍🦽
Dec: 👩🏼‍🦽

woman in manual wheelchair: medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9BD


Hex: 👩🏽‍🦽
Dec: 👩🏽‍🦽

woman in manual wheelchair: medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F9BD


Hex: 👩🏾‍🦽
Dec: 👩🏾‍🦽

woman in manual wheelchair: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9BD


Hex: 👩🏿‍🦽
Dec: 👩🏿‍🦽

woman in manual wheelchair: dark skin tone

Colores de piel (4)

En este apartado se muestran secuencias Unicode con modificadores Fitzpatrick. Estas secuencias se forman con cuatro caracteres, combinando el emoji que representa a un adulto con uno de los modificadores Fitzpatrick y con un objeto relacionado con la profesión, como se comenta en el apartado Colores de piel (4) de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F33E


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🌾
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🌾

farmer: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F33E


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🌾
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🌾

farmer: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F33E


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🌾
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🌾

farmer: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F33E


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🌾
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🌾

farmer: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F33E


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🌾
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🌾

farmer: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F373


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🍳
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🍳

cook: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F373


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🍳
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🍳

cook: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F373


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🍳
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🍳

cook: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F373


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🍳
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🍳

cook: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F373


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🍳
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🍳

cook: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F37C


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🍼
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🍼

person feeding baby: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F37C


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🍼
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🍼

person feeding baby: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F37C


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🍼
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🍼

person feeding baby: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F37C


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🍼
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🍼

person feeding baby: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F37C


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🍼
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🍼

person feeding baby: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F384


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🎄
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🎄

mx claus: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F384


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🎄
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🎄

mx claus: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F384


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🎄
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🎄

mx claus: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F384


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🎄
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🎄

mx claus: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F384


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🎄
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🎄

mx claus: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F393


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🎓
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🎓

student: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F393


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🎓
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🎓

student: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F393


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🎓
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🎓

student: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F393


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🎓
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🎓

student: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F393


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🎓
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🎓

student: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F3A4


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🎤
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🎤

singer: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F3A4


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🎤
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🎤

singer: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F3A4


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🎤
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🎤

singer: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F3A4


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🎤
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🎤

singer: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F3A4


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🎤
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🎤

singer: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F3A8


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🎨
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🎨

artist: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F3A8


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🎨
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🎨

artist: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F3A8


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🎨
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🎨

artist: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F3A8


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🎨
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🎨

artist: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F3A8


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🎨
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🎨

artist: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F3EB


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🏫
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🏫

teacher: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F3EB


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🏫
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🏫

teacher: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F3EB


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🏫
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🏫

teacher: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F3EB


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🏫
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🏫

teacher: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F3EB


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🏫
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🏫

teacher: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F3ED


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🏭
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🏭

factory worker: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F3ED


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🏭
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🏭

factory worker: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F3ED


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🏭
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🏭

factory worker: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F3ED


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🏭
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🏭

factory worker: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F3ED


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🏭
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🏭

factory worker: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F4BB


Hex: 🧑🏻‍💻
Dec: 🧑🏻‍💻

technologist: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F4BB


Hex: 🧑🏼‍💻
Dec: 🧑🏼‍💻

technologist: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F4BB


Hex: 🧑🏽‍💻
Dec: 🧑🏽‍💻

technologist: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F4BB


Hex: 🧑🏾‍💻
Dec: 🧑🏾‍💻

technologist: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F4BB


Hex: 🧑🏿‍💻
Dec: 🧑🏿‍💻

technologist: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F4BC


Hex: 🧑🏻‍💼
Dec: 🧑🏻‍💼

office worker: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F4BC


Hex: 🧑🏼‍💼
Dec: 🧑🏼‍💼

office worker: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F4BC


Hex: 🧑🏽‍💼
Dec: 🧑🏽‍💼

office worker: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F4BC


Hex: 🧑🏾‍💼
Dec: 🧑🏾‍💼

office worker: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F4BC


Hex: 🧑🏿‍💼
Dec: 🧑🏿‍💼

office worker: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F527


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🔧
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🔧

mechanic: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F527


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🔧
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🔧

mechanic: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F527


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🔧
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🔧

mechanic: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F527


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🔧
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🔧

mechanic: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F527


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🔧
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🔧

mechanic: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F52C


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🔬
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🔬

scientist: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F52C


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🔬
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🔬

scientist: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F52C


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🔬
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🔬

scientist: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F52C


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🔬
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🔬

scientist: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F52C


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🔬
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🔬

scientist: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F680


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🚀
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🚀

astronaut: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F680


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🚀
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🚀

astronaut: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F680


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🚀
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🚀

astronaut: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F680


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🚀
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🚀

astronaut: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F680


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🚀
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🚀

astronaut: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F692


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🚒
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🚒

firefighter: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F692


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🚒
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🚒

firefighter: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F692


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🚒
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🚒

firefighter: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F692


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🚒
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🚒

firefighter: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F692


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🚒
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🚒

firefighter: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9AF


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🦯
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🦯

person with white cane: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F9AF


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🦯
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🦯

person with white cane: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9AF


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🦯
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🦯

person with white cane: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F9AF


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🦯
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🦯

person with white cane: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9AF


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🦯
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🦯

person with white cane: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9B0


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🦰
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🦰

person: light skin tone, red hair

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F9B0


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🦰
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🦰

person: medium-light skin tone, red hair

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9B0


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🦰
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🦰

person: medium skin tone, red hair

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F9B0


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🦰
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🦰

person: medium-dark skin tone, red hair

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9B0


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🦰
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🦰

person: dark skin tone, red hair

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9B1


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🦱
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🦱

person: light skin tone, curly hair

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F9B1


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🦱
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🦱

person: medium-light skin tone, curly hair

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9B1


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🦱
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🦱

person: medium skin tone, curly hair

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F9B1


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🦱
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🦱

person: medium-dark skin tone, curly hair

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9B1


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🦱
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🦱

person: dark skin tone, curly hair

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9B2


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🦲
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🦲

person: light skin tone, bald

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F9B2


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🦲
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🦲

person: medium-light skin tone, bald

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9B2


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🦲
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🦲

person: medium skin tone, bald

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F9B2


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🦲
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🦲

person: medium-dark skin tone, bald

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9B2


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🦲
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🦲

person: dark skin tone, bald

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9B3


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🦳
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🦳

person: light skin tone, white hair

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F9B3


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🦳
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🦳

person: medium-light skin tone, white hair

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9B3


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🦳
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🦳

person: medium skin tone, white hair

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F9B3


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🦳
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🦳

person: medium-dark skin tone, white hair

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9B3


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🦳
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🦳

person: dark skin tone, white hair

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9BC


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🦼
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🦼

person in motorized wheelchair: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F9BC


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🦼
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🦼

person in motorized wheelchair: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9BC


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🦼
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🦼

person in motorized wheelchair: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F9BC


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🦼
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🦼

person in motorized wheelchair: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9BC


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🦼
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🦼

person in motorized wheelchair: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9BD


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🦽
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🦽

person in manual wheelchair: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F9BD


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🦽
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🦽

person in manual wheelchair: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9BD


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🦽
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🦽

person in manual wheelchair: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F9BD


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🦽
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🦽

person in manual wheelchair: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9BD


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🦽
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🦽

person in manual wheelchair: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

Colores de piel (5)

En este apartado se muestran secuencias Unicode con modificadores Fitzpatrick. Estas secuencias se forman con cinco caracteres, combinando el carácter hombre o mujer con uno de los modificadores Fitzpatrick y con un objeto relacionado con la profesión, como se comenta en el apartado Colores de piel (5) de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F


Hex: 👨🏻‍⚕️
Dec: 👨🏻‍⚕️

man health worker: light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F


Hex: 👨🏼‍⚕️
Dec: 👨🏼‍⚕️

man health worker: medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F


Hex: 👨🏽‍⚕️
Dec: 👨🏽‍⚕️

man health worker: medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F


Hex: 👨🏾‍⚕️
Dec: 👨🏾‍⚕️

man health worker: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F


Hex: 👨🏿‍⚕️
Dec: 👨🏿‍⚕️

man health worker: dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F


Hex: 👨🏻‍⚖️
Dec: 👨🏻‍⚖️

man judge: light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F


Hex: 👨🏼‍⚖️
Dec: 👨🏼‍⚖️

man judge: medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F


Hex: 👨🏽‍⚖️
Dec: 👨🏽‍⚖️

man judge: medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F


Hex: 👨🏾‍⚖️
Dec: 👨🏾‍⚖️

man judge: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F


Hex: 👨🏿‍⚖️
Dec: 👨🏿‍⚖️

man judge: dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F


Hex: 👨🏻‍✈️
Dec: 👨🏻‍✈️

man pilot: light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F


Hex: 👨🏼‍✈️
Dec: 👨🏼‍✈️

man pilot: medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F


Hex: 👨🏽‍✈️
Dec: 👨🏽‍✈️

man pilot: medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F


Hex: 👨🏾‍✈️
Dec: 👨🏾‍✈️

man pilot: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F


Hex: 👨🏿‍✈️
Dec: 👨🏿‍✈️

man pilot: dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F


Hex: 👩🏻‍⚕️
Dec: 👩🏻‍⚕️

woman health worker: light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F


Hex: 👩🏼‍⚕️
Dec: 👩🏼‍⚕️

woman health worker: medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F


Hex: 👩🏽‍⚕️
Dec: 👩🏽‍⚕️

woman health worker: medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F


Hex: 👩🏾‍⚕️
Dec: 👩🏾‍⚕️

woman health worker: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F


Hex: 👩🏿‍⚕️
Dec: 👩🏿‍⚕️

woman health worker: dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F


Hex: 👩🏻‍⚖️
Dec: 👩🏻‍⚖️

woman judge: light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F


Hex: 👩🏼‍⚖️
Dec: 👩🏼‍⚖️

woman judge: medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F


Hex: 👩🏽‍⚖️
Dec: 👩🏽‍⚖️

woman judge: medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F


Hex: 👩🏾‍⚖️
Dec: 👩🏾‍⚖️

woman judge: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F


Hex: 👩🏿‍⚖️
Dec: 👩🏿‍⚖️

woman judge: dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F


Hex: 👩🏻‍✈️
Dec: 👩🏻‍✈️

woman pilot: light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F


Hex: 👩🏼‍✈️
Dec: 👩🏼‍✈️

woman pilot: medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F


Hex: 👩🏽‍✈️
Dec: 👩🏽‍✈️

woman pilot: medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F


Hex: 👩🏾‍✈️
Dec: 👩🏾‍✈️

woman pilot: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F


Hex: 👩🏿‍✈️
Dec: 👩🏿‍✈️

woman pilot: dark skin tone

Colores de piel (6)

En este apartado se muestran secuencias Unicode con modificadores Fitzpatrick. Estas secuencias se forman con cinco caracteres, combinando un carácter que normalmente ya representa a un individuo con uno de los modificadores Fitzpatrick y con el símbolo masculino o femenino, como se comenta en el apartado Colores de piel (6) de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F3C3 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏃🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🏃🏻‍♀️

woman running: light skin tone

U+1F3C3 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏃🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🏃🏼‍♀️

woman running: medium-light skin tone

U+1F3C3 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏃🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🏃🏽‍♀️

woman running: medium skin tone

U+1F3C3 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏃🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🏃🏾‍♀️

woman running: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F3C3 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏃🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🏃🏿‍♀️

woman running: dark skin tone

U+1F3C3 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏃🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🏃🏻‍♂️

man running: light skin tone

U+1F3C3 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏃🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🏃🏼‍♂️

man running: medium-light skin tone

U+1F3C3 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏃🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🏃🏽‍♂️

man running: medium skin tone

U+1F3C3 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏃🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🏃🏾‍♂️

man running: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F3C3 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏃🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🏃🏿‍♂️

man running: dark skin tone

U+1F3C4 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏄🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🏄🏻‍♀️

woman surfing: light skin tone

U+1F3C4 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏄🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🏄🏼‍♀️

woman surfing: medium-light skin tone

U+1F3C4 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏄🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🏄🏽‍♀️

woman surfing: medium skin tone

U+1F3C4 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏄🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🏄🏾‍♀️

woman surfing: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F3C4 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏄🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🏄🏿‍♀️

woman surfing: dark skin tone

U+1F3C4 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏄🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🏄🏻‍♂️

man surfing: light skin tone

U+1F3C4 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏄🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🏄🏼‍♂️

man surfing: medium-light skin tone

U+1F3C4 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏄🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🏄🏽‍♂️

man surfing: medium skin tone

U+1F3C4 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏄🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🏄🏾‍♂️

man surfing: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F3C4 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏄🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🏄🏿‍♂️

man surfing: dark skin tone

U+1F3CA U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏊🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🏊🏻‍♀️

woman swimming: light skin tone

U+1F3CA U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏊🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🏊🏼‍♀️

woman swimming: medium-light skin tone

U+1F3CA U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏊🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🏊🏽‍♀️

woman swimming: medium skin tone

U+1F3CA U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏊🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🏊🏾‍♀️

woman swimming: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F3CA U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏊🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🏊🏿‍♀️

woman swimming: dark skin tone

U+1F3CA U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏊🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🏊🏻‍♂️

man swimming: light skin tone

U+1F3CA U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏊🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🏊🏼‍♂️

man swimming: medium-light skin tone

U+1F3CA U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏊🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🏊🏽‍♂️

man swimming: medium skin tone

U+1F3CA U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏊🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🏊🏾‍♂️

man swimming: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F3CA U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏊🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🏊🏿‍♂️

man swimming: dark skin tone

U+1F3CB U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏋🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🏋🏻‍♀️

woman lifting weights: light skin tone

U+1F3CB U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏋🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🏋🏼‍♀️

woman lifting weights: medium-light skin tone

U+1F3CB U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏋🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🏋🏽‍♀️

woman lifting weights: medium skin tone

U+1F3CB U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏋🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🏋🏾‍♀️

woman lifting weights: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F3CB U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏋🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🏋🏿‍♀️

woman lifting weights: dark skin tone

U+1F3CB U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏋🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🏋🏻‍♂️

man lifting weights: light skin tone

U+1F3CB U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏋🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🏋🏼‍♂️

man lifting weights: medium-light skin tone

U+1F3CB U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏋🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🏋🏽‍♂️

man lifting weights: medium skin tone

U+1F3CB U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏋🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🏋🏾‍♂️

man lifting weights: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F3CB U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏋🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🏋🏿‍♂️

man lifting weights: dark skin tone

U+1F3CC U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏌🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🏌🏻‍♀️

woman golfing: light skin tone

U+1F3CC U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏌🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🏌🏼‍♀️

woman golfing: medium-light skin tone

U+1F3CC U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏌🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🏌🏽‍♀️

woman golfing: medium skin tone

U+1F3CC U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏌🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🏌🏾‍♀️

woman golfing: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F3CC U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏌🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🏌🏿‍♀️

woman golfing: dark skin tone

U+1F3CC U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏌🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🏌🏻‍♂️

man golfing: light skin tone

U+1F3CC U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏌🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🏌🏼‍♂️

man golfing: medium-light skin tone

U+1F3CC U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏌🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🏌🏽‍♂️

man golfing: medium skin tone

U+1F3CC U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏌🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🏌🏾‍♂️

man golfing: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F3CC U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🏌🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🏌🏿‍♂️

man golfing: dark skin tone

U+1F46E U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👮🏻‍♀️
Dec: 👮🏻‍♀️

woman police officer: light skin tone

U+1F46E U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👮🏼‍♀️
Dec: 👮🏼‍♀️

woman police officer: medium-light skin tone

U+1F46E U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👮🏽‍♀️
Dec: 👮🏽‍♀️

woman police officer: medium skin tone

U+1F46E U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👮🏾‍♀️
Dec: 👮🏾‍♀️

woman police officer: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F46E U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👮🏿‍♀️
Dec: 👮🏿‍♀️

woman police officer: dark skin tone

U+1F46E U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👮🏻‍♂️
Dec: 👮🏻‍♂️

man police officer: light skin tone

U+1F46E U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👮🏼‍♂️
Dec: 👮🏼‍♂️

man police officer: medium-light skin tone

U+1F46E U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👮🏽‍♂️
Dec: 👮🏽‍♂️

man police officer: medium skin tone

U+1F46E U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👮🏾‍♂️
Dec: 👮🏾‍♂️

man police officer: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F46E U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👮🏿‍♂️
Dec: 👮🏿‍♂️

man police officer: dark skin tone

13 U+1F470 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👰🏻‍♀️
Dec: 👰🏻‍♀️

woman with veil: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F470 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👰🏼‍♀️
Dec: 👰🏼‍♀️

woman with veil: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F470 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👰🏽‍♀️
Dec: 👰🏽‍♀️

woman with veil: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F470 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👰🏾‍♀️
Dec: 👰🏾‍♀️

woman with veil: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F470 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👰🏿‍♀️
Dec: 👰🏿‍♀️

woman with veil: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F470 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👰🏻‍♂️
Dec: 👰🏻‍♂️

man with veil: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F470 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👰🏼‍♂️
Dec: 👰🏼‍♂️

man with veil: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F470 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👰🏽‍♂️
Dec: 👰🏽‍♂️

man with veil: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F470 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👰🏾‍♂️
Dec: 👰🏾‍♂️

man with veil: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F470 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👰🏿‍♂️
Dec: 👰🏿‍♂️

man with veil: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F471 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👱🏻‍♀️
Dec: 👱🏻‍♀️

woman: light skin tone, blond hair

U+1F471 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👱🏼‍♀️
Dec: 👱🏼‍♀️

woman: medium-light skin tone, blond hair

U+1F471 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👱🏽‍♀️
Dec: 👱🏽‍♀️

woman: medium skin tone, blond hair

U+1F471 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👱🏾‍♀️
Dec: 👱🏾‍♀️

woman: medium-dark skin tone, blond hair

U+1F471 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👱🏿‍♀️
Dec: 👱🏿‍♀️

woman: dark skin tone, blond hair

U+1F471 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👱🏻‍♂️
Dec: 👱🏻‍♂️

man: light skin tone, blond hair

U+1F471 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👱🏼‍♂️
Dec: 👱🏼‍♂️

man: medium-light skin tone, blond hair

U+1F471 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👱🏽‍♂️
Dec: 👱🏽‍♂️

man: medium skin tone, blond hair

U+1F471 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👱🏾‍♂️
Dec: 👱🏾‍♂️

man: medium-dark skin tone, blond hair

U+1F471 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👱🏿‍♂️
Dec: 👱🏿‍♂️

man: dark skin tone, blond hair

U+1F473 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👳🏻‍♀️
Dec: 👳🏻‍♀️

woman wearing turban: light skin tone

U+1F473 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👳🏼‍♀️
Dec: 👳🏼‍♀️

woman wearing turban: medium-light skin tone

U+1F473 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👳🏽‍♀️
Dec: 👳🏽‍♀️

woman wearing turban: medium skin tone

U+1F473 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👳🏾‍♀️
Dec: 👳🏾‍♀️

woman wearing turban: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F473 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👳🏿‍♀️
Dec: 👳🏿‍♀️

woman wearing turban: dark skin tone

U+1F473 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👳🏻‍♂️
Dec: 👳🏻‍♂️

man wearing turban: light skin tone

U+1F473 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👳🏼‍♂️
Dec: 👳🏼‍♂️

man wearing turban: medium-light skin tone

U+1F473 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👳🏽‍♂️
Dec: 👳🏽‍♂️

man wearing turban: medium skin tone

U+1F473 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👳🏾‍♂️
Dec: 👳🏾‍♂️

man wearing turban: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F473 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👳🏿‍♂️
Dec: 👳🏿‍♂️

man wearing turban: dark skin tone

U+1F477 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👷🏻‍♀️
Dec: 👷🏻‍♀️

woman construction worker: light skin tone

U+1F477 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👷🏼‍♀️
Dec: 👷🏼‍♀️

woman construction worker: medium-light skin tone

U+1F477 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👷🏽‍♀️
Dec: 👷🏽‍♀️

woman construction worker: medium skin tone

U+1F477 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👷🏾‍♀️
Dec: 👷🏾‍♀️

woman construction worker: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F477 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 👷🏿‍♀️
Dec: 👷🏿‍♀️

woman construction worker: dark skin tone

U+1F477 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👷🏻‍♂️
Dec: 👷🏻‍♂️

man construction worker: light skin tone

U+1F477 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👷🏼‍♂️
Dec: 👷🏼‍♂️

man construction worker: medium-light skin tone

U+1F477 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👷🏽‍♂️
Dec: 👷🏽‍♂️

man construction worker: medium skin tone

U+1F477 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👷🏾‍♂️
Dec: 👷🏾‍♂️

man construction worker: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F477 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 👷🏿‍♂️
Dec: 👷🏿‍♂️

man construction worker: dark skin tone

U+1F481 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💁🏻‍♀️
Dec: 💁🏻‍♀️

woman tipping hand: light skin tone

U+1F481 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💁🏼‍♀️
Dec: 💁🏼‍♀️

woman tipping hand: medium-light skin tone

U+1F481 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💁🏽‍♀️
Dec: 💁🏽‍♀️

woman tipping hand: medium skin tone

U+1F481 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💁🏾‍♀️
Dec: 💁🏾‍♀️

woman tipping hand: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F481 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💁🏿‍♀️
Dec: 💁🏿‍♀️

woman tipping hand: dark skin tone

U+1F481 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💁🏻‍♂️
Dec: 💁🏻‍♂️

man tipping hand: light skin tone

U+1F481 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💁🏼‍♂️
Dec: 💁🏼‍♂️

man tipping hand: medium-light skin tone

U+1F481 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💁🏽‍♂️
Dec: 💁🏽‍♂️

man tipping hand: medium skin tone

U+1F481 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💁🏾‍♂️
Dec: 💁🏾‍♂️

man tipping hand: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F481 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💁🏿‍♂️
Dec: 💁🏿‍♂️

man tipping hand: dark skin tone

U+1F482 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💂🏻‍♀️
Dec: 💂🏻‍♀️

woman guard: light skin tone

U+1F482 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💂🏼‍♀️
Dec: 💂🏼‍♀️

woman guard: medium-light skin tone

U+1F482 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💂🏽‍♀️
Dec: 💂🏽‍♀️

woman guard: medium skin tone

U+1F482 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💂🏾‍♀️
Dec: 💂🏾‍♀️

woman guard: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F482 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💂🏿‍♀️
Dec: 💂🏿‍♀️

woman guard: dark skin tone

U+1F482 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💂🏻‍♂️
Dec: 💂🏻‍♂️

man guard: light skin tone

U+1F482 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💂🏼‍♂️
Dec: 💂🏼‍♂️

man guard: medium-light skin tone

U+1F482 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💂🏽‍♂️
Dec: 💂🏽‍♂️

man guard: medium skin tone

U+1F482 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💂🏾‍♂️
Dec: 💂🏾‍♂️

man guard: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F482 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💂🏿‍♂️
Dec: 💂🏿‍♂️

man guard: dark skin tone

U+1F486 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💆🏻‍♀️
Dec: 💆🏻‍♀️

woman getting massage: light skin tone

U+1F486 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💆🏼‍♀️
Dec: 💆🏼‍♀️

woman getting massage: medium-light skin tone

U+1F486 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💆🏽‍♀️
Dec: 💆🏽‍♀️

woman getting massage: medium skin tone

U+1F486 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💆🏾‍♀️
Dec: 💆🏾‍♀️

woman getting massage: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F486 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💆🏿‍♀️
Dec: 💆🏿‍♀️

woman getting massage: dark skin tone

U+1F486 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💆🏻‍♂️
Dec: 💆🏻‍♂️

man getting massage: light skin tone

U+1F486 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💆🏼‍♂️
Dec: 💆🏼‍♂️

man getting massage: medium-light skin tone

U+1F486 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💆🏽‍♂️
Dec: 💆🏽‍♂️

man getting massage: medium skin tone

U+1F486 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💆🏾‍♂️
Dec: 💆🏾‍♂️

man getting massage: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F486 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💆🏿‍♂️
Dec: 💆🏿‍♂️

man getting massage: dark skin tone

U+1F487 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💇🏻‍♀️
Dec: 💇🏻‍♀️

woman getting haircut: light skin tone

U+1F487 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💇🏼‍♀️
Dec: 💇🏼‍♀️

woman getting haircut: medium-light skin tone

U+1F487 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💇🏽‍♀️
Dec: 💇🏽‍♀️

woman getting haircut: medium skin tone

U+1F487 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💇🏾‍♀️
Dec: 💇🏾‍♀️

woman getting haircut: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F487 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 💇🏿‍♀️
Dec: 💇🏿‍♀️

woman getting haircut: dark skin tone

U+1F487 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💇🏻‍♂️
Dec: 💇🏻‍♂️

man getting haircut: light skin tone

U+1F487 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💇🏼‍♂️
Dec: 💇🏼‍♂️

man getting haircut: medium-light skin tone

U+1F487 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💇🏽‍♂️
Dec: 💇🏽‍♂️

man getting haircut: medium skin tone

U+1F487 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💇🏾‍♂️
Dec: 💇🏾‍♂️

man getting haircut: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F487 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 💇🏿‍♂️
Dec: 💇🏿‍♂️

man getting haircut: dark skin tone

U+1F575 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕵🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🕵🏻‍♀️

woman detective: light skin tone

U+1F575 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕵🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🕵🏼‍♀️

woman detective: medium-light skin tone

U+1F575 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕵🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🕵🏽‍♀️

woman detective: medium skin tone

U+1F575 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕵🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🕵🏾‍♀️

woman detective: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F575 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕵🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🕵🏿‍♀️

woman detective: dark skin tone

U+1F575 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕵🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🕵🏻‍♂️

man detective: light skin tone

U+1F575 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕵🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🕵🏼‍♂️

man detective: medium-light skin tone

U+1F575 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕵🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🕵🏽‍♂️

man detective: medium skin tone

U+1F575 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕵🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🕵🏾‍♂️

man detective: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F575 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕵🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🕵🏿‍♂️

man detective: dark skin tone

U+1F645 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙅🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🙅🏻‍♀️

woman gesturing NO: light skin tone

U+1F645 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙅🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🙅🏼‍♀️

woman gesturing NO: medium-light skin tone

U+1F645 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙅🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🙅🏽‍♀️

woman gesturing NO: medium skin tone

U+1F645 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙅🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🙅🏾‍♀️

woman gesturing NO: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F645 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙅🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🙅🏿‍♀️

woman gesturing NO: dark skin tone

U+1F645 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙅🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🙅🏻‍♂️

man gesturing NO: light skin tone

U+1F645 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙅🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🙅🏼‍♂️

man gesturing NO: medium-light skin tone

U+1F645 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙅🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🙅🏽‍♂️

man gesturing NO: medium skin tone

U+1F645 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙅🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🙅🏾‍♂️

man gesturing NO: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F645 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙅🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🙅🏿‍♂️

man gesturing NO: dark skin tone

U+1F646 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙆🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🙆🏻‍♀️

woman gesturing OK: light skin tone

U+1F646 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙆🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🙆🏼‍♀️

woman gesturing OK: medium-light skin tone

U+1F646 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙆🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🙆🏽‍♀️

woman gesturing OK: medium skin tone

U+1F646 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙆🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🙆🏾‍♀️

woman gesturing OK: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F646 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙆🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🙆🏿‍♀️

woman gesturing OK: dark skin tone

U+1F646 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙆🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🙆🏻‍♂️

man gesturing OK: light skin tone

U+1F646 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙆🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🙆🏼‍♂️

man gesturing OK: medium-light skin tone

U+1F646 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙆🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🙆🏽‍♂️

man gesturing OK: medium skin tone

U+1F646 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙆🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🙆🏾‍♂️

man gesturing OK: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F646 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙆🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🙆🏿‍♂️

man gesturing OK: dark skin tone

U+1F647 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙇🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🙇🏻‍♀️

woman bowing: light skin tone

U+1F647 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙇🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🙇🏼‍♀️

woman bowing: medium-light skin tone

U+1F647 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙇🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🙇🏽‍♀️

woman bowing: medium skin tone

U+1F647 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙇🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🙇🏾‍♀️

woman bowing: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F647 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙇🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🙇🏿‍♀️

woman bowing: dark skin tone

U+1F647 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙇🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🙇🏻‍♂️

man bowing: light skin tone

U+1F647 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙇🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🙇🏼‍♂️

man bowing: medium-light skin tone

U+1F647 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙇🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🙇🏽‍♂️

man bowing: medium skin tone

U+1F647 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙇🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🙇🏾‍♂️

man bowing: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F647 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙇🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🙇🏿‍♂️

man bowing: dark skin tone

U+1F64B U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙋🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🙋🏻‍♀️

woman raising hand: light skin tone

U+1F64B U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙋🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🙋🏼‍♀️

woman raising hand: medium-light skin tone

U+1F64B U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙋🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🙋🏽‍♀️

woman raising hand: medium skin tone

U+1F64B U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙋🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🙋🏾‍♀️

woman raising hand: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F64B U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙋🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🙋🏿‍♀️

woman raising hand: dark skin tone

U+1F64B U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙋🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🙋🏻‍♂️

man raising hand: light skin tone

U+1F64B U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙋🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🙋🏼‍♂️

man raising hand: medium-light skin tone

U+1F64B U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙋🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🙋🏽‍♂️

man raising hand: medium skin tone

U+1F64B U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙋🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🙋🏾‍♂️

man raising hand: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F64B U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙋🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🙋🏿‍♂️

man raising hand: dark skin tone

U+1F64D U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙍🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🙍🏻‍♀️

woman frowning: light skin tone

U+1F64D U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙍🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🙍🏼‍♀️

woman frowning: medium-light skin tone

U+1F64D U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙍🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🙍🏽‍♀️

woman frowning: medium skin tone

U+1F64D U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙍🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🙍🏾‍♀️

woman frowning: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F64D U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙍🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🙍🏿‍♀️

woman frowning: dark skin tone

U+1F64D U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙍🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🙍🏻‍♂️

man frowning: light skin tone

U+1F64D U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙍🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🙍🏼‍♂️

man frowning: medium-light skin tone

U+1F64D U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙍🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🙍🏽‍♂️

man frowning: medium skin tone

U+1F64D U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙍🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🙍🏾‍♂️

man frowning: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F64D U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙍🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🙍🏿‍♂️

man frowning: dark skin tone

U+1F64E U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙎🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🙎🏻‍♀️

woman pouting: light skin tone

U+1F64E U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙎🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🙎🏼‍♀️

woman pouting: medium-light skin tone

U+1F64E U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙎🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🙎🏽‍♀️

woman pouting: medium skin tone

U+1F64E U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙎🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🙎🏾‍♀️

woman pouting: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F64E U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙎🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🙎🏿‍♀️

woman pouting: dark skin tone

U+1F64E U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙎🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🙎🏻‍♂️

man pouting: light skin tone

U+1F64E U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙎🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🙎🏼‍♂️

man pouting: medium-light skin tone

U+1F64E U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙎🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🙎🏽‍♂️

man pouting: medium skin tone

U+1F64E U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙎🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🙎🏾‍♂️

man pouting: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F64E U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🙎🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🙎🏿‍♂️

man pouting: dark skin tone

U+1F6A3 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚣🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🚣🏻‍♀️

woman rowing boat: light skin tone

U+1F6A3 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚣🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🚣🏼‍♀️

woman rowing boat: medium-light skin tone

U+1F6A3 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚣🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🚣🏽‍♀️

woman rowing boat: medium skin tone

U+1F6A3 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚣🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🚣🏾‍♀️

woman rowing boat: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F6A3 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚣🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🚣🏿‍♀️

woman rowing boat: dark skin tone

U+1F6A3 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚣🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🚣🏻‍♂️

man rowing boat: light skin tone

U+1F6A3 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚣🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🚣🏼‍♂️

man rowing boat: medium-light skin tone

U+1F6A3 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚣🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🚣🏽‍♂️

man rowing boat: medium skin tone

U+1F6A3 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚣🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🚣🏾‍♂️

man rowing boat: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F6A3 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚣🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🚣🏿‍♂️

man rowing boat: dark skin tone

U+1F6B4 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚴🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🚴🏻‍♀️

woman biking: light skin tone

U+1F6B4 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚴🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🚴🏼‍♀️

woman biking: medium-light skin tone

U+1F6B4 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚴🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🚴🏽‍♀️

woman biking: medium skin tone

U+1F6B4 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚴🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🚴🏾‍♀️

woman biking: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F6B4 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚴🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🚴🏿‍♀️

woman biking: dark skin tone

U+1F6B4 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚴🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🚴🏻‍♂️

man biking: light skin tone

U+1F6B4 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚴🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🚴🏼‍♂️

man biking: medium-light skin tone

U+1F6B4 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚴🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🚴🏽‍♂️

man biking: medium skin tone

U+1F6B4 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚴🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🚴🏾‍♂️

man biking: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F6B4 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚴🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🚴🏿‍♂️

man biking: dark skin tone

U+1F6B5 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚵🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🚵🏻‍♀️

woman mountain biking: light skin tone

U+1F6B5 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚵🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🚵🏼‍♀️

woman mountain biking: medium-light skin tone

U+1F6B5 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚵🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🚵🏽‍♀️

woman mountain biking: medium skin tone

U+1F6B5 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚵🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🚵🏾‍♀️

woman mountain biking: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F6B5 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚵🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🚵🏿‍♀️

woman mountain biking: dark skin tone

U+1F6B5 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚵🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🚵🏻‍♂️

man mountain biking: light skin tone

U+1F6B5 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚵🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🚵🏼‍♂️

man mountain biking: medium-light skin tone

U+1F6B5 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚵🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🚵🏽‍♂️

man mountain biking: medium skin tone

U+1F6B5 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚵🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🚵🏾‍♂️

man mountain biking: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F6B5 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚵🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🚵🏿‍♂️

man mountain biking: dark skin tone

U+1F6B6 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚶🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🚶🏻‍♀️

woman walking: light skin tone

U+1F6B6 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚶🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🚶🏼‍♀️

woman walking: medium-light skin tone

U+1F6B6 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚶🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🚶🏽‍♀️

woman walking: medium skin tone

U+1F6B6 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚶🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🚶🏾‍♀️

woman walking: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F6B6 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚶🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🚶🏿‍♀️

woman walking: dark skin tone

U+1F6B6 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚶🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🚶🏻‍♂️

man walking: light skin tone

U+1F6B6 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚶🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🚶🏼‍♂️

man walking: medium-light skin tone

U+1F6B6 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚶🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🚶🏽‍♂️

man walking: medium skin tone

U+1F6B6 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚶🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🚶🏾‍♂️

man walking: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F6B6 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🚶🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🚶🏿‍♂️

man walking: dark skin tone

U+1F926 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤦🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🤦🏻‍♀️

woman facepalming: light skin tone

U+1F926 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤦🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🤦🏼‍♀️

woman facepalming: medium-light skin tone

U+1F926 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤦🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🤦🏽‍♀️

woman facepalming: medium skin tone

U+1F926 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤦🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🤦🏾‍♀️

woman facepalming: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F926 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤦🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🤦🏿‍♀️

woman facepalming: dark skin tone

U+1F926 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤦🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🤦🏻‍♂️

man facepalming: light skin tone

U+1F926 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤦🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🤦🏼‍♂️

man facepalming: medium-light skin tone

U+1F926 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤦🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🤦🏽‍♂️

man facepalming: medium skin tone

U+1F926 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤦🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🤦🏾‍♂️

man facepalming: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F926 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤦🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🤦🏿‍♂️

man facepalming: dark skin tone

13 U+1F935 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤵🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🤵🏻‍♀️

woman in tuxedo: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F935 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤵🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🤵🏼‍♀️

woman in tuxedo: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F935 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤵🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🤵🏽‍♀️

woman in tuxedo: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F935 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤵🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🤵🏾‍♀️

woman in tuxedo: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F935 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤵🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🤵🏿‍♀️

woman in tuxedo: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F935 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤵🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🤵🏻‍♂️

man in tuxedo: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F935 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤵🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🤵🏼‍♂️

man in tuxedo: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F935 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤵🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🤵🏽‍♂️

man in tuxedo: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F935 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤵🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🤵🏾‍♂️

man in tuxedo: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13 U+1F935 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤵🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🤵🏿‍♂️

man in tuxedo: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F937 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤷🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🤷🏻‍♀️

woman shrugging: light skin tone

U+1F937 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤷🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🤷🏼‍♀️

woman shrugging: medium-light skin tone

U+1F937 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤷🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🤷🏽‍♀️

woman shrugging: medium skin tone

U+1F937 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤷🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🤷🏾‍♀️

woman shrugging: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F937 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤷🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🤷🏿‍♀️

woman shrugging: dark skin tone

U+1F937 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤷🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🤷🏻‍♂️

man shrugging: light skin tone

U+1F937 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤷🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🤷🏼‍♂️

man shrugging: medium-light skin tone

U+1F937 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤷🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🤷🏽‍♂️

man shrugging: medium skin tone

U+1F937 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤷🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🤷🏾‍♂️

man shrugging: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F937 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤷🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🤷🏿‍♂️

man shrugging: dark skin tone

U+1F938 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤸🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🤸🏻‍♀️

woman cartwheeling: light skin tone

U+1F938 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤸🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🤸🏼‍♀️

woman cartwheeling: medium-light skin tone

U+1F938 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤸🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🤸🏽‍♀️

woman cartwheeling: medium skin tone

U+1F938 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤸🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🤸🏾‍♀️

woman cartwheeling: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F938 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤸🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🤸🏿‍♀️

woman cartwheeling: dark skin tone

U+1F938 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤸🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🤸🏻‍♂️

man cartwheeling: light skin tone

U+1F938 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤸🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🤸🏼‍♂️

man cartwheeling: medium-light skin tone

U+1F938 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤸🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🤸🏽‍♂️

man cartwheeling: medium skin tone

U+1F938 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤸🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🤸🏾‍♂️

man cartwheeling: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F938 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤸🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🤸🏿‍♂️

man cartwheeling: dark skin tone

U+1F939 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤹🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🤹🏻‍♀️

woman juggling: light skin tone

U+1F939 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤹🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🤹🏼‍♀️

woman juggling: medium-light skin tone

U+1F939 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤹🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🤹🏽‍♀️

woman juggling: medium skin tone

U+1F939 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤹🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🤹🏾‍♀️

woman juggling: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F939 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤹🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🤹🏿‍♀️

woman juggling: dark skin tone

U+1F939 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤹🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🤹🏻‍♂️

man juggling: light skin tone

U+1F939 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤹🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🤹🏼‍♂️

man juggling: medium-light skin tone

U+1F939 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤹🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🤹🏽‍♂️

man juggling: medium skin tone

U+1F939 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤹🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🤹🏾‍♂️

man juggling: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F939 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤹🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🤹🏿‍♂️

man juggling: dark skin tone

U+1F93D U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤽🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🤽🏻‍♀️

woman playing water polo: light skin tone

U+1F93D U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤽🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🤽🏼‍♀️

woman playing water polo: medium-light skin tone

U+1F93D U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤽🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🤽🏽‍♀️

woman playing water polo: medium skin tone

U+1F93D U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤽🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🤽🏾‍♀️

woman playing water polo: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F93D U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤽🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🤽🏿‍♀️

woman playing water polo: dark skin tone

U+1F93D U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤽🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🤽🏻‍♂️

man playing water polo: light skin tone

U+1F93D U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤽🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🤽🏼‍♂️

man playing water polo: medium-light skin tone

U+1F93D U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤽🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🤽🏽‍♂️

man playing water polo: medium skin tone

U+1F93D U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤽🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🤽🏾‍♂️

man playing water polo: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F93D U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤽🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🤽🏿‍♂️

man playing water polo: dark skin tone

U+1F93E U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤾🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🤾🏻‍♀️

woman playing handball: light skin tone

U+1F93E U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤾🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🤾🏼‍♀️

woman playing handball: medium-light skin tone

U+1F93E U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤾🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🤾🏽‍♀️

woman playing handball: medium skin tone

U+1F93E U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤾🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🤾🏾‍♀️

woman playing handball: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F93E U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤾🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🤾🏿‍♀️

woman playing handball: dark skin tone

U+1F93E U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤾🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🤾🏻‍♂️

man playing handball: light skin tone

U+1F93E U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤾🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🤾🏼‍♂️

man playing handball: medium-light skin tone

U+1F93E U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤾🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🤾🏽‍♂️

man playing handball: medium skin tone

U+1F93E U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤾🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🤾🏾‍♂️

man playing handball: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F93E U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🤾🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🤾🏿‍♂️

man playing handball: dark skin tone

U+1F9B8 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦸🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🦸🏻‍♀️

woman superhero: light skin tone

U+1F9B8 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦸🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🦸🏼‍♀️

woman superhero: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9B8 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦸🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🦸🏽‍♀️

woman superhero: medium skin tone

U+1F9B8 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦸🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🦸🏾‍♀️

woman superhero: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9B8 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦸🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🦸🏿‍♀️

woman superhero: dark skin tone

U+1F9B8 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦸🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🦸🏻‍♂️

man superhero: light skin tone

U+1F9B8 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦸🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🦸🏼‍♂️

man superhero: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9B8 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦸🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🦸🏽‍♂️

man superhero: medium skin tone

U+1F9B8 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦸🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🦸🏾‍♂️

man superhero: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9B8 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦸🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🦸🏿‍♂️

man superhero: dark skin tone

U+1F9B9 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦹🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🦹🏻‍♀️

woman supervillain: light skin tone

U+1F9B9 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦹🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🦹🏼‍♀️

woman supervillain: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9B9 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦹🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🦹🏽‍♀️

woman supervillain: medium skin tone

U+1F9B9 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦹🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🦹🏾‍♀️

woman supervillain: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9B9 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦹🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🦹🏿‍♀️

woman supervillain: dark skin tone

U+1F9B9 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦹🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🦹🏻‍♂️

man supervillain: light skin tone

U+1F9B9 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦹🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🦹🏼‍♂️

man supervillain: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9B9 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦹🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🦹🏽‍♂️

man supervillain: medium skin tone

U+1F9B9 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦹🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🦹🏾‍♂️

man supervillain: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9B9 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🦹🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🦹🏿‍♂️

man supervillain: dark skin tone

U+1F9CD U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧍🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🧍🏻‍♀️

woman standing: light skin tone

U+1F9CD U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧍🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🧍🏼‍♀️

woman standing: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9CD U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧍🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🧍🏽‍♀️

woman standing: medium skin tone

U+1F9CD U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧍🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🧍🏾‍♀️

woman standing: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9CD U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧍🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🧍🏿‍♀️

woman standing: dark skin tone

U+1F9CD U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧍🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🧍🏻‍♂️

man standing: light skin tone

U+1F9CD U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧍🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🧍🏼‍♂️

man standing: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9CD U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧍🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🧍🏽‍♂️

man standing: medium skin tone

U+1F9CD U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧍🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🧍🏾‍♂️

man standing: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9CD U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧍🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🧍🏿‍♂️

man standing: dark skin tone

U+1F9CE U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧎🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🧎🏻‍♀️

woman kneeling: light skin tone

U+1F9CE U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧎🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🧎🏼‍♀️

woman kneeling: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9CE U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧎🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🧎🏽‍♀️

woman kneeling: medium skin tone

U+1F9CE U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧎🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🧎🏾‍♀️

woman kneeling: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9CE U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧎🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🧎🏿‍♀️

woman kneeling: dark skin tone

U+1F9CE U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧎🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🧎🏻‍♂️

man kneeling: light skin tone

U+1F9CE U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧎🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🧎🏼‍♂️

man kneeling: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9CE U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧎🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🧎🏽‍♂️

man kneeling: medium skin tone

U+1F9CE U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧎🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🧎🏾‍♂️

man kneeling: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9CE U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧎🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🧎🏿‍♂️

man kneeling: dark skin tone

U+1F9CF U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧏🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🧏🏻‍♀️

deaf woman: light skin tone

U+1F9CF U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧏🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🧏🏼‍♀️

deaf woman: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9CF U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧏🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🧏🏽‍♀️

deaf woman: medium skin tone

U+1F9CF U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧏🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🧏🏾‍♀️

deaf woman: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9CF U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧏🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🧏🏿‍♀️

deaf woman: dark skin tone

U+1F9CF U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧏🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🧏🏻‍♂️

deaf man: light skin tone

U+1F9CF U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧏🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🧏🏼‍♂️

deaf man: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9CF U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧏🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🧏🏽‍♂️

deaf man: medium skin tone

U+1F9CF U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧏🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🧏🏾‍♂️

deaf man: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9CF U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧏🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🧏🏿‍♂️

deaf man: dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F9D4 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧔🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🧔🏻‍♀️

woman: light skin tone, beard

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D4 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧔🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🧔🏼‍♀️

woman: medium-light skin tone, beard

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D4 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧔🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🧔🏽‍♀️

woman: medium skin tone, beard

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D4 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧔🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🧔🏾‍♀️

woman: medium-dark skin tone, beard

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D4 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧔🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🧔🏿‍♀️

woman: dark skin tone, beard

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D4 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧔🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🧔🏻‍♂️

man: light skin tone, beard

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D4 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧔🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🧔🏼‍♂️

man: medium-light skin tone, beard

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D4 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧔🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🧔🏽‍♂️

man: medium skin tone, beard

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D4 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧔🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🧔🏾‍♂️

man: medium-dark skin tone, beard

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D4 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧔🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🧔🏿‍♂️

man: dark skin tone, beard

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D6 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧖🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🧖🏻‍♀️

woman in steamy room: light skin tone

U+1F9D6 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧖🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🧖🏼‍♀️

woman in steamy room: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9D6 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧖🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🧖🏽‍♀️

woman in steamy room: medium skin tone

U+1F9D6 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧖🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🧖🏾‍♀️

woman in steamy room: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9D6 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧖🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🧖🏿‍♀️

woman in steamy room: dark skin tone

U+1F9D6 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧖🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🧖🏻‍♂️

man in steamy room: light skin tone

U+1F9D6 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧖🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🧖🏼‍♂️

man in steamy room: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9D6 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧖🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🧖🏽‍♂️

man in steamy room: medium skin tone

U+1F9D6 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧖🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🧖🏾‍♂️

man in steamy room: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9D6 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧖🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🧖🏿‍♂️

man in steamy room: dark skin tone

U+1F9D7 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧗🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🧗🏻‍♀️

woman climbing: light skin tone

U+1F9D7 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧗🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🧗🏼‍♀️

woman climbing: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9D7 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧗🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🧗🏽‍♀️

woman climbing: medium skin tone

U+1F9D7 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧗🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🧗🏾‍♀️

woman climbing: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9D7 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧗🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🧗🏿‍♀️

woman climbing: dark skin tone

U+1F9D7 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧗🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🧗🏻‍♂️

man climbing: light skin tone

U+1F9D7 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧗🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🧗🏼‍♂️

man climbing: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9D7 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧗🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🧗🏽‍♂️

man climbing: medium skin tone

U+1F9D7 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧗🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🧗🏾‍♂️

man climbing: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9D7 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧗🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🧗🏿‍♂️

man climbing: dark skin tone

U+1F9D8 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧘🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🧘🏻‍♀️

woman in lotus position: light skin tone

U+1F9D8 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧘🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🧘🏼‍♀️

woman in lotus position: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9D8 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧘🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🧘🏽‍♀️

woman in lotus position: medium skin tone

U+1F9D8 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧘🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🧘🏾‍♀️

woman in lotus position: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9D8 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧘🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🧘🏿‍♀️

woman in lotus position: dark skin tone

U+1F9D8 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧘🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🧘🏻‍♂️

man in lotus position: light skin tone

U+1F9D8 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧘🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🧘🏼‍♂️

man in lotus position: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9D8 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧘🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🧘🏽‍♂️

man in lotus position: medium skin tone

U+1F9D8 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧘🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🧘🏾‍♂️

man in lotus position: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9D8 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧘🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🧘🏿‍♂️

man in lotus position: dark skin tone

U+1F9D9 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧙🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🧙🏻‍♀️

woman mage: light skin tone

U+1F9D9 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧙🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🧙🏼‍♀️

woman mage: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9D9 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧙🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🧙🏽‍♀️

woman mage: medium skin tone

U+1F9D9 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧙🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🧙🏾‍♀️

woman mage: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9D9 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧙🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🧙🏿‍♀️

woman mage: dark skin tone

U+1F9D9 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧙🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🧙🏻‍♂️

man mage: light skin tone

U+1F9D9 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧙🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🧙🏼‍♂️

man mage: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9D9 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧙🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🧙🏽‍♂️

man mage: medium skin tone

U+1F9D9 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧙🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🧙🏾‍♂️

man mage: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9D9 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧙🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🧙🏿‍♂️

man mage: dark skin tone

U+1F9DA U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧚🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🧚🏻‍♀️

woman fairy: light skin tone

U+1F9DA U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧚🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🧚🏼‍♀️

woman fairy: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9DA U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧚🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🧚🏽‍♀️

woman fairy: medium skin tone

U+1F9DA U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧚🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🧚🏾‍♀️

woman fairy: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9DA U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧚🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🧚🏿‍♀️

woman fairy: dark skin tone

U+1F9DA U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧚🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🧚🏻‍♂️

man fairy: light skin tone

U+1F9DA U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧚🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🧚🏼‍♂️

man fairy: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9DA U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧚🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🧚🏽‍♂️

man fairy: medium skin tone

U+1F9DA U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧚🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🧚🏾‍♂️

man fairy: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9DA U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧚🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🧚🏿‍♂️

man fairy: dark skin tone

U+1F9DB U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧛🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🧛🏻‍♀️

woman vampire: light skin tone

U+1F9DB U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧛🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🧛🏼‍♀️

woman vampire: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9DB U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧛🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🧛🏽‍♀️

woman vampire: medium skin tone

U+1F9DB U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧛🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🧛🏾‍♀️

woman vampire: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9DB U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧛🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🧛🏿‍♀️

woman vampire: dark skin tone

U+1F9DB U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧛🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🧛🏻‍♂️

man vampire: light skin tone

U+1F9DB U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧛🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🧛🏼‍♂️

man vampire: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9DB U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧛🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🧛🏽‍♂️

man vampire: medium skin tone

U+1F9DB U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧛🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🧛🏾‍♂️

man vampire: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9DB U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧛🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🧛🏿‍♂️

man vampire: dark skin tone

U+1F9DC U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧜🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🧜🏻‍♀️

mermaid: light skin tone

U+1F9DC U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧜🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🧜🏼‍♀️

mermaid: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9DC U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧜🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🧜🏽‍♀️

mermaid: medium skin tone

U+1F9DC U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧜🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🧜🏾‍♀️

mermaid: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9DC U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧜🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🧜🏿‍♀️

mermaid: dark skin tone

U+1F9DC U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧜🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🧜🏻‍♂️

merman: light skin tone

U+1F9DC U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧜🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🧜🏼‍♂️

merman: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9DC U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧜🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🧜🏽‍♂️

merman: medium skin tone

U+1F9DC U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧜🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🧜🏾‍♂️

merman: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9DC U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧜🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🧜🏿‍♂️

merman: dark skin tone

U+1F9DD U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧝🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🧝🏻‍♀️

woman elf: light skin tone

U+1F9DD U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧝🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🧝🏼‍♀️

woman elf: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9DD U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧝🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🧝🏽‍♀️

woman elf: medium skin tone

U+1F9DD U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧝🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🧝🏾‍♀️

woman elf: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9DD U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧝🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🧝🏿‍♀️

woman elf: dark skin tone

U+1F9DD U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧝🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🧝🏻‍♂️

man elf: light skin tone

U+1F9DD U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧝🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🧝🏼‍♂️

man elf: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9DD U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧝🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🧝🏽‍♂️

man elf: medium skin tone

U+1F9DD U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧝🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🧝🏾‍♂️

man elf: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9DD U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧝🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🧝🏿‍♂️

man elf: dark skin tone

U+26F9 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: ⛹🏻‍♀️
Dec: ⛹🏻‍♀️

woman bouncing ball: light skin tone

U+26F9 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: ⛹🏼‍♀️
Dec: ⛹🏼‍♀️

woman bouncing ball: medium-light skin tone

U+26F9 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: ⛹🏽‍♀️
Dec: ⛹🏽‍♀️

woman bouncing ball: medium skin tone

U+26F9 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: ⛹🏾‍♀️
Dec: ⛹🏾‍♀️

woman bouncing ball: medium-dark skin tone

U+26F9 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: ⛹🏿‍♀️
Dec: ⛹🏿‍♀️

woman bouncing ball: dark skin tone

U+26F9 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: ⛹🏻‍♂️
Dec: ⛹🏻‍♂️

man bouncing ball: light skin tone

U+26F9 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: ⛹🏼‍♂️
Dec: ⛹🏼‍♂️

man bouncing ball: medium-light skin tone

U+26F9 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: ⛹🏽‍♂️
Dec: ⛹🏽‍♂️

man bouncing ball: medium skin tone

U+26F9 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: ⛹🏾‍♂️
Dec: ⛹🏾‍♂️

man bouncing ball: medium-dark skin tone

U+26F9 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: ⛹🏿‍♂️
Dec: ⛹🏿‍♂️

man bouncing ball: dark skin tone

Colores de piel (7)

En este apartado se muestran secuencias Unicode con modificadores Fitzpatrick. Estas secuencias se forman con cinco caracteres, combinando el emoji que representa a un adulto con uno de los modificadores Fitzpatrick y con un objeto relacionado con la profesión, como se comenta en el apartado Colores de piel (7) de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧑🏻‍⚕️
Dec: 🧑🏻‍⚕️

health worker: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧑🏼‍⚕️
Dec: 🧑🏼‍⚕️

health worker: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧑🏽‍⚕️
Dec: 🧑🏽‍⚕️

health worker: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧑🏾‍⚕️
Dec: 🧑🏾‍⚕️

health worker: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧑🏿‍⚕️
Dec: 🧑🏿‍⚕️

health worker: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧑🏻‍⚖️
Dec: 🧑🏻‍⚖️

judge: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧑🏼‍⚖️
Dec: 🧑🏼‍⚖️

judge: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧑🏽‍⚖️
Dec: 🧑🏽‍⚖️

judge: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧑🏾‍⚖️
Dec: 🧑🏾‍⚖️

judge: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧑🏿‍⚖️
Dec: 🧑🏿‍⚖️

judge: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧑🏻‍✈️
Dec: 🧑🏻‍✈️

pilot: light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧑🏼‍✈️
Dec: 🧑🏼‍✈️

pilot: medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧑🏽‍✈️
Dec: 🧑🏽‍✈️

pilot: medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧑🏾‍✈️
Dec: 🧑🏾‍✈️

pilot: medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F


Hex: 🧑🏿‍✈️
Dec: 🧑🏿‍✈️

pilot: dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

Colores de piel (8)

En este apartado se muestran secuencias Unicode con modificadores Fitzpatrick. Estas secuencias se forman con cinco caracteres, combinando los emojis que representan una mano izquierda y una mano derecha con dos modificadores Fitzpatrick, como se comenta en el apartado Colores de piel (8) de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1FAF2 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼
Dec: 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼

handshake: light skin tone, medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1FAF2 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🫱🏻‍🫲🏽
Dec: 🫱🏻‍🫲🏽

handshake: light skin tone, medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1FAF2 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🫱🏻‍🫲🏾
Dec: 🫱🏻‍🫲🏾

handshake: light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1FAF2 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🫱🏻‍🫲🏿
Dec: 🫱🏻‍🫲🏿

handshake: light skin tone, dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1FAF2 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🫱🏼‍🫲🏻
Dec: 🫱🏼‍🫲🏻

handshake: medium-light skin tone, light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1FAF2 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽
Dec: 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽

handshake: medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1FAF2 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🫱🏼‍🫲🏾
Dec: 🫱🏼‍🫲🏾

handshake: medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1FAF2 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🫱🏼‍🫲🏿
Dec: 🫱🏼‍🫲🏿

handshake: medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1FAF2 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🫱🏽‍🫲🏻
Dec: 🫱🏽‍🫲🏻

handshake: medium skin tone, light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1FAF2 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🫱🏽‍🫲🏼
Dec: 🫱🏽‍🫲🏼

handshake: medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1FAF2 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🫱🏽‍🫲🏾
Dec: 🫱🏽‍🫲🏾

handshake: medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1FAF2 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🫱🏽‍🫲🏿
Dec: 🫱🏽‍🫲🏿

handshake: medium skin tone, dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1FAF2 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🫱🏾‍🫲🏻
Dec: 🫱🏾‍🫲🏻

handshake: medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1FAF2 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🫱🏾‍🫲🏼
Dec: 🫱🏾‍🫲🏼

handshake: medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1FAF2 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🫱🏾‍🫲🏽
Dec: 🫱🏾‍🫲🏽

handshake: medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1FAF2 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🫱🏾‍🫲🏿
Dec: 🫱🏾‍🫲🏿

handshake: medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1FAF2 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🫱🏿‍🫲🏻
Dec: 🫱🏿‍🫲🏻

handshake: dark skin tone, light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1FAF2 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🫱🏿‍🫲🏼
Dec: 🫱🏿‍🫲🏼

handshake: dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1FAF2 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🫱🏿‍🫲🏽
Dec: 🫱🏿‍🫲🏽

handshake: dark skin tone, medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

14 U+1FAF1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1FAF2 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🫱🏿‍🫲🏾
Dec: 🫱🏿‍🫲🏾

handshake: dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

Familias de 2 miembros

En este apartado se muestran las secuencias Unicode ZWJ que corresponden a familias formadas por dos miembros: un padre o una madre y un hijo o una hija. Estas secuencias se forman con tres caracteres, combinando los caracteres de hombre, mujer, niña o niño, como se comenta en el apartado Familias de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F466


Hex: 👨‍👦
Dec: 👨‍👦

family: man, boy

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F467


Hex: 👨‍👧
Dec: 👨‍👧

family: man, girl

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F466


Hex: 👩‍👦
Dec: 👩‍👦

family: woman, boy

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467


Hex: 👩‍👧
Dec: 👩‍👧

family: woman, girl

Familias de 3 miembros

En este apartado se muestran las secuencias Unicode ZWJ que corresponden a familias formadas por tres miembros: uno o dos progenitores y uno o dos hijos. Estas secuencias se forman con cinco caracteres, combinando los caracteres de hombre, mujer, niña o niño, como se comenta en el apartado Familias de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F466 U+200D U+1F466


Hex: 👨‍👦‍👦
Dec: 👨‍👦‍👦

family: man, boy, boy

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F466


Hex: 👨‍👧‍👦
Dec: 👨‍👧‍👦

family: man, girl, boy

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F467


Hex: 👨‍👧‍👧
Dec: 👨‍👧‍👧

family: man, girl, girl

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F466


Hex: 👨‍👨‍👦
Dec: 👨‍👨‍👦

family: man, man, boy

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F467


Hex: 👨‍👨‍👧
Dec: 👨‍👨‍👧

family: man, man, girl

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F466


Hex: 👨‍👩‍👦
Dec: 👨‍👩‍👦

family: man, woman, boy

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467


Hex: 👨‍👩‍👧
Dec: 👨‍👩‍👧

family: man, woman, girl

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F466 U+200D U+1F466


Hex: 👩‍👦‍👦
Dec: 👩‍👦‍👦

family: woman, boy, boy

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F466


Hex: 👩‍👧‍👦
Dec: 👩‍👧‍👦

family: woman, girl, boy

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F467


Hex: 👩‍👧‍👧
Dec: 👩‍👧‍👧

family: woman, girl, girl

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F466


Hex: 👩‍👩‍👦
Dec: 👩‍👩‍👦

family: woman, woman, boy

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467


Hex: 👩‍👩‍👧
Dec: 👩‍👩‍👧

family: woman, woman, girl

Familias de 4 miembros

En este apartado se muestran las secuencias Unicode ZWJ que corresponden a familias formadas por cuatro miembros: dos progenitores y dos hijos. Estas secuencias se forman con siete caracteres, combinando los caracteres de hombre, mujer, niña o niño, como se comenta en el apartado Familias de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F466 U+200D U+1F466


Hex: 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦
Dec: 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦

family: man, man, boy, boy

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F466


Hex: 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦
Dec: 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦

family: man, man, girl, boy

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F467


Hex: 👨‍👨‍👧‍👧
Dec: 👨‍👨‍👧‍👧

family: man, man, girl, girl

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F466 U+200D U+1F466


Hex: 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦
Dec: 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

family: man, woman, boy, boy

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F466


Hex: 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Dec: 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

family: man, woman, girl, boy

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F467


Hex: 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧
Dec: 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

family: man, woman, girl, girl

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F466 U+200D U+1F466


Hex: 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦
Dec: 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦

family: woman, woman, boy, boy

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F466


Hex: 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦
Dec: 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦

family: woman, woman, girl, boy

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F467


Hex: 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧
Dec: 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧

family: woman, woman, girl, girl

Parejas masculinas/femeninas cogidas de la mano, con el mismo tono de piel

En este apartado se muestran las secuencias Unicode ZWJ que corresponden a parejas con género (es decir, identificando si cada miembro de la pareja es hombre o mujer), con modificadores Fitzpatrick común (los dos personajes tienen el mismo color de piel). Estas secuencias se forman con dos caracteres, combinando los caracteres de parejas y los modificadores Fitzpatrick, como se comenta en el apartado Parejas masculinas/femeninas cogidas de la mano, con el mismo tono de piel, de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F46B U+1F3FB


Hex: 👫🏻
Dec: 👫🏻

woman and man holding hands: light skin tone

U+1F46B U+1F3FC


Hex: 👫🏼
Dec: 👫🏼

woman and man holding hands: medium-light skin tone

U+1F46B U+1F3FD


Hex: 👫🏽
Dec: 👫🏽

woman and man holding hands: medium skin tone

U+1F46B U+1F3FE


Hex: 👫🏾
Dec: 👫🏾

woman and man holding hands: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F46B U+1F3FF


Hex: 👫🏿
Dec: 👫🏿

woman and man holding hands: dark skin tone

U+1F46C U+1F3FB


Hex: 👬🏻
Dec: 👬🏻

men holding hands: light skin tone

U+1F46C U+1F3FC


Hex: 👬🏼
Dec: 👬🏼

men holding hands: medium-light skin tone

U+1F46C U+1F3FD


Hex: 👬🏽
Dec: 👬🏽

men holding hands: medium skin tone

U+1F46C U+1F3FE


Hex: 👬🏾
Dec: 👬🏾

men holding hands: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F46C U+1F3FF


Hex: 👬🏿
Dec: 👬🏿

men holding hands: dark skin tone

U+1F46D U+1F3FB


Hex: 👭🏻
Dec: 👭🏻

women holding hands: light skin tone

U+1F46D U+1F3FC


Hex: 👭🏼
Dec: 👭🏼

women holding hands: medium-light skin tone

U+1F46D U+1F3FD


Hex: 👭🏽
Dec: 👭🏽

women holding hands: medium skin tone

U+1F46D U+1F3FE


Hex: 👭🏾
Dec: 👭🏾

women holding hands: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F46D U+1F3FF


Hex: 👭🏿
Dec: 👭🏿

women holding hands: dark skin tone

Parejas masculinas/femeninas cogidas de la mano, con dos tonos de piel

En este apartado se muestran las secuencias Unicode ZWJ que corresponden a parejas con género (es decir, identificando si cada miembro de la pareja es hombre o mujer), con modificadores Fitzpatrick distintos (los dos personajes tienen distinto color de piel). Estas secuencias se forman con siete caracteres, combinando los caracteres hombre y/o mujer y los modificadores Fitzpatrick con el carácter apretón de manos, como se comenta en el apartado Parejas masculinas/femeninas cogidas de la mano, con dos tonos de piel, de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏼
Dec: 👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏼

men holding hands: light skin tone, medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏽
Dec: 👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏽

men holding hands: light skin tone, medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏾
Dec: 👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏾

men holding hands: light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏿
Dec: 👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏿

men holding hands: light skin tone, dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻
Dec: 👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻

men holding hands: medium-light skin tone, light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏽
Dec: 👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏽

men holding hands: medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏾
Dec: 👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏾

men holding hands: medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏿
Dec: 👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏿

men holding hands: medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👨🏽‍🤝‍👨🏻
Dec: 👨🏽‍🤝‍👨🏻

men holding hands: medium skin tone, light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👨🏽‍🤝‍👨🏼
Dec: 👨🏽‍🤝‍👨🏼

men holding hands: medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👨🏽‍🤝‍👨🏾
Dec: 👨🏽‍🤝‍👨🏾

men holding hands: medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👨🏽‍🤝‍👨🏿
Dec: 👨🏽‍🤝‍👨🏿

men holding hands: medium skin tone, dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👨🏾‍🤝‍👨🏻
Dec: 👨🏾‍🤝‍👨🏻

men holding hands: medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👨🏾‍🤝‍👨🏼
Dec: 👨🏾‍🤝‍👨🏼

men holding hands: medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👨🏾‍🤝‍👨🏽
Dec: 👨🏾‍🤝‍👨🏽

men holding hands: medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👨🏾‍🤝‍👨🏿
Dec: 👨🏾‍🤝‍👨🏿

men holding hands: medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👨🏿‍🤝‍👨🏻
Dec: 👨🏿‍🤝‍👨🏻

men holding hands: dark skin tone, light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👨🏿‍🤝‍👨🏼
Dec: 👨🏿‍🤝‍👨🏼

men holding hands: dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👨🏿‍🤝‍👨🏽
Dec: 👨🏿‍🤝‍👨🏽

men holding hands: dark skin tone, medium skin tone

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👨🏿‍🤝‍👨🏾
Dec: 👨🏿‍🤝‍👨🏾

men holding hands: dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏼
Dec: 👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏼

woman and man holding hands: light skin tone, medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏽
Dec: 👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏽

woman and man holding hands: light skin tone, medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏾
Dec: 👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏾

woman and man holding hands: light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏿
Dec: 👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏿

woman and man holding hands: light skin tone, dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏼
Dec: 👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏼

women holding hands: light skin tone, medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏽
Dec: 👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏽

women holding hands: light skin tone, medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏾
Dec: 👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏾

women holding hands: light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏿
Dec: 👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏿

women holding hands: light skin tone, dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻
Dec: 👩🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻

woman and man holding hands: medium-light skin tone, light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏼‍🤝‍👨🏽
Dec: 👩🏼‍🤝‍👨🏽

woman and man holding hands: medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏼‍🤝‍👨🏾
Dec: 👩🏼‍🤝‍👨🏾

woman and man holding hands: medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏼‍🤝‍👨🏿
Dec: 👩🏼‍🤝‍👨🏿

woman and man holding hands: medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻
Dec: 👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻

women holding hands: medium-light skin tone, light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏽
Dec: 👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏽

women holding hands: medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏾
Dec: 👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏾

women holding hands: medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏿
Dec: 👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏿

women holding hands: medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏻
Dec: 👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏻

woman and man holding hands: medium skin tone, light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏼
Dec: 👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏼

woman and man holding hands: medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏾
Dec: 👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏾

woman and man holding hands: medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏿
Dec: 👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏿

woman and man holding hands: medium skin tone, dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏻
Dec: 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏻

women holding hands: medium skin tone, light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏼
Dec: 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏼

women holding hands: medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏾
Dec: 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏾

women holding hands: medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏿
Dec: 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏿

women holding hands: medium skin tone, dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏾‍🤝‍👨🏻
Dec: 👩🏾‍🤝‍👨🏻

woman and man holding hands: medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏾‍🤝‍👨🏼
Dec: 👩🏾‍🤝‍👨🏼

woman and man holding hands: medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏾‍🤝‍👨🏽
Dec: 👩🏾‍🤝‍👨🏽

woman and man holding hands: medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏾‍🤝‍👨🏿
Dec: 👩🏾‍🤝‍👨🏿

woman and man holding hands: medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏾‍🤝‍👩🏻
Dec: 👩🏾‍🤝‍👩🏻

women holding hands: medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏾‍🤝‍👩🏼
Dec: 👩🏾‍🤝‍👩🏼

women holding hands: medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏾‍🤝‍👩🏽
Dec: 👩🏾‍🤝‍👩🏽

women holding hands: medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏾‍🤝‍👩🏿
Dec: 👩🏾‍🤝‍👩🏿

women holding hands: medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏿‍🤝‍👨🏻
Dec: 👩🏿‍🤝‍👨🏻

woman and man holding hands: dark skin tone, light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏿‍🤝‍👨🏼
Dec: 👩🏿‍🤝‍👨🏼

woman and man holding hands: dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏿‍🤝‍👨🏽
Dec: 👩🏿‍🤝‍👨🏽

woman and man holding hands: dark skin tone, medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏿‍🤝‍👨🏾
Dec: 👩🏿‍🤝‍👨🏾

woman and man holding hands: dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏿‍🤝‍👩🏻
Dec: 👩🏿‍🤝‍👩🏻

women holding hands: dark skin tone, light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏿‍🤝‍👩🏼
Dec: 👩🏿‍🤝‍👩🏼

women holding hands: dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏿‍🤝‍👩🏽
Dec: 👩🏿‍🤝‍👩🏽

women holding hands: dark skin tone, medium skin tone

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏿‍🤝‍👩🏾
Dec: 👩🏿‍🤝‍👩🏾

women holding hands: dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

Parejas neutras cogidas de la mano, con dos tonos de piel

En este apartado se muestran las secuencias Unicode ZWJ que corresponden a parejas neutras (con personajes ni femeninos ni masculinos), con modificadores Fitzpatrick. Estas secuencias se forman con siete caracteres, combinando combinando dos emojis que representan a adultos con los modificadores Fitzpatrick y con el carácter apretón de manos, como se comenta en el apartado Parejas neutras cogidas de la mano, con dos tonos de piel, de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻

people holding hands: light skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏼
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏼

people holding hands: light skin tone, medium-light skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏽
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏽

people holding hands: light skin tone, medium skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏾
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏾

people holding hands: light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏿
Dec: 🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏿

people holding hands: light skin tone, dark skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏻
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏻

people holding hands: medium-light skin tone, light skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏼
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏼

people holding hands: medium-light skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏽
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏽

people holding hands: medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏾
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏾

people holding hands: medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧑🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏿
Dec: 🧑🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏿

people holding hands: medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🤝‍🧑🏻
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🤝‍🧑🏻

people holding hands: medium skin tone, light skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🤝‍🧑🏼
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🤝‍🧑🏼

people holding hands: medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🤝‍🧑🏽
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🤝‍🧑🏽

people holding hands: medium skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🤝‍🧑🏾
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🤝‍🧑🏾

people holding hands: medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧑🏽‍🤝‍🧑🏿
Dec: 🧑🏽‍🤝‍🧑🏿

people holding hands: medium skin tone, dark skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑🏻
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑🏻

people holding hands: medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑🏼
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑🏼

people holding hands: medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑🏽
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑🏽

people holding hands: medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑🏾
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑🏾

people holding hands: medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑🏿
Dec: 🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑🏿

people holding hands: medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🤝‍🧑🏻
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🤝‍🧑🏻

people holding hands: dark skin tone, light skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🤝‍🧑🏼
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🤝‍🧑🏼

people holding hands: dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🤝‍🧑🏽
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🤝‍🧑🏽

people holding hands: dark skin tone, medium skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🤝‍🧑🏾
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🤝‍🧑🏾

people holding hands: dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧑🏿‍🤝‍🧑🏿
Dec: 🧑🏿‍🤝‍🧑🏿

people holding hands: dark skin tone

U+1F9D1 U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1


Hex: 🧑‍🤝‍🧑
Dec: 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

people holding hands

Parejas de rostros masculinos/femeninos de enamorados (2)

En este apartado se muestran las secuencias Unicode ZWJ que corresponden a parejas de rostros de enamorados. Estas secuencias se forman con seis caracteres, combinando los caracteres de hombre y/o mujer, con el carácter corazón, como se comenta en el apartado Parejas de rostros masculinos/femeninos de enamorados (2) de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F468 U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468


Hex: 👨‍❤️‍👨
Dec: 👨‍❤️‍👨

couple with heart: man, man

U+1F469 U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468


Hex: 👩‍❤️‍👨
Dec: 👩‍❤️‍👨

couple with heart: woman, man

U+1F469 U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469


Hex: 👩‍❤️‍👩
Dec: 👩‍❤️‍👩

couple with heart: woman, woman

Parejas de rostros masculinos/femeninos de enamorados, con dos tonos de piel (2)

En este apartado se muestran las secuencias Unicode ZWJ que corresponden a parejas de rostros de enamorados, con modificadores Fitzpatrick. Estas secuencias se forman con ocho caracteres, combinando los caracteres de hombre y/o mujer, con modificadores Fitzpatrick y con el carácter corazón, como se comenta en el apartado Parejas de rostros masculinos/femeninos de enamorados, con dos tonos de piel (2) de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👨🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻
Dec: 👨🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻

couple with heart: man, man, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👨🏻‍❤️‍👨🏼
Dec: 👨🏻‍❤️‍👨🏼

couple with heart: man, man, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👨🏻‍❤️‍👨🏽
Dec: 👨🏻‍❤️‍👨🏽

couple with heart: man, man, light skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👨🏻‍❤️‍👨🏾
Dec: 👨🏻‍❤️‍👨🏾

couple with heart: man, man, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👨🏻‍❤️‍👨🏿
Dec: 👨🏻‍❤️‍👨🏿

couple with heart: man, man, light skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👨🏼‍❤️‍👨🏻
Dec: 👨🏼‍❤️‍👨🏻

couple with heart: man, man, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👨🏼‍❤️‍👨🏼
Dec: 👨🏼‍❤️‍👨🏼

couple with heart: man, man, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👨🏼‍❤️‍👨🏽
Dec: 👨🏼‍❤️‍👨🏽

couple with heart: man, man, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👨🏼‍❤️‍👨🏾
Dec: 👨🏼‍❤️‍👨🏾

couple with heart: man, man, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👨🏼‍❤️‍👨🏿
Dec: 👨🏼‍❤️‍👨🏿

couple with heart: man, man, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👨🏽‍❤️‍👨🏻
Dec: 👨🏽‍❤️‍👨🏻

couple with heart: man, man, medium skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👨🏽‍❤️‍👨🏼
Dec: 👨🏽‍❤️‍👨🏼

couple with heart: man, man, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👨🏽‍❤️‍👨🏽
Dec: 👨🏽‍❤️‍👨🏽

couple with heart: man, man, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👨🏽‍❤️‍👨🏾
Dec: 👨🏽‍❤️‍👨🏾

couple with heart: man, man, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👨🏽‍❤️‍👨🏿
Dec: 👨🏽‍❤️‍👨🏿

couple with heart: man, man, medium skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👨🏾‍❤️‍👨🏻
Dec: 👨🏾‍❤️‍👨🏻

couple with heart: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👨🏾‍❤️‍👨🏼
Dec: 👨🏾‍❤️‍👨🏼

couple with heart: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👨🏾‍❤️‍👨🏽
Dec: 👨🏾‍❤️‍👨🏽

couple with heart: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👨🏾‍❤️‍👨🏾
Dec: 👨🏾‍❤️‍👨🏾

couple with heart: man, man, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👨🏾‍❤️‍👨🏿
Dec: 👨🏾‍❤️‍👨🏿

couple with heart: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👨🏿‍❤️‍👨🏻
Dec: 👨🏿‍❤️‍👨🏻

couple with heart: man, man, dark skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👨🏿‍❤️‍👨🏼
Dec: 👨🏿‍❤️‍👨🏼

couple with heart: man, man, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👨🏿‍❤️‍👨🏽
Dec: 👨🏿‍❤️‍👨🏽

couple with heart: man, man, dark skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👨🏿‍❤️‍👨🏾
Dec: 👨🏿‍❤️‍👨🏾

couple with heart: man, man, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👨🏿‍❤️‍👨🏿
Dec: 👨🏿‍❤️‍👨🏿

couple with heart: man, man, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻
Dec: 👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻

couple with heart: woman, man, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏼
Dec: 👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏼

couple with heart: woman, man, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏽
Dec: 👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏽

couple with heart: woman, man, light skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏾
Dec: 👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏾

couple with heart: woman, man, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏿
Dec: 👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏿

couple with heart: woman, man, light skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏻‍❤️‍👩🏻
Dec: 👩🏻‍❤️‍👩🏻

couple with heart: woman, woman, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏻‍❤️‍👩🏼
Dec: 👩🏻‍❤️‍👩🏼

couple with heart: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏻‍❤️‍👩🏽
Dec: 👩🏻‍❤️‍👩🏽

couple with heart: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏻‍❤️‍👩🏾
Dec: 👩🏻‍❤️‍👩🏾

couple with heart: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏻‍❤️‍👩🏿
Dec: 👩🏻‍❤️‍👩🏿

couple with heart: woman, woman, light skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏻
Dec: 👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏻

couple with heart: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏼
Dec: 👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏼

couple with heart: woman, man, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏽
Dec: 👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏽

couple with heart: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏾
Dec: 👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏾

couple with heart: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏿
Dec: 👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏿

couple with heart: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻
Dec: 👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻

couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏼
Dec: 👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏼

couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏽
Dec: 👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏽

couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏾
Dec: 👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏾

couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏿
Dec: 👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏿

couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏽‍❤️‍👨🏻
Dec: 👩🏽‍❤️‍👨🏻

couple with heart: woman, man, medium skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏽‍❤️‍👨🏼
Dec: 👩🏽‍❤️‍👨🏼

couple with heart: woman, man, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏽‍❤️‍👨🏽
Dec: 👩🏽‍❤️‍👨🏽

couple with heart: woman, man, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏽‍❤️‍👨🏾
Dec: 👩🏽‍❤️‍👨🏾

couple with heart: woman, man, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏽‍❤️‍👨🏿
Dec: 👩🏽‍❤️‍👨🏿

couple with heart: woman, man, medium skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏽‍❤️‍👩🏻
Dec: 👩🏽‍❤️‍👩🏻

couple with heart: woman, woman, medium skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏽‍❤️‍👩🏼
Dec: 👩🏽‍❤️‍👩🏼

couple with heart: woman, woman, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏽‍❤️‍👩🏽
Dec: 👩🏽‍❤️‍👩🏽

couple with heart: woman, woman, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏽‍❤️‍👩🏾
Dec: 👩🏽‍❤️‍👩🏾

couple with heart: woman, woman, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏽‍❤️‍👩🏿
Dec: 👩🏽‍❤️‍👩🏿

couple with heart: woman, woman, medium skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏾‍❤️‍👨🏻
Dec: 👩🏾‍❤️‍👨🏻

couple with heart: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏾‍❤️‍👨🏼
Dec: 👩🏾‍❤️‍👨🏼

couple with heart: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏾‍❤️‍👨🏽
Dec: 👩🏾‍❤️‍👨🏽

couple with heart: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏾‍❤️‍👨🏾
Dec: 👩🏾‍❤️‍👨🏾

couple with heart: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏾‍❤️‍👨🏿
Dec: 👩🏾‍❤️‍👨🏿

couple with heart: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏾‍❤️‍👩🏻
Dec: 👩🏾‍❤️‍👩🏻

couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏾‍❤️‍👩🏼
Dec: 👩🏾‍❤️‍👩🏼

couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏾‍❤️‍👩🏽
Dec: 👩🏾‍❤️‍👩🏽

couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏾‍❤️‍👩🏾
Dec: 👩🏾‍❤️‍👩🏾

couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏾‍❤️‍👩🏿
Dec: 👩🏾‍❤️‍👩🏿

couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏿‍❤️‍👨🏻
Dec: 👩🏿‍❤️‍👨🏻

couple with heart: woman, man, dark skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏿‍❤️‍👨🏼
Dec: 👩🏿‍❤️‍👨🏼

couple with heart: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏿‍❤️‍👨🏽
Dec: 👩🏿‍❤️‍👨🏽

couple with heart: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏿‍❤️‍👨🏾
Dec: 👩🏿‍❤️‍👨🏾

couple with heart: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏿‍❤️‍👨🏿
Dec: 👩🏿‍❤️‍👨🏿

couple with heart: woman, man, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏿‍❤️‍👩🏻
Dec: 👩🏿‍❤️‍👩🏻

couple with heart: woman, woman, dark skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏿‍❤️‍👩🏼
Dec: 👩🏿‍❤️‍👩🏼

couple with heart: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏿‍❤️‍👩🏽
Dec: 👩🏿‍❤️‍👩🏽

couple with heart: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏿‍❤️‍👩🏾
Dec: 👩🏿‍❤️‍👩🏾

couple with heart: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏿‍❤️‍👩🏿
Dec: 👩🏿‍❤️‍👩🏿

couple with heart: woman, woman, dark skin tone

Parejas de rostros neutros de enamorados, con dos tonos de piel (2)

En este apartado se muestran las secuencias Unicode ZWJ que corresponden a parejas neutras (con personajes ni femeninos ni masculinos), con modificadores Fitzpatrick distintos (los dos personajes tienen distinto color de piel). Estas secuencias se forman con ocho caracteres, combinando combinando dos emojis que representan a adultos con los modificadores Fitzpatrick y con el carácter corazón, como se comenta en el apartado Parejas de rostros neutros de enamorados, con dos tonos de piel (2), de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧑🏻‍❤️‍🧑🏼
Dec: 🧑🏻‍❤️‍🧑🏼

couple with heart: person, person, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧑🏻‍❤️‍🧑🏽
Dec: 🧑🏻‍❤️‍🧑🏽

couple with heart: person, person, light skin tone, medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧑🏻‍❤️‍🧑🏾
Dec: 🧑🏻‍❤️‍🧑🏾

couple with heart: person, person, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧑🏻‍❤️‍🧑🏿
Dec: 🧑🏻‍❤️‍🧑🏿

couple with heart: person, person, light skin tone, dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧑🏼‍❤️‍🧑🏻
Dec: 🧑🏼‍❤️‍🧑🏻

couple with heart: person, person, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧑🏼‍❤️‍🧑🏽
Dec: 🧑🏼‍❤️‍🧑🏽

couple with heart: person, person, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧑🏼‍❤️‍🧑🏾
Dec: 🧑🏼‍❤️‍🧑🏾

couple with heart: person, person, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧑🏼‍❤️‍🧑🏿
Dec: 🧑🏼‍❤️‍🧑🏿

couple with heart: person, person, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧑🏽‍❤️‍🧑🏻
Dec: 🧑🏽‍❤️‍🧑🏻

couple with heart: person, person, medium skin tone, light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧑🏽‍❤️‍🧑🏼
Dec: 🧑🏽‍❤️‍🧑🏼

couple with heart: person, person, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧑🏽‍❤️‍🧑🏾
Dec: 🧑🏽‍❤️‍🧑🏾

couple with heart: person, person, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧑🏽‍❤️‍🧑🏿
Dec: 🧑🏽‍❤️‍🧑🏿

couple with heart: person, person, medium skin tone, dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧑🏾‍❤️‍🧑🏻
Dec: 🧑🏾‍❤️‍🧑🏻

couple with heart: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧑🏾‍❤️‍🧑🏼
Dec: 🧑🏾‍❤️‍🧑🏼

couple with heart: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧑🏾‍❤️‍🧑🏽
Dec: 🧑🏾‍❤️‍🧑🏽

couple with heart: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧑🏾‍❤️‍🧑🏿
Dec: 🧑🏾‍❤️‍🧑🏿

couple with heart: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧑🏿‍❤️‍🧑🏻
Dec: 🧑🏿‍❤️‍🧑🏻

couple with heart: person, person, dark skin tone, light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧑🏿‍❤️‍🧑🏼
Dec: 🧑🏿‍❤️‍🧑🏼

couple with heart: person, person, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧑🏿‍❤️‍🧑🏽
Dec: 🧑🏿‍❤️‍🧑🏽

couple with heart: person, person, dark skin tone, medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧑🏿‍❤️‍🧑🏾
Dec: 🧑🏿‍❤️‍🧑🏾

couple with heart: person, person, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

Parejas de rostros masculinos/femeninos de enamorados besándose (2)

En este apartado se muestran las secuencias Unicode ZWJ que corresponden a parejas de rostros de enamorados besándose. Estas secuencias se forman con siete caracteres, combinando los caracteres de hombre y/o mujer, con los caracteres corazón y marca de labios, como se comenta en el apartado Parejas de rostros masculinos/femeninos de enamorados besándose (2), de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

U+1F468 U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468


Hex: 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
Dec: 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

kiss: man, man

U+1F469 U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468


Hex: 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
Dec: 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

kiss: woman, man

U+1F469 U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469


Hex: 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
Dec: 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

kiss: woman, woman

Parejas de rostros masculinos/femeninos de enamorados besándose, con dos tonos de piel (2)

En este apartado se muestran las secuencias Unicode ZWJ que corresponden a parejas de rostros de enamorados besándose, con modificadores Fitzpatrick. Estas secuencias se forman con diez caracteres, combinando los caracteres de hombre y/o mujer, con modificadores Fitzpatrick y con los caracteres corazón y marca de labios, como se comenta en el apartado Parejas de rostros masculinos/femeninos de enamorados besándose, con dos tonos de piel (2), de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
Dec: 👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻

kiss: man, man, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼
Dec: 👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼

kiss: man, man, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽
Dec: 👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

kiss: man, man, light skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾
Dec: 👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾

kiss: man, man, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿
Dec: 👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿

kiss: man, man, light skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
Dec: 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻

kiss: man, man, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼
Dec: 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼

kiss: man, man, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽
Dec: 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

kiss: man, man, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾
Dec: 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾

kiss: man, man, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿
Dec: 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿

kiss: man, man, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👨🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
Dec: 👨🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻

kiss: man, man, medium skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👨🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼
Dec: 👨🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼

kiss: man, man, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👨🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽
Dec: 👨🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

kiss: man, man, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👨🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾
Dec: 👨🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾

kiss: man, man, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👨🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿
Dec: 👨🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿

kiss: man, man, medium skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👨🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
Dec: 👨🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻

kiss: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👨🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼
Dec: 👨🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼

kiss: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👨🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽
Dec: 👨🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

kiss: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👨🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾
Dec: 👨🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾

kiss: man, man, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👨🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿
Dec: 👨🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿

kiss: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👨🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
Dec: 👨🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻

kiss: man, man, dark skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👨🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼
Dec: 👨🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼

kiss: man, man, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👨🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽
Dec: 👨🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

kiss: man, man, dark skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👨🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾
Dec: 👨🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾

kiss: man, man, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👨🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿
Dec: 👨🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿

kiss: man, man, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
Dec: 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻

kiss: woman, man, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼
Dec: 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼

kiss: woman, man, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽
Dec: 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

kiss: woman, man, light skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾
Dec: 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾

kiss: woman, man, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿
Dec: 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿

kiss: woman, man, light skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻
Dec: 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻

kiss: woman, woman, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏼
Dec: 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏼

kiss: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽
Dec: 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽

kiss: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾
Dec: 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾

kiss: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏿
Dec: 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏿

kiss: woman, woman, light skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
Dec: 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻

kiss: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼
Dec: 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼

kiss: woman, man, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽
Dec: 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

kiss: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾
Dec: 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾

kiss: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿
Dec: 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿

kiss: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻
Dec: 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻

kiss: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏼
Dec: 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏼

kiss: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽
Dec: 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽

kiss: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾
Dec: 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾

kiss: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏿
Dec: 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏿

kiss: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
Dec: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻

kiss: woman, man, medium skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼
Dec: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼

kiss: woman, man, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽
Dec: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

kiss: woman, man, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾
Dec: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾

kiss: woman, man, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿
Dec: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿

kiss: woman, man, medium skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻
Dec: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻

kiss: woman, woman, medium skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏼
Dec: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏼

kiss: woman, woman, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽
Dec: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽

kiss: woman, woman, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾
Dec: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾

kiss: woman, woman, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏿
Dec: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏿

kiss: woman, woman, medium skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
Dec: 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻

kiss: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼
Dec: 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼

kiss: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽
Dec: 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

kiss: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾
Dec: 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾

kiss: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿
Dec: 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿

kiss: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻
Dec: 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻

kiss: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏼
Dec: 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏼

kiss: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽
Dec: 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽

kiss: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾
Dec: 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾

kiss: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏿
Dec: 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏿

kiss: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
Dec: 👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻

kiss: woman, man, dark skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼
Dec: 👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼

kiss: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽
Dec: 👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

kiss: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾
Dec: 👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾

kiss: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿
Dec: 👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿

kiss: woman, man, dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FB


Hex: 👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻
Dec: 👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻

kiss: woman, woman, dark skin tone, light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FC


Hex: 👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏼
Dec: 👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏼

kiss: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FD


Hex: 👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽
Dec: 👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽

kiss: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FE


Hex: 👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾
Dec: 👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾

kiss: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

13.1 U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469 U+1F3FF


Hex: 👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏿
Dec: 👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏿

kiss: woman, woman, dark skin tone

Parejas de rostros neutros de enamorados besándose, con dos tonos de piel (2)

En este apartado se muestran las secuencias Unicode ZWJ que corresponden a rostros de personajes neutros (ni femeninos ni masculinos), con modificadores Fitzpatrick distintos (los dos personajes tienen distinto color de piel). Estas secuencias se forman con diez caracteres, combinando combinando dos emojis que representan a adultos con los modificadores Fitzpatrick y con los caracteres corazón y marca de labios, como se comenta en el apartado Parejas de rostros neutros de enamorados besándose, con dos tonos de piel (2), de la lección Secuencias Unicode.

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧑🏻‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏼
Dec: 🧑🏻‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏼

kiss: person, person, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧑🏻‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏽
Dec: 🧑🏻‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏽

kiss: person, person, light skin tone, medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧑🏻‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏾
Dec: 🧑🏻‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏾

kiss: person, person, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧑🏻‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏿
Dec: 🧑🏻‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏿

kiss: person, person, light skin tone, dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧑🏼‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏻
Dec: 🧑🏼‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏻

kiss: person, person, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧑🏼‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏽
Dec: 🧑🏼‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏽

kiss: person, person, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧑🏼‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏾
Dec: 🧑🏼‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏾

kiss: person, person, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧑🏼‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏿
Dec: 🧑🏼‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏿

kiss: person, person, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧑🏽‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏻
Dec: 🧑🏽‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏻

kiss: person, person, medium skin tone, light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧑🏽‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏼
Dec: 🧑🏽‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏼

kiss: person, person, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧑🏽‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏾
Dec: 🧑🏽‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏾

kiss: person, person, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧑🏽‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏿
Dec: 🧑🏽‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏿

kiss: person, person, medium skin tone, dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧑🏾‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏻
Dec: 🧑🏾‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏻

kiss: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧑🏾‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏼
Dec: 🧑🏾‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏼

kiss: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧑🏾‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏽
Dec: 🧑🏾‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏽

kiss: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF


Hex: 🧑🏾‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏿
Dec: 🧑🏾‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏿

kiss: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FB


Hex: 🧑🏿‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏻
Dec: 🧑🏿‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏻

kiss: person, person, dark skin tone, light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FC


Hex: 🧑🏿‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏼
Dec: 🧑🏿‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏼

kiss: person, person, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FD


Hex: 🧑🏿‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏽
Dec: 🧑🏿‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏽

kiss: person, person, dark skin tone, medium skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

13.1 U+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE


Hex: 🧑🏿‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏾
Dec: 🧑🏿‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏾

kiss: person, person, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone

No disponible en Windows 10

Dibujos de Twemoji no definidos en Unicode

En este apartado se muestran las imágenes incluidas en Twemoji que no están definidas en Unicode.

U+1F468 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F384


Hex: 👨🏻‍🎄
Dec: 👨🏻‍🎄

U+1F468 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F384


Hex: 👨🏼‍🎄
Dec: 👨🏼‍🎄

U+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F384


Hex: 👨🏽‍🎄
Dec: 👨🏽‍🎄

U+1F468 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F384


Hex: 👨🏾‍🎄
Dec: 👨🏾‍🎄

U+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F384


Hex: 👨🏿‍🎄
Dec: 👨🏿‍🎄

U+1F468 U+200D U+1F384


Hex: 👨‍🎄
Dec: 👨‍🎄

U+1F469 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F384


Hex: 👩🏻‍🎄
Dec: 👩🏻‍🎄

U+1F469 U+1F3FC U+200D U+1F384


Hex: 👩🏼‍🎄
Dec: 👩🏼‍🎄

U+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F384


Hex: 👩🏽‍🎄
Dec: 👩🏽‍🎄

U+1F469 U+1F3FE U+200D U+1F384


Hex: 👩🏾‍🎄
Dec: 👩🏾‍🎄

U+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F384


Hex: 👩🏿‍🎄
Dec: 👩🏿‍🎄

U+1F469 U+200D U+1F384


Hex: 👩‍🎄
Dec: 👩‍🎄

U+1F574 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕴🏻‍♀️
Dec: 🕴🏻‍♀️

U+1F574 U+1F3FB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕴🏻‍♂️
Dec: 🕴🏻‍♂️

U+1F574 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕴🏼‍♀️
Dec: 🕴🏼‍♀️

U+1F574 U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕴🏼‍♂️
Dec: 🕴🏼‍♂️

U+1F574 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕴🏽‍♀️
Dec: 🕴🏽‍♀️

U+1F574 U+1F3FD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕴🏽‍♂️
Dec: 🕴🏽‍♂️

U+1F574 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕴🏾‍♀️
Dec: 🕴🏾‍♀️

U+1F574 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕴🏾‍♂️
Dec: 🕴🏾‍♂️

U+1F574 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕴🏿‍♀️
Dec: 🕴🏿‍♀️

U+1F574 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕴🏿‍♂️
Dec: 🕴🏿‍♂️

U+1F574 U+FE0F U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕴️‍♀️
Dec: 🕴️‍♀️

U+1F574 U+FE0F U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F


Hex: 🕴️‍♂️
Dec: 🕴️‍♂️

U+26F7 U+1F3FB


Hex: ⛷🏻
Dec: ⛷🏻

U+26F7 U+1F3FC


Hex: ⛷🏼
Dec: ⛷🏼

U+26F7 U+1F3FD


Hex: ⛷🏽
Dec: ⛷🏽

U+26F7 U+1F3FE


Hex: ⛷🏾
Dec: ⛷🏾

U+26F7 U+1F3FF


Hex: ⛷🏿
Dec: ⛷🏿


Hex: 
Dec: 